Teaching How to Write Essays

- Pages: 3
- Word count: 552
- Category: College Example Teaching
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It seems more and more students are writing their essays passively these days. The reasons for this are two-fold.
First, some students think that since essays are “never wrong,” as it is merely an expression of their opinion, they go ahead in writing it without knowing regard for how much they could really put in it, and that they should not omit important details and background of their opinion and points of view so that their essays could stand strong and be justified.
Second, some other students are content in copying everything they find on their research, and write their essays without original thoughts from them. Students tend to undermine the importance of learning to express in writing their thoughts, opinion and arguments regarding assigned topics, because they are thinking that some instructors do not really dig through their work, and merely look over their projects, papers or assignment. I will teach my students the importance of knowing how to express what they want to say, and becoming confident in organizing the thoughts that are in their mind, because this can help later on in life. When people apply for a job, for instance, those who can write instantly have the edge over those who cannot. This is just one of the many avenues in which students can make good use of the skills they have acquired in writing.
The principle I will use in teaching my students is applying an everyday reminder that says, “Study to live.” This principle will enable the students to realize that studying is not about going through the motions of answering exams and submitting projects. Specifically, this principle will hammer in the students’ mind that everything they do and acquire in any learning center will benefit them for the rest of their life.
The package of benefits that acquired learning can bring is limitless. One should realize that school is a preparation for something bigger than graduation – that is real life. Specifically, my students should learn that writing essays is not just about checking their understanding of an assigned subject. It is also a way of finding out what could be done to improve their interpersonal communication outside school. Further, those who would like to pursue a career in writing can benefit largely from it, as they would know how easy it is to do.
The following will be my outline for learning how to write essays:
- Introduction
- The earliest written word
- The goals achieved in writing
- Writing an Essay for Oneself
- How to choose an Idea
- Keeping a Journal
- Writing an Essay for an Audience
- The Idea and the Audience
- The Idea in one word
- The Idea in a sentence
- The importance of the thesis statement
- Comparing and contrasting thesis statements
- How to expound an Idea
- Knowing how to begin
- Knowing how to put rich meat on paper
- The Idea and the Audience
- The Organization
- The Main Point
- The Body
- The Conclusion
- The Bibliography
- Universal Formats
- Standard Formats
- Drafts and Revisions
- Common Mistakes in First Drafts
- Important reminders
- Taking Care of Feedbacks
- Reading popular essays and its feedbacks
- The essays that have become classics
- The Use of Essays in Daily Living
Through this outline, my students will appreciate writing, enjoy the writing exercises, and see the importance of knowing how to write essays confidently and strongly.