Short film and prescribed text

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Order Now1. An enhanced understanding of the world can be found through discovery
Through the journey of discovery in Go Back To Where You Came From, the participantâs understanding and knowledge of refugees evolved and they were able to show empathy towards the parts of the world that are less fortunate than us Australians. In the Eagleman Stag, the evolution of time and the significance of time is what assist in the understanding of the protagonistâs world. The photo relates to both The Eagleman Stag and Go Back To Where You Came From as they both explore an evolution of discovery. The photo itself depicts and enhanced understanding of the world through human evolution from animal to man. 2. Discovery can lead to frustration
In Go Back To Where You Came From, frustration comes in 2 forms. The frustration of the refugees relates to their life and how they are stuck in these horrible living conditions, but not being able to safely escape the country without financial stability. The participants become frustrated as there is nothing they can do to help them due to government laws and regulations. This frustration evokes empathy. The protagonist in The Eagleman Stag experiences frustration through fear when he comes to the realisation that his time is coming to a near end. This photo relates to both Go Back To Where You Came From and The Eagleman stag as both the journeys of discovery in the texts lead to frustration. The photo itself portrays frustration as the person is tied up with chains unable to be free.
3. Emotions can be evoked when a discovery is scary or surprising
In Go Back To Where You Came From, the participants encountered a scary discovery when they were put on a boat to stimulate how some refugees get to Australia. This experience evoked many different emotions among the participants including anger, sadness and empathy. In the Eagleman Stag, the protagonist experiences a surprising discovery when he came across the regrowth of the insectâs horns after being decapitated. This discovery leads to emotions such as happiness and curiosity. This photo relates to both Go Back To Where You Came From and The Eagleman Stag as both forms of discovery, whether surprising or scary, evoked emotions. The photo depicts a surprising discovery as the baby notices his reflection in the mirror, evoking happiness.
4. A discovery can be evoked by a past discovery through a hunger for knowledge.
Through exploration of Go Back To Where You Came From, several discoveries were made. Once an encounter occurred, the participants wanted to further their knowledge to grasp a better understanding of why and how things were how they were for refugees. Similarly, in The Eagleman Stag, the protagonist discovers the regrowth of the Eagleman Stagâs horns after being decapitated. This discovery sparked an interest with the protagonist which led to the advancing of his knowledge enabling him to make further discoveries. In relation to the visual, discovery and knowledge work hand in hand. The more you search or discover, the further you enhance your knowledge and the more discoveries you can make.
5. A discovery can lead to déjà vu
In Go Back To Where You Came From, Raye Colby found a connection with Mrs Masudi through their encounters of pregnancy. Both women suffered difficult pregnancies, but when Mrs Masudi began discussing her pregnancy with Raye, Raye discovered a sense of dĂ©jĂ vu. Through exploration of The Eagleman Stag, the protagonist discovers dĂ©jĂ vu in the opening scene when in the womb. He quotes ââthis seems about rightââ, to depict he has been here before. The visual represents dĂ©jĂ vu through the use of a rubix cube. The constant battle of trying to align all the squares of the same colours requires repetition, which sparks dĂ©jĂ vu or rediscovery.