Review of Literature Argumentative
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- Category: Health Literature
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We are facing the revolutionary era of shifting health concept and promoting health behavior through multi-influencing factors includes technological advancement and media. More people are aware of the benefits of physical fitness, good nutrition, stress management, and avoidance of health hazards such as smoking and are striving for the optimal health while this world becomes more inter-connected and inevitably each individual is influenced by health-environments of all individuals worldwide (Edelman, 2010). Definition of Health Promotion
Americans are acutely aware of the importance of health promotion achieved by positive health behavior and attempt to improve the health status traditionally focused on reducing disease such as communicable disease. The change is affecting all levels; individuals, groups, community, institutions and government. Our challenge lies to improve access to the care and reduce cost of health services and to improve the quality of life to maintain optimum state of healthy life style for everyone which signifies for the new definition of health promotion. Purpose of Health Promotion
The purpose of health promotion is to positively influence the health behavior of individuals and communities to increase the span of healthy life for Americans, reduce health disparities among Americans, achieve access to preventive services for all Americans Health promotion improves quality life of all people and reduces premature deaths. By focusing on prevention, it reduces the costs of spending in medical treatment not only for individuals but ultimately for the state and the nation (University of Georgia, 2012). (UGA).
Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Health promotion never been more important than it is today and so as nurse’s role. However, the key role of the nurse is the educator through practicing variety of health promotion modalities and strategies. Nurse plays in providing information in the form of health teaching. Matter of a fact, every interaction with client can be an educational opportunity. For example, while medicating a diabetic patient, there is the opportunity to discuss blood sugar testing, Insulin self-injection, signs and symptoms of high and low blood glucose level, diet teaching. During a home visit; discuss new born care, childhood vaccine schedule, recommend vitamin supplement. Historically, nurse educators have taught patients how to manage illness, but in the future, the focus must be on teaching people how to remain healthy by improving health literacy, and developing life skills. Nurses are responsible to have an evidence-based understanding of health promotion and its significant effect on human life when intervened properly (Hartford, 2009). Implementation of Health Promotion
Implementation is the delivery of integrated health promotional service and it can be organized in various angles depending on the key priorities and problem definition including; Health or disease priorities, for example, mental health, heart disease, immunization, oral health. Life style factors, such as exercise, nutrition, tobacco use, safe sex. Population groups, for example, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, same-sex attracted youth, adolescents, and older people living alone. Settings, for example, health promoting schools, health promoting workplaces, and health promoting hospitals (Victorian Government Health Information, 2011). Quality implementation means encouraging people’s participation, involving in the context of their everyday lives, directing to improve health choices by using the methods of screening process, social marketing and health information, various health education and skill development, community action for social and environmental change, settings of supportive environment. In the implementation process, nurses need to consider and discuss the efficacy, advantages and disadvantages, ethical implications, health care and economic issues, explore thorough critical questions pertaining to socio-cultural arena of related subject with the individual or the group (Victorian Government Health Information, 2011). Levels of Health Promotion Prevention
There are three levels of the application of preventive measures; primary, secondary and tertiary (Shipkovenska & Lyubomirova, 2009). Primary Prevention focuses on action taken prior to the onset of illness or disease which removes the possibility that the disease will ever occur (Models of Prevention Applied to Nursing, Jan. 28, 2012). For example, health habit education at home such as tooth brushing, personal hygiene, hand washing, good eating habit. Publically, immunization, environmental sanitation, family and genetic counseling, accident protection for elderly for example; preventing osteoporotic hip fracture by taking calcium and vitamin D rich foods and supplements. Protection from carcinogens, allergens, UV rays, disease vectors like lice and mosquitoes. The whole idea is to alter the host, the agent or environment in such a way that disease is prevented.
Secondary Prevention takes place early in the disease process. It is aimed at early diagnosis and prompt treatment to halt the progress and complications. Early detection of breast cancer through the mammogram while they are still asymptomatic stage would be the good example (Shipkovenska & Lyubomirova, 2009). Secondary prevention is less effective and more costly than primary one. Tertiary Prevention usually occurs when the disease process is clearly present. All measures are available to minimize suffering and disabilities, the therapeutic and rehabilitation measures applied in the management of chronic diseases, this could add more years to the life expectancy by helping to achieve optimal usage of the remaining capacities (Shipkovenska & Lyubomirova). Conclusion
Health promotion is a behavioral social science that draws knowledge from all aspects to prevent disease, disability, and premature death. This will reduce health risk and the need for doctor visits in resulting in lower medical cost. The clinician plays the vital role and needs to use proper modality and strategies to communicate and educate the individual and the group well to broaden the health knowledge which leads to change attitude and life style, help them to make better behavior and life choices, and help them to design and implement tailored plan. Furthermore the clinician needs to stay alert to catch up with up-coming changes in the community, institutions and government to meet the demands of care complexity.
Edelman, C. L. & Mandle, C. L. (2010). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span,
(7th ed.). Mosby.
Hartford, J. (2009, March 1). The Role of the Nurse in Health Promotion Health News Canada’s health-care newspaper
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Shipkovenska, E. & Lyubomirova, K. (2009) Preventive Health Care and Disease Prevention
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