Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning

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- Category: Assessment Learning Relations
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Order Now1.1 The relevant legislations for teachers are Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.This act aims at protecting people against risks to health and safety in connection with their activities at work. The Race Relations Act 1976.This act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic origins, in employment, education, provision of services and facilities. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975.According to this act, it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status or gender reassignment, in employment, education, provision of goods, facilities and services. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995.This act aims in taking steps to make reasonable adjustments to overcome the physical barriers to access for disabled people in areas of employment, education, access to goods, facilities and services, buying or renting land or property and functions of public bodies. Children’s Act 1989, Every Child Matters 2003.This act helps safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are in need and also to promote the upbringing of such children by their families. Data Protection Act 1998.
This act aims at safeguarding the rights of individuals regarding processing of personal data and its movement. 1.2 In terms of valuing diversity, the teacher must adhere to the Equality Act 2010 which protects specific characteristics to include religious denomination, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, gender reassignment and marriage and civil partnership (, 2010). 1.3 In terms of my own role as a trainee teacher, my roles and responsibilities are not very different from those of a qualified teacher. In addition to knowing and understanding the standards for teachers and the codes of practice that are in place, the trainee teacher must promote equality and diversity in the same way that a teacher might whilst undergoing a programme of mentorship to ensure my own effective teaching practices. I must act as a role model and be proactive in the learning of the students and evaluate my own progression (, n.d.).
1.4 My role in identifying the and meeting the needs of learners would involve assessing the learners and devising differentiated learning outcomes depending on the level they have reached and their own abilities. This may mean putting in place additional support or creating an Individual Learning Plan to help the student achieve set goals and participate in their learning (Tummons, 2007). When there are students with a variety of needs in the group it is important to spend more time creating the lesson plan in advance of the lesson so that when planning an activity particular attention is paid to when the lesson should take place and who is involved as well as what their abilities are.
If additional support is in place the teacher should liaise with the relevant professionals to ensure they are aware of the lesson plan and can support the student. In terms of learning styles, the teacher should ensure that the activity is planned so that the subject can be taught in a way that will stimulate the students and meets their own needs. This might involve presenting the material in a practical way and also in a visual way, for instance.
2.1 The Codes of Professional Practice, as a teacher’s responsibility to continue professional development would help to improve the Standards performance. There are boundaries within professional disciplines. Teachers are not supposed to borrow money from learners, neither are they allowed to lend money to learners. It would be unprofessional for a teacher. Teachers are also reminded not to go beyond their role by going to learner’s home for assessment or learner coming to teacher’s home for assessment. All assessments must take place at the centre or workplace. As a teacher, must always follow organisational procedures. 2.2 As a teacher, we also have limitations and there are times that we were not able to meet the learners need, therefore, it is a must and our responsibility that we are aware of all necessary referrals or support that are available in your organisation for the benefit of your students. This could be the head teacher, your colleagues, or any outside organisation that could help in meeting their needs.
2.3 The responsibilities of a teacher. Teachers’ responsibilities can be individual as well as, responsibilities to their colleagues (team) and organisation. The responsibility of teachers to their team is to work together to create and share resources. This is necessary because sharing resources saves time creating new ones as well as is cost effective. Ensuring the proper use and management of resources can also be an organisational responsibility. 3.1 A learning environment in which learners feel safe, relaxed, and willing to take risks, especially for learners who may have had negative experiences in traditional classroom environments. Students often describe supportive learning environments as expanding their sense of family and enhancing their self-esteem, when combined with increased literacy skills, help students take more chances in pursuing their goals. To create a supportive learning environment Build a strong classroom community, the adult education classroom can play an important role in helping learners build stronger and larger networks.
Build self-esteem and self-efficacy, learner’s determination and belief that they can achieve their goals are important factors in their persistence in ongoing learning. Adult learners may have negative feelings about themselves due to failure experienced. Use positive nonverbal communication, Nonverbal messages are an essential component of communication in the teaching process, an awareness of nonverbal behaviour will allow you to become a better receiver of messages and a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.
3.2 Ground rules are mutually agreed arrangements between the teacher and the learners, which ensure that the views and needs of all learners are valued and appreciated. It helps learning, easy in the classroom. Students need to know what the teacher expects from them and what they can expect from the teacher during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries. These rules have to be established by thinking carefully, expressing clearly and enforcing consistently. Ground rules can be set either by the teacher, or by the learner or by the teacher and learners together.
Unit 009 Understanding Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning:
1.1 Inclusive teaching is a teaching that is very helpful to the widest possible range of learners. A teaching that works well for learners with different physical conditions, psychological conditions, different skills, enthusiasms and cultural backgrounds, learners with different worldviews. Inclusive teaching strategies refer to any number of teaching approaches that address the needs of learners with a variety of backgrounds, learning styles, and abilities. 1.2 These strategies contribute to an overall inclusive learning environment, in which students feel equally valued. Some though to conceptualize our classrooms as culturally neutral or might choose to ignore the cultural dimensions, learners can’t check their sociocultural identities at the door, nor can they instantly transcend their current level of development. It is important that the pedagogical strategies we employ in the classroom reflect an understanding of social identity development so that we can anticipate the tensions that might occur in the classroom and be proactive about them.
1.3 The different aspects of inclusive learning are very helpful in teaching. It is essential to evaluate the learners to know their learning styles and learning profiles to teach effectively and also to promote inclusive e learning. The evaluation will be able to establish among learners their learning styles like Visual learners: like looking at wall displays, books, recognise word by sight. Auditory learners: like verbal instructions, dialogues, discussions and plays. Kinaesthetic learners: learn best when they are involved or active, tactile learners: use writing and drawing as memory aids, like projects and demonstrations. 2.1 Knowing and establishing the different profiles of a learner allows the teacher to assess and prepare for a teaching and learning methods to include such as, Activists: open minded, enthusiastic, flexible. Reflectors: cautious, slow to reach conclusion, stand back and observe.
Theorists: disciplined, aiming to fit things into rational order, keen on basic assumptions. Pragmatists: keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice. 2.2 The needs of the learners have been assessed and the right techniques have been selected it is vital to choose the correct resources to support and meet the needs of the learners. There are ranges of resources that may meet the needs of your learners: Films: appeal to all learning styles and all abilities of learners, Quiz: this is a fun and interactive resource that can be tailored to different learning styles, Power Point Presentation: are a vital resource when delivering information, Picture Cards: are good resource if the group is of a lower ability, they are visual aid and can support what is being said.
2.3 The different assessment methods that can be used are:Â Question and Answers: depending on the ability level of the group, the tutor has the flexibility to adapt the questions to meet the needs of the learners. This is a formative assessment method. Observation: is a good assessment method, if the learner doesn’t have very good literacy skills. The tutor can actively see the learner demonstrating the skills they have learnt; this is a summative assessment method. Cloze: are good for any ability level learners. This assessment method can be both summative and formative depending on how it is used. Exam: should be used with higher ability goods as they show individual achievement. This is a formative assessment method.
2.4 The Functional Skills which consist of literacy, numeracy and information and communications technology (ICT) was introduced in 2008. “The essential features of the functional skills are that learners can use and apply them independently in range of contexts and so are equipped for life, future learning and the world of work”. The above quote is crucial to the development of the learner, it is important to plan the teaching sessions so that at least there are functional skills to give The teaching plan are Literacy: exercises on essay writings, provide hand outs during teaching sessions, encourage learners to learn to listen to others through group discussion and assessments. Numeracy: exercises to learner to develop the skill of problem solving. ICT: sessions include giving assignments on researches, teach with power-point presentations, and encourage on-line learning.
3.1 As a Teacher my responsibility is to encourage and motivate my learners. It can be achieve thru the teaching plan and involving learners in teaching. Give learners more responsibilities, Focus more on learners’ strength and work on their weaknesses. Encourage teamwork through group discussions, group course work to improve interaction among learners. Acknowledge of dedication and hard work. 3.2 Establishing the ground rules is necessary in learning environment. Ground rules sets expectation and also bring order to the classroom. Ground rules could be set around class management, punctuality of learners. When the ground rules are observed, it promotes discipline and learners feel safe in their learning environment.
3.3 Constructive feedback can be used as a measuring resource to help in the development of the learner and also improve performance. It is important to have set procedures in assessing learners and giving feedback such as, Giving clear feedback on assessment, Having structured evaluation or assessment Highlighting on strengths, Areas of development, Action required improving on weaknesses, Follow-up plan to ensure development improvement has been achieved. The process also helps the teacher improve their teaching skills to meet the need of the learners.
Unit 012 Principles of Assessment in Lifelong Learning:
The aim of this assessment is to analyse how assessment methods are used in lifelong learning, evaluate strengths and limitations of these, how to involve the learner in the assessment process, analyse peer and self- assessment role and justify the need for keeping records of assessment. Assessment as an evaluation tool “consists of tests and observations that tutors, use to determine how well the students has achieved the objectives “(Reece and Walker, 2008, p. 5) and according with Alan Rogers (1994, p.172) assessment is “a collection of data on which we base our evaluation”.
1.1 Types of Assessment are Formative Assessment a very interactive class discussion; a warm-up, closure, or exit slip. Interim Assessment is more like a Chapter test; extended essay; a project scored with a rubric and the Summative Assessment is more Standardized testing, Final exams; Major cumulative projects, research projects, and performances. 1.2 Formative Assessment occurs in the short term, as learners are in the process of making meaning of new content and of integrating it into what they already know. Formative Assessment can be as informal as observing the learner’s work or as formal as a written test. Interim Assessment takes place occasionally throughout a larger time period. Feedback to the learner is still quick, but may not be immediate. Interim Assessments tend to be more formal, using tools such as projects, written assignments, and tests.
Summative Assessment takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning, with the results being primarily for the teacher’s or school’s use. Results may take time to be returned to the learners’ parent, feedback to the learners is usually very limited. 1.3 The results of assessments can be analyse what they say about individual learner but also for what they show about the strengths and weaknesses of a program. Assessment tools measure the skills and abilities and knowledge attainment of the learners in all academic areas and the results serve as a baseline to measure effectiveness of educational programs. A major weakness inherent in educational assessments is the issue of bias. Bias is inherent in many of the assessment tools and measures that are taken to make assessments reliable and valid, bias may still remain an issue to overcome.
Another weakness of assessments can be the cost associated with the development and delivery of the assessment. But certainly not exhaustive of the assessment weaknesses is the issue of the acceptance of the evaluation results in their ability and use to serve as a baseline to measure effectiveness of educational programs. 2.1 Involving learners in assessment processes are a collaborative endeavour between the teacher and the learners. Where both want to determine what the learners knows and what might be learnt next. A major role for the teacher is to manage the learning culture of the classroom in order to maximise learners’ motivation to engage keenly with assessment. If the learners are not motivated with the assessment, is more likely the results will not really show what the learner knows or can do. 2.2 The role of peer and self-assessment can also give learners a sense of all the things you have to consider when setting and marking work, thus helping them to more effectively ‘internalise’ academic standards and assessment criteria. This enables learners to better understand assessment expectations and work towards improving their own performance.
3.1 Keeping an up to date record of a learner is very important for a teacher. Records indicate clearly what has been taught, the progress of the course, and helps identify the learners who need more help. Records tell us the complete history of the Learner through their course cycle, to facilitate a proper guidance and support wherever necessary. Records will also provide information needed on ex-learners by higher institutions or employers. It also facilitates the supply of information to parents, effective monitoring of progress of learners, data needed for planning and decision making by service providers. 3.2 Maintaining effective and accurate records is a very important part of a teacher’s role. Keeping the records of assessment required by your organisation and for the regulatory awarding body. Some records are mandatory for all organisations and some have to be kept for legal reasons
List of references:
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