Principles of safeguarding and protection of in health and social care

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1) Know how to recognise signs of abuse.
1.1) Define the following type of abuse.
Physical abuse is an act of another party involving in contact intended to cause feeling of physical pain, injury or other physical suffering or body harm. Sexual abuse is also referred to as molestation this is forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another when that force is immediate or short duration or infrequent it is called sexual assault. Emotional/psychological abuse: This may involve the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s money, property, pension book or other valuables. Institutional abuse this involves failure of an organisation to provide appropriate and professional individual services to vulnerable people. It can be seen or detected in processes attitudes or behaviour that amounts to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, stereotyping and rigid systems.
Self-neglect is a behavioural condition in which an individual neglects to attend their basic needs such as: feeding, clothing, personal hygiene or medical conditions they might have. Neglect by others is a passive form of abuse in which the wrongdoer is reasonable to provide care for someone who is unable to care for themselves but fails to provide adequate care to meet their needs. Neglect may include failing to provide sufficient supervision nourishment, medical care or other needs. 1.2) Identify the signs and or symptoms associated with each type of abuse Physical abuse: injury’s that are the shape of objects, injuries in a variety of shapes or that have not received medical attention, skin infections, dehydration or unexplained weight changes or medication being lost, behaviour that indicates that the person is afraid or avoiding the perpetrator, changes in behaviour.
Sexual abuse sexual transmitted diseases or pregnancy, or tears or bruising in genital/anal areas, signs that someone is trying to take control of their body image for example bulimia anorexia or self-harm, sexualised behaviour, inappropriately dressed. Emotional abuse: Difficulty gaining access to the adult on their own, the adult not getting access to medical care or appointments with other agencies, low self-esteem or lack of confidence and anxiety, increased levels of confusion, increased urinary or faecal incontance, sleep disturbance, the person feeling or acting like they are being watched all the time, decreased ability to communicate, language being used that is not usual for the service user, defence submission to the perpetrator. Financial abuse: Sudden loss of assets, unusual or inappropriate finical transactions, visitors whose visits coincide with the day the persons benefits are cashed, insufficient food in the house, bills not being paid, a sense that the person is being tolerated due to their income they bring in sometimes with the person not being included in activities with the rest of the family.
Institutional abuse: Treating adults like children, arbitrary decisions making by staff group service or organisation, strict regimented or inflexible routines of schedules for daily activities such as meal times bed awaking times bathing washing and going to the toilet, lack of privacy dignity choice or respect for people as individuals, unsafe or unhygienic environment, lack of prevision for dress diet religious observance in accordance with individuals belief of cultural background, withdrawing people from individually valued community or family contact. Neglect by self or others: male nutrition, rapid or continued weight loss, not having access to necessary physical aids, in adequate or inappropriate clothing, untreated medical problems, dirty bedding or clothing and lack of personal care.
1.3) Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse. Regarding what makes a person more vulnerable to abuse: Some of the following factors may be considered. Individuals with a sensory impairment for example poor or no hearing or sight that might lead to communication difficulties. Individuals may lack the capacity to understand what is happening or that it is wrong. Lack of capacity could be for a number of reasons and could be long or short term, individuals may be severely disabled, individuals may be emotionally weak and rely on others for care, individuals may have suffered a brain injury and may not be able to communicate, individuals may be unconscious, individuals who do not have a good support around them and individuals being cared for at home who rely on another person for care. 2) Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse.
2.1) Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that the individual is being abused. Keep calm if possible observe what I see around me, listen carefully and do not judge, record the facts immediately on the appropriate paper work, report to the appropriate person, do not tamper with evidence, give person involved as much support as you can, all allegations must be regarded as serious, any suspicious allegations or disclosure that a person is suffering or at risk of abuse should be reported to my manager. 2.2) Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they have been abused. If there suspicions that an individual is being abused or the individual alleges that they have been abused then I would report this to my immediate line manager and use the whistle blowing technique if appropriate.
2.3) Identify ways to insure that evidence is preserved.
Some ways to ensure that evidence is preserved can include using plastic bags to hold evidence if there is a likelihood that it may be contaminated, not entering the zone where the crime/abuse has taken place, advising the service user not to wash, gain original copies of any CCTV tapes that may be available as well as numerous other activities that can be carried out. 3) Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse. 3.1) Some local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection of abuse include employer/organisation policies and multi/agency adult/protection. Some national policies include for employees in the adult wealth and wellbeing sector, reporting the incident to the line manager. 3.2) Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting from abuse. The line manager will assess the situation and where appropriate will refer to social care direct. The allegation will then be recorded on an SSID by SCD with the referral type of safeguarding adults and the line will then ensure that the referral is logged by SCD. 3.3) Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. Reports into serious failures in protecting adults from abuse will include: a safeguarding referral tool and a no secrets document.
3.4) Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting the individuals from abuse. Sources of information with regard to my own role in safeguarding adults would be organisational policies, my line manager and various other acts of parliament. Including reporting the incident to social services and who will then consider the seriousness and if necessary report to the police who can then take any criminal action that needs to be taken, unless the person is at immediate risk then the person who suspects this reports immediately to the police. 4) Understand the ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse.
4.1) Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by working with person-centred values, encouraging active participation, promoting choice and right. By working with person-centred values (individuality, privacy, choice and independence) we can reduce the likelihood of abuse as the individual is encouraged to live as independently as possible and is classed as an active partner in their own care or support. As a pose to a passive recipient if you are promoting choice and rights of an individual then that person is making their own choices as a pose to having choices made for them so they are more independent. 4.2) Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse. If an accessible complaints produce is in place then people are less confused as of what needs to be carried out in order to report abuse and therefore feel more confident about reporting it reducing the likelihood of abuse. 5) Know how to recognise and report unsafe practises.
5.1) Describe unsafe practises that may affect the wellbeing of individuals. Some unsafe practise that may involve the wellbeing of an individual may involve poor working practises, resource difficulties and operational difficulties. 5.2) Explain the actions to take if unsafe practises have been identified. If unsafe practised have been identified then I would report this to my line manager. 5.3) Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practised have been reported but nothing has been done in response. If unsafe practises of abuse have been reported but nothing has been done then I would report this to my line manager and then there manager. If the organisation had not done anything about this then I would report it to social care direct.