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Preserving the Joys of Childhood

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Candy bars and chocolates are the little joys of childhood. Even I can say that my childhood life will not be complete without those sweet stuff. However, there are some children who are denied the privilege to enjoy and indulge in those little joys. Those are the children with diabetes. Here in the Philippines, a lot of children are suffering from this disease. That is why our government is having its awareness campaign against diabetes. And young as I am, I can say that I can help our government in this endeavour.

What exactly is childhood diabetes? According to medical journals, this type of diabetes is caused by the malfunctioning of the pancreas, and without the pancreas, glucose cannot be regulated. That is why children with diabetes cannot consume a lot of sugars and carbohydrates.

Diabetes among children can be prevented. That is why I am doing my best to help our government in its awareness campaign. But, how? First, I will encourage children to live a healthy lifestyle. Junk foods and softdrinks are definitely allowed to them, but they should be consumed in moderation. They should eat more fruits, more vegetables, more greens. This will help much since studies show that children who are overweight are more prone to diabetes. I will encourage them to have ample physical activity. They should spend more time playing under the sun and less time in front of the computer.

Secondly, I will disseminate information. I will spread awareness through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Since a lot of people are using those sites, I can easily disperse my message not just in our country but throughout the world.

Pencil and paper are also our friends in spreading awareness. That is why they are given unto us: to use them for the good of our fellowmen. I will use my pen and paper to help our government in their campaign.

And last, I will be a living testimony, an open epistle. I will be a good role model. Children’s ears are often closed for advice but their eyes are always open for example. I, myself, will live a healthy lifestyle, eat a nutritious diet, and engage in physical activity. In that way, I can show that even I am aware of the ways to prevent diabetes.

Every disease has a drug, every illness, an antidote. But, prevention is always better than cure. There is where we, the youth sector, can help. We can help by spreading the government’s awareness campaign in our own, little ways. That is why I am doing my best to help the government in their campaign. I know that through my own little efforts, I am helping our country diminish its cases of children with diabetes. Through my own small actions, I am giving the children a chance to experience their childhood joys.

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