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Plastic surgery

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In cosmetic nowadays, plastic surgery has became an extremely popular and powerful procedures for men and women to fit in their beauty of culture of gender, race ethnics and social class. It pressure people appear more pisicaly attractive to model ideal and more socialy accept by society. And with some other people in there futile attempt of meeting these ideals with diet and exercise, drive them to physic alter there appearance by plastic surgery. However, people are going to take the risk of being under knife should strongly reconsider. Even most of surgery operation are successful, most patients will find flaws in there bodies after surgery because they are trying to fix there identities. In reality plastic surgery has advantages and disadvantages.

This essay will discuss the issues of excellent choose to become beautiful appearance, trend, raise confident, There is no doubt that plastic surgery is an excellent choose to become beautiful women. And the physical benefits of cosmetic surgery are very obvious to the eye. People who get plastic surgery show benefits that are immediately noticeable, even if at first they may not look beautiful due to swelling and bruising. For example, if a woman undergoes breast augmentation, her larger cup size will be seen right away, even if her breasts have scars or bruises. The same is true for rhinoplasty and most other types of plastic surgery – these physical benefits are right there. Cosmetic surgery is also a trend for men to maintain their body in fit. t’s no surprise that men are eager to look younger and more fit.

According to the survey, men have an ever-increasing interest in cosmetic surgery and it is promising to see that like women, men are taking advantage of the many benefits that these procedures have to offer. The top non- invasive procedures include Botox and other filler injections; top surgical procedures include hair restoration and ablative skin resurfacing. Plastic surgery can help people live happier, more productive lives. By raising a person’s self esteem, and by making them more confident, they are more likely to take chances they wouldn’t otherwise take. Whether that’s applying for a job, taking a class or going for a swim, plastic surgery can give them the confidence to go out and try something they wouldn’t have otherwise.

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