Out of the School Youth

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Out-of-school youth has been a problem not only in the Barangay but in our country as well. These youths face dim employment prospects and uncertain futures. Out-of-school youth are broadly defined as the youths aged 6 – 16 who are not in school, considered bum and lacking basic skills. Reasons cited for dropping-out are mostly poverty related. Another arising reason is the youthâs laziness and lack of self confidence to attend school. While basic education is free, many poor families are unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their children. Deprived of completing high school education, the out-of-school youth are further marginalized from acquiring technical skills.
As mandated by the law, technical education in the Philippines is a post secondary course. The continuing inability of many poor young people to complete basic education and/or undertake technical education, consign them to the vicious cycle of poverty. Their lack of education constrains their access to better-paying jobs or ability to succeed in entre-preneurial pursuits, all of which require higher degree of literacy. Workers with solid founda-tion in technical education, have better chances of landing jobs.
According to the Socio Economic Profile of Barangay Poblacion 3 as of 2011, there is a total population of 4104 people residing within the Barangay. Approximately 947 out of 4104 are children ages 6-16 years old and 54.7% are recorded as out of school youth. Buod ng Resulta ng Community Based Monitoring Services (CBMS) Sarbey
In the evidence stated above, it shows that more than half of the total number of the popu-lation of children ages 6-16 is not attending school. We believe that this should be considered as a major problem in the Barangay since investment on the education of the Filipino youth is essential not only to Barangay but the Cityâs economical growth as well. To further support this evidence, our group conducted a survey of 50 respondents in the âSampalukanâ area to assess the common reasons of teenagers regarding their decision to stay out of school. We were referred by Mr. Rene Ramilo, Barangay 3âs current Councilor that the said area consists of mostly squatters and living in makeshift houses. This area is considered as one of the poorest areas in Barangay 3 and a vast number of out of school youth resides there. The summary of the findings are as follows: Findings:
ďMajor portion of the respondents havenât got school education. Most of the respon-dents had left their school education due to the household work, poor economic condition & need to labor works to financially support their family. Some, however, consider themselves lazy and choose to become bum or the so-called âtambay sa kantoâ. ďMajority of the respondents replied that only they have one family member employed who give financial support to the family. ďFew respondents (20%) are employed and they have little and others have no earning capacity. Most of the respondents who are employed are in labor works either in ser-vice business or in farming or in household labor. The residents admit that the out of school youth is one of the Barangayâs major problem. There wouldâve been a higher employment opportunities to the youthâs generation if only they pursued their studies. They say poverty is one of the biggest problems our Govern-ment has been facing for a long time but little help to the poor has been given. Majority of the teenagers are forced to work in order to sustain the day to day expenses of their families. Majority of the youth are thirsty for knowledge and education but due to their familyâs financial situation, their daily expenses of merely going to school cannot be af-forded by their parents. Sad but true, this is a problem that the poor families in Barangay 3 faces every day.
SECTION 1. Title. â This Act shall be known as the Manpower and Out-of-School Youth Development Act of the Philippines.
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. â This Act is a social legislation intended to take care of, train and develop human resources and to establish institutions and formulate integrated plans, programs and projects as will insure efficient and proper allocation, accelerated development and optimum utilization of the nation’s manpower and out-of-school youth and thereby develop civic efficiency and strengthen family life.
SECTION 3. Definitions. â For purposes of this Act, the term “Manpower” shall be understood to mean that portion of the nation’s population which has actual or potential capability of contributing directly to production of goods and services.
“Out-of-school youth” shall be understood to mean that portion of the nation’s population be-tween the ages of twelve to seventeen years who are not regularly enrolled and undergoing formal academic or vocational training in an institution recognized by the government.
SECTION 4. National Manpower and Youth Council; Creation and Composition. â To carry out the purposes and objectives of this Act, there is hereby created in the Office of the President a National Manpower and Youth Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council composed of the Secretary of Labor as ex-officio chairman, the Secretary of Education as ex-officio vice-chairman, and as ex-officio members: the Chairman of the National Economic Council, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Secretary of Social Welfare, the Secretary of Community Development, and the Chairman of the National Science Development Board; and the Director-General of the Council who shall have no vote. In addition, the President shall appoint the following members from the private sector with the consent of the Commission on Appointments: two representatives of national organizations of industry; two representatives of national labor organizations; and two from national family and youth organizations for a term of three years and shall be and payment of travelling and necessary expenses incurred in connection with their duties therewith. The Council shall meet as often as may be necessary, but not more often than thirty times within one year.
SECTION 5. Functions and Duties of the Council. â The Council shall have the following duties and functions:
(a) To formulate integrated, comprehensive, long-term plans for efficient allocation, accele-rated development, and optimum utilization of manpower and out-of-school youth for economic and industrial growth and organize such training centers, programs and projects as may be necessary to attain the objectives of this Act: Provided, however, That all such programs and projects shall be purely voluntary on the part of the trainees;
(b) To establish a National Manpower Skills Center under its authority and supervision for demonstration and research in accelerated manpower and youth training as well as regional and local training centers for gainful occupational skills in suitable locations, utilizing its own facilities and/or those of selected educational institutions, government agencies, and voluntarily cooperating employers, trainees and civic groups in nation-wide, industry-wide or specific programs and projects, and to adopt employment promotion schemes to channel unemployed youth to critical and other occupations;
(c) To promulgate policies and standards for manpower and youth training, conduct studies and gather information on the size and characteristics of the population and labor force, and adopt policies in skills development among unemployed and underemployed persons, as well as render assistance in skills upgrading among craftsmen, technicians, trainers, and other per-sons;
(d) To administer all existing manpower and development programs now being done under any department of the government of the Philippines and on-going technical assistance pro-grams and/or grants in aid for manpower and youth development, and those which may be entered into between the Government of the Philippines and international and foreign organizations and nations, as well as persons and organizations in the Philippines. The Council shall have authority to enter into agreements needed to implement programs and to act on nominations of citizens of the Philippines for training in other countries or jurisdictions;
(e) To evaluate the output of human resource development programs to gear educational and training objectives to the requirements of the annual investments priorities plan and of rapid economic development, and to study levels of wages and incentives for the utilization of manpower in critical occupations;
(f) To provide training assistance to any employer or group of employers, upon filing of the appropriate petition with the Secretariat requesting for accelerated or other forms of training, commencement or expansion of operations and upon the finding that the trainees or a reasonable number thereof will be hired by the petitioning employer or industry at the completion of the training course, in which cases, screening, payment of training fees, and pretesting of trainees shall pertain to the applicant firm or industry including the use of equipment and supplies for training purposes;
(g) To submit an annual report to the President and to Congress on plans, programs and projects on manpower training and out-of-school youth development. For this purpose, the Council may require all government agencies to provide information in the preparation of said report; and
(h) To perform such other functions as wilfully carry out the declared national policy on man-power and out-of-school youth under this Act.
SECTION 6. Council Secretariat. â For the fulfillment of the objectives of this Act and the effi-cient performance of its functions, the Council shall have a Secretariat headed by a Director-General appointed by the President on recommendation of the Council with the consent of the Commission on Appointments. The Director General shall organize the Secretariat, subject to the approval of the Council. The Secretariat shall have an Office of Manpower Planning and Development, an Office of Out-of- School Youth Development, and a National Manpower Skills Center.
The Director-General shall have the rank and emoluments of an undersecretary and shall serve for a term of ten years. The directors of the offices and the skills center shall have the rank and emoluments of a bureau director and shall be subject to civil service rules. The Director-General and directors shall be natural born citizens, from 35 to 50 years of age at the time of appointment, have a masters degree or its equivalent, and experience in national planning and development of human resources. The director of the Skills Center shall, in addition to the foregoing qualifications, have undergone training in center management. Directors shall be appointed by the President on recommendation of the Council with the consent of the Commission on Appointments.
SECTION 7. Manpower Training Consultative Board and Youth Consultative Board. â There are hereby established in the Secretariat the following consultative boards:
(a) Manpower Training Consultative Board of not more than 10 members, composed of the Director-General as ex-officio chairman, the directors of the Office of Manpower Planning and Development and the Bureau of Vocational Education as ex-officio vice-chairman and, as members, three representatives of labor and representatives of such industries as shall be de-termined by the Council upon recommendation of the Director-General. The Board shall provide technical guidance and accreditation standards for measurement of proficiency among workers, and vocational-industrial trainers on all levels of industry and government.
(b) Youth Consultative Board of not more than 10 members, composed of the Director General as ex-officio chairman, the director of Out-of-School Youth Development Office as vice-chairman and as members: the director of the Women and Minors Bureau and such consultants necessary for the work of the Office of Out-of-School Youth Development upon recommendation of the Director of said Office and appointment by the Council, which shall provide technical guidance in the planning and conduct of out-of-school youth training and development programs and projects, as well as long-range policies in their effective guidance for economic and industrial growth.
The honoraria and travelling and other necessary expenses of representatives and consultants shall be determined by the Council. In addition, the Secretariat may avail of the technical guidance of persons, groups, and organizations as may in its judgment aid in the effective performance of its functions and duties under this Act.
SECTION 8. Local Manpower and Youth Committees. â The Council shall have the authority to establish in the province and chartered cities local manpower and youth committees: Provided, however, That such committees shall not include as members thereof officers, enlisted men or any personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines or of the Philippine Constabulary. Subject to the approval of the Council, the committees shall plan and conduct accelerated manpower training and out-of-school youth projects, determine manpower needs of industry, agriculture, and other sectors of the economy within their respective jurisdictions, and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Council or by law. Each committee shall be composed of the head of the city or provincial development board or agency as chairman, the head of the training center as vice-chairman, with one prominent leader of industry, one prominent labor leader, and one civic or education leader as members who shall receive no compensation except per diems at fifteen pesos for each monthly meeting and payment of travelling expenses incurred in connection with their duties therewith. Committee members shall be appointed by the Council and serve for a term of three years.
SECTION 9. Employment Service Training Functions. â The Office of Manpower Services under the Department of Labor shall render assistance to the Council in the measurement of unem-ployment and underemployment, conduct of local manpower resource surveys and occupa-tional studies including an inventory of the labor force, establishment and maintenance without charge of a national register of technicians who have successfully completed a training program under this Act, and skilled manpower including its periodic publication, maintenance of an adequate and up-to-date system of employment information and for this purpose, all chartered cities and provinces shall organize local employment offices under the administrative control and the technical supervision of the Department of Labor.
SECTION 10. Qualifications and Appointment of Personnel. â The Director-General shall ap-point such personnel as may be necessary to carry out this Act, subject to civil service rules: Provided, That except for those appointed to positions involving purely clerical functions no person shall be entitled to permanent appointment except upon satisfactory completion of such career development courses as for manpower planning staff officers, manpower training officers, youth development officers, youth training officers and like or relevant courses as shall be prescribed by the Council: and Provided, further, That after one year from the approval of this Act, the Civil Service Commission, with the assistance of the Council shall hold appropriate competitive written and oral examinations as basis for permanent appointments therein. The Director-General shall see to it that appointees are selected on the basis of superior performance standards in line with the highly specialized functions assigned in this Act and shall certify to the same in appointments submitted for attestation by the Civil Service Commission.
SECTION 11. Other Training Programs. â To avoid duplication of functions and wasteful ex-penditure and in order to standardize the quality of skills training through trade test standards and measurements, training programs conducted regularly by other government agencies and instrumentalities, not otherwise covered by the provisions of this Act, shall be discontinued and whatever funds are being diverted or used for existing manpower and youth development programs shall revert to the offices to which they belong.
SECTION 12. Rules and Regulations. â The Council shall issue the rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this Act.
SECTION 13. Appropriations. â To carry out the provisions of this Act, the sum of twenty million pesos or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the funds in the national treasury not otherwise appropriated to be distributed as follows:
(a) For personnel and maintenance expenses of the Secretariat of the Council, the Manpower Training Consultative Board, the Youth Consultative Board, and Local Manpower and Youth Committees, the sum of two million pesos;
(b) For the establishment of the Council site, buildings, and equipment of the National Man-power and Skills Center for the implementations of technical assistance projects with the United Nations and other foreign and international sources, the sum of six million pesos;
(c) For the establishment and operation of manpower training centers in the cities and prov-inces, the sum of six million pesos; and
(d) For the establishment, maintenance and operation of out-of-school youth centers, the sum of six million pesos.
Thereafter, the said amount or such amount as may be necessary shall be included in the general appropriations Act.
SECTION 14. Separability. â If for any reason, any part of this Act is declared unconstitutional or invalid, no other section or provision of this Act shall be affected thereby.
SECTION 15. Repeal. â Any and all Acts, statutes, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, including Executive Order No. 83 series of 1967 and Executive Order No. 53 of December 8, 1966.
SECTION 16. Effectivity. â This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved: April 11, 1969
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a human development program of the national government that invests in the health and education of poor households, particularly of children aged 0-14 years old. Patterned after the conditional cash transfer scheme implemented in other developing countries, the Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to beneficiaries provided that they comply with the set of conditions required by the program.
Pantawid Pamilya has dual objectives:
Social Assistance – to provide cash assistance to the poor to alleviate their immediate need (short term poverty alleviation); and Social Development – to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investments in hu-man capital. Pantawid Pamilya helps to fulfill the countryâs commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals, namely: 1.Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
2.Achieve Universal Primary Education
3.Promote Gender Equality
4.Reduce Child Mortality
5.Improve Maternal Health
Advantages of the 4Ps
ďThe main objective of the 4Ps and other CCT programs is to prevent inter-generational transference of poverty and help break the infinite cycle of poverty by providing the children the suitable educational and health assistance so as to help them develop the facilities for a better future. ďInvesting in childrenâs human capital and ensuring that they grow into educated and healthy adults, is the equivalent of teaching them how to fish. Healthy, educated children ultimately have more choices in life and are able to become productive members of so-ciety (Bloom, 2008). ďThe implementation of the 4Ps lessens the incidence of child labor and other forms of child abuse. In cases of the other CCT programs implemented in other countries, there are two interrelated mechanisms found to help combat child labor. First, through their cash subsidy component, schoolingâs directs costs are reduced, thereby inducing families to send their children to school, as opposed to work. Second, these programs require families to have their children attend school, 85% of the school days per month in the case of the 4Ps, in exchange to cash subsidy.
This requirement increases the time children spend in school and reduces the time they can allocate to work. ďAims to establish social equality and mobility through education. ďMalnutrition, which is prevalent among extremely poor families, is also expected to de-crease. Since it is a prime requirement for beneficiaries to avail of the health services being offered in their health centers such as pre- and post-natal services, vaccination, and periodical check-ups before acquiring their money grants, the health and nutrition of the poor families are safeguarded. ďThe 4Ps also promotes gender empowerment seeing as the responsibility of managing the cash grants are given to the mother. This decision is based on the experience in CCT pro-grams showing that women make relatively better use of grant money by using it to pur-chase food and/or other necessities such as medicines, transportations and school sup-plies.
Disadvantages of the 4Ps
ďOne of the most crucial characteristic of the 4Ps and other CCT programs implemented in other countries is its being a âdemand-sideâ intervention instead of being a âsupply-sideâ in-tervention. That is, in order to be considered as a beneficiary of the program, one must con-cede with the governmentâs demands and conditionalities.
ďAlthough the 4Ps aims to provide the poor with the education which is, otherwise, inaccessi-ble, it does not directly answer the socio-economic and political problems that are the pri-mary cause of poverty. In the case of the 4Ps in the Philippines, it does not answer the issues regarding the political and economic elite families. And poverty can only be totally alleviated if there are programs that could target its roots. ďThe 4Ps will also encounter some difficulties in achieving support from the other social classes, mainly because it does not benefit middle-income groups which have also been steadily af-fected by limited universal services and decreases in employment. These middle-income groups are also suffering from issues of poverty and limited access to educational and health benefits, but are not included in the target population of the 4Ps. The 4Ps is programmed to help only the extremely poor. ďAnother major disadvantage of the 4Ps implementation is that it requires a huge amount of finance which we do not have at the present.
The 4Ps is a loan driven program, much of the funds constituting the conditional cash grants given to beneficiaries are generated from loans abroad, particularly from the United States. Arguments against the 4Ps point out that despite the large amounts of financial resources needed to implement the program; it does not generate guaranteed returns to the economy as much as infrastructure projects like con-struction of roads, bridges, and railways do. CONCLUSION: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Programs poses many appealing objectives, goals and benefits for the poor families that comprises most of the Philippineâs population. The 4Ps is a good example of strengthening the governmentâs capability of distributing the countryâs resources to those who are extremely in need. It is undeniable that there are many poor house-holds that will benefit from the said program, and that the program covers the basic needs that otherwise would go unmet. Likewise, the governmentâs effort in making the countryâs educa-tional and health services system inclusive is a huge step towards social mobility and equality.
The researchers feel strongly about the 4Psâ principle that well-fed and educated citizens are imperative for a productive country and society. However, it is also undeniable that the 4Ps, as well as the other CCT programs being implemented in other countries, is not the perfect solution. There are many insufficiencies that the program might face in the long run of its implementation. And as a new policy here in the Philippines, the 4Ps will certainly need further revisions and studies in the future. Nevertheless, the researchers believe that for any government program to succeed, the gov-ernment and the citizens must arrive in a peaceful consensus. The governmentâs duty is to secure that the peopleâs needs are provided and their rights are protected. And the citizens, in return, must use their full capacity to be productive and help the country. The researchers believe that the implementation of the 4Ps is a good example of the concurring responsibilities of the government and the citizens.
The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a free education program implemented by the De-partment of Education (DepEd) under the Bureau of Alternative Learning System which benefits those who cannot afford formal schooling and follows whatever is their available schedule. The program provides a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction, encompassing both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills.
How Does It Work?
In ALS, students have to attend 10 months of school or 800 hours in the classroom. Then their performances are then assessed.
Since ALS is a module-based learning system, students come in on a set time and choose a module to read. A quiz is given after each module to test their learning. Instead of teachers, fa-cilitators are always present to answer any questions and sometimes lecturers would discuss a certain module. After several months, the students will take the Accreditation and Equivalency Test (AET). If they pass the test, they will be given a high school diploma and can now enroll in college. Manny Pacquiao took and passed the (AET) under the ALS program. He was presented a high school diploma, making eligible to pursue college. After getting a certificate upon passing, the students have the option to enroll in ALS again or go to a college. Goals (Advantages):
ďTo protect and to promote the right of citizen to basic quality education ďTo provide a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction encompassing both the non formal and formal sources of knowledge and skills. ď To promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and such education access-ible to all by providing all Filipino children in the elementary level and free education in the high school level. Such education shall also include alternative learning system for out-of school youth and adult learners. ďAimed at eradicating illiteracy among out-of-school youth and adults.
Program Concerns (Disadvantages)
ďPublic awareness campaign
ďPartnership with private sector and LGUs
ďUse of various technologies
ďUpgrading personal and professional welfare of Mobile Teachers. ďInclusion in the Teacher Education Curriculum.
ďNew programs for different marginalized learners
ďAimed at providing an alternative pathway of learning for those who are literate but have not completed 10 years of Basic Education mandated by the Philippine Constitution.
The Alternative Learning System may sound wonderful but in reality, only a few patronizes this program in Barangay Poblacion 3. Several disadvantages are listed below: ďThe Alternative Learning System Program is situated in ACLC Campus near the Cityâs Muni-sipyo. However, there is no signage, poster or tarpaulin to advertise the said program to the public. ďDuring our informal interview conducted with the students hanging out at a nearby con-venience store, the teacherâs lack of enthusiasm pushes the studentâs interest away to engage in the program. This results to lesser student attendance every day. ďIt is stated that a person of any age may join as long as he/she is willing to study in the Al-ternative Learning Program. However, it sets a poor rapport between the young and old students in the class.
In the previous discussion regarding the Existing Policies being used in Barangay Pob-lacion 3, our group cited the highlights of two community based policies â the Pantawid Pamilya Program and the Alternative Learning System. We stated the brief description of each policy along with their pros and cons. As our Policy Solution, our group decided on improving the Alternative Learning System that is being implemented in Barangay Poblacion 3. We noticed a few disadvantages to the said policy particularly its promotion to the out of school youth in the Barangay. Improved advertising through tarpaulin, simple yet readable signage and handing out brochures could make a big difference in getting out of school youths interested in the program.
Effective youth livelihood interventions must build upon a clear conceptual and program-matic framework, which, in turn, must be driven by a number of emerging understandings derived from re-search and best practices, namely that: â˘Most youth are already economically active
â˘Young peopleâs economic activities are linked to household livelihood strategies â˘Households are actively engaged in planning for youth livelihood development â˘Youth must often balance education with work
â˘Livelihood programming should reflect marketplace realities and build from existing as-sets and activities â˘Livelihood is the key driver of positive youth development outcomes â˘Youth livelihood programs should be cross-sectoral and track both livelihood-specific and cross-cutting outcomes and impacts
As 1st Year College students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH), our group will: â˘Make a proposal to the Barangay Captain of Barangay Poblacion 3, Hon. Manuel Ramilo, regarding the imporved promotion of the Alternative Learning System to get more out of school youth interested in the program. â˘Help fund the tarpaulin and signages to be used in any monetary value for a better and more inviting advertising method of the Alternative Learning System. â˘Help in handing out brochures and flyers whenever our schedule is free from school work and personal matters. We will make it a point to keep a handful of brochures and flyers in our school bags, ready to be given to interested out of school youth in the Alternative Learning System.
The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a non-fee charging multi-employment service facility or entity established or accredited pursuant to Republic Act No. 8759 otherwise known as the PESO Act of 1999. To carry out full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all, and for this purpose, to strengthen and expand the existing employment facilitation service machinery of the government particularly at the local levels there shall be established in all capital towns of provinces, key cities, and other strategic areas a Public Employment Service Office, Hereinafter referred to as PESO, which shall be community-based and maintained largely by local gov-ernment units (LGUs) and a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based organizations (CBOs) and state universities and colleges (SUCs). The PESOs shall be linked to the regional offices of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for coordination and technical supervision, and to the DOLE central office, to constitute the national employ-ment service network.
General Objective:
â˘Ensure the prompt, timely and efficient delivery of employment service and provision of information on the other DOLE programs. Specific Objectives:
â˘Provide a venue where people could explore simultaneously various employment options and actually seek assistance they prefer; â˘Serve as referral and information center for the various services and programs of DOLE and other government agencies present in the area; â˘Provide clients with adequate information on employment and labor market situation in the area; and â˘Network with other PESOs within the region on employment for job exchange purposes.
1.Encourage employers to submit to the PESO on a regular basis a list of job vacancies in their respective establishments in order to facilitate the exchange of labor market information ser-vices to job seekers and employers by providing employment services to job seeker, both for local and overseas employment, and recruitment assistance to employers; 2.Develop and administer testing and evaluation instruments for effective job selection, training and counseling; 3.Provide persons with entrepreneurship qualities access to the various livelihood and self-employment programs offered by both government and non-governmental organizations at the provincial/city/municipal/barangay levels by undertaking referrals for such programs; 4.Undertake employability enhancement trainings/seminar for jobseekers as well as those would like to change career or enhance their employability. This function is presently super-vised by TESDA and conducted by other training; 5.Provide employment and occupational counseling, career guidance, mass motivation and values development activities; 6.Conduct pre-employment counseling and orientation to prospective local and overseas workers; 7.Provide reintegration assistance services to returning Filipino migrant workers: and 8.Perform such functions as willfully carry out the objectives of this Act.
1.Jobs Fairs – these shall be conducted periodically all over the country to bring together in one venue job seekers and employers for immediate matching; 2.Livelihood and Self-employment Bazaars – these will give clients information on the array of livelihood programs they choose to avail of, particularly in the rural areas; 3.Special Credit Assistance for Placed Overseas Workers – this type of assistance will enable poor but qualified applicants to avail of opportunities for overseas employment; 4.Special Program for Employment of Students and Out-of-School Youth (SPESOS) – this pro-gram shall endeavor to provide employment to deserving students and out-of-school youths and out-of-school youths coming from poor families during summer and/or Christmas vaca-tions as provided for under Republic Act No. 7323 and its implementing rules, to enable them to pursue their education;
5.Work Appreciation Program (WAP) – this program aims to develop the values of work ap-preciation and ethics by exposing the young to actual work situations; 6.Workers Hiring for Infrastructure Projects (WHIP) – this program is in pursuance of Republic Act No. 6685 which requires construction companies, including the Department of Public Works and Highways and contractor for government-funded infrastructure projects, to hire thirty percent (30%) of skilled and fifty percent (50%) of unskilled labor requirements from the areas where the project is constructed/located; and 7.Other programs/activities developed by DOLE to enhance provision of employment assis-tance to PESO clients, particularly for special groups of disadvantaged workers such as per-sons with disabilities (PWDs) and displaced workers.
4.Out of School Youth
5.Migratory workers
8.Labor Market Information Users
9.Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
10.Returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
11.Displaced Worker
Kabataan Partylist is the first and only youth party-list group in Philippine Congress today. Kabataan is a large network of energized and pro-active young people who are leaders in various organizations, formations and barkadas. Our members from across the regions represent diverse interests, backgrounds and social status, tied by a common vision of a better future for the youth and for the nation. Together with some of its founding organizations â the National Union of Students, College Editors Guild, the League of Filipino Students, Student Christian Movement of the Philippines, Anakbayan and Kabataang Artisa para sa Tunay na Kalayaan â Kabataan Party-list vigorously campaigns for youth and studentsâ interests and demands concerning education and em-ployment. Kabataan party-list remains at the forefront of youth and studentsâ campaigns against un-abated tuition and miscellaneous fee increases, for higher state subsidy for education, ade-quate jobs for new graduates, the defense and recognition of human rights and civil liberties which include consumer rights and the right to health, and the protection and conservation of national patrimony. It continues to give primacy to the promotion of holistic development and genuine youth empowerment. OUR COMMON VISION
KABATAAN Party-list believes that the youth should devote its intellect, energy and courage to building a new society devoid of corruption, inequality and social injustice. It supports youth and student-led organizations working for social, political, economic, cultural and environmental justice in the Philippines, and enjoins youth from all walks of life to foster active participation in nation-building, good governance and social change. OUR COLLECTIVE MISSION
KABATAAN Party-list is working to galvanize the Filipino youthâs unity for social change. It en-courages the youth to work collectively with other sectors to build a bright future. It upholds, promotes and defends the interest of the youth to be able to harness its fullest potential as a sector. PROGRAM OF ACTION
1. Empower the youth to encourage them to take on active participation in nation-building, good governance and social change. 2. Uphold the youthâs fundamental rights and democratic interests (education, employment, environment, sports, health, etc.) 3. Assert the youthâs right to decent living, equal opportunities and humane living conditions. 4. Assert and safeguard national independence, respect for national patrimony, love and loyalty to the country. 5. Guarantee the participation and representation of the youth in all affairs of governance and decision-making bodies of government.
Foremost among the Karunungan Program of the City Government is its all out support to public schools, elementary and secondary, as well as its implementation of Day Care Service program and Alternative Learning Systen for out of school youth/residents, aside from sponsoring seminars and trainings for public school teachers to upgrade the standard of their teaching capabilities. Other programs/tie up with other agencies include Student in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Robotics Program and sponsoring of city academic achievers to outside and international competition. Also included in the priorities is the construction of new school buildings (21 new school build-ings completed and 3 others ongoing and 5 others allocated with funds for 2012).
For repairs each school (40 elementary and 12 secondary public schools) received an annual P40 T al-location while other requests are also accommodated and budgeted through the Special Education Fund. For college students, there is a City Government Scholarship Program which provide financial assistance to every qualified scholar in the amount of P5,000.00 every semester till he/she fi-nishes college. To date there are 900 city scholar beneficiaries of the program and by the 1st semester of 2012 an additional 100 shall be qualified for a total of 1,000. There is also an exist-ing PUP Waiver Program, a tie-up program with the Polytechnic University of the Philippined Sto. Tomas Campus, which benefit around 50 students taking up Bachelor of Science in En-trepreneural Management.