Online Inquiry System

- Pages: 8
- Word count: 1766
- Category: Researched Student
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This chapter includes the Project Context which describes the main idea of the project. The Project Description explains the purpose of the system as well as a summary of it. The Objectives of the Study, state the general and specific objectives of the study. The Scope and Limitation/s of the study set the standards of the software capabilities and limitations; and the Significance of the Study provides the importance of the system to the Accounting Department of the School. The project is entitled “Accounting system for ACLC College Taguig “which will help for the modernization of the ACLC College Accounting Dept. using accounting system. The accounting department uses the old style of assessing, recording and file storage gathering mainly because of the insufficient funds for the machines and manpower to provide fast response to customer inquiries. The records of the academy are stored using paper documents containing the information of the students, employees and confidential documents of the institution. The project integrates the function of accounting system.
Online Inquiry Payment System is a system record of a business keeps maintaining its accounting system. This includes the purchase, financial processes of the business. The purpose of AIS is to accumulate data and provide decision makers (investors, creditors, and managers) with information. While this was previously a paper-based process, most businesses now use Accounting software. In an electronic financial accounting system, the steps in the accounting cycle are dependent upon the system itself. Developments in computer technology and especially the introduction of the PC meant that it was possible for “ordinary people” to gain access to a definite system.
This project is all about Online Inquiry Payment System for ACLC College Taguig. In this system students in ACLC College Taguig know their (Payments, Credits and Balances) in Tuition Fee through online without going school and asking somebody in the registrar’s office. The purpose of this study is to develop a source material for the Proposed automation of the Accounting System of ACLC College Taguig which can help the clients (students, Guardians, etc.) to make their transactions much easier and more efficient.
This project is all about Online Inquiry Payment System for ACLC College Taguig.
In this system students in ACLC College Taguig know their (Payments, Credits and Balances) in Tuition Fee through online without going school and asking somebody in the registrar’s office.
The purpose of this study is to develop a source material for the Proposed automation of the Online Inquiry Payment System of ACLC College Taguig which can help the clients (students, Guardians, etc.) to make their transactions much easier and more efficient.
The accounting system is focusing to solve 2 minor problems. 1. The number of minutes in the registrar to know your balances in your tuition fee 2. You dont need to go in the registrar to process.
By using this system, the operation of knowing balances,credits is now easy. The process of knowing your credits and balances in the school become much easier and time consuming. The Accounting system provides a user-friendly interface.
This framework describes the interaction that occurs between the application process, the users, and the information generated by the application, and how these all come together to produce the product to satisfy the users.
Proposed System
Existing System
1.5.1 General
To develop online inquiry payments via online and SMS notification
1.5.2 Specific
The long process of inquiry of payments are inconvenient, tiresome and at some instances are time consuming and costly.
The students need to go directly to their respective registrar in order to inquire their balances
To monitor the tuition fee of the student.
To check the Payments, balances and credits in Tuition fee of the students. To share the information in online viewing of tuition fee.
To retrieve information needed. “ACLC Accounting System” The main purpose of the project is to manage through online. To develop manual inquiry of tuition fee in accounting through online inquiry. To minimize the number of minutes consuming in registrar in knowing the remaining balances. To share information not only in student but also to their respective guardians through sms notification. To help get being modernize the ACLC College Accounting Dept.
Student can view there account after registering in ACLC online inquiry system. Student can receive an email notification of balance after their pay-out in accounting. Student can’t delete information in database
Student can update profile or edit their data information.
Only Admin can register student upon enrolling.
Admin can add, update, and delete information of student.
Admin can send email and sms notification after pay-out of student
This study was made to find out that the use of online
Based system will lessen the time for the transaction of encoding and releasing the balance and payments of the students.
Database – is systematically organized or structured repository of indexed information (usually as a group of linked data files) that allows easy retrieval, updating, analysis, and output of data.
Encode – to convert (a message) from plain text into code.
Inquiry – a seeking for information by asking questions.
Online – Computer or device connected to a network (such as Internet) and ready touse (or be used by) other computers or devices.
SMS – Short Message Service (SMS) is the text communication service component of phone, web or mobile communication systems, using standardized communications
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
2.1 Foreign Literature
2.2 Local Literature
2.3 Foreign Studies
Mobile Education Services Based on SMS and Their Architecture Comparison
Wireless mobile application can be differentiated by two underlying Technology platforms: wireless web-based technology, such as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), and Text-based Technology or Short Message Services (SMS). SMS is a basic and common feature given by cellular Operators to users.
To use WAP feature, user shave to activate GPRS facility and they have to use mobile phone which has WAP capability. Recently, the growing influence of SMS has attracted significant attention. As convenient and low-cost mobile communication technology, SMS is experiencing very rapid growth. In 2001, 700million mobile phone users worldwide sent an average of 20billion SMS messages every month. Indeed, the volume of SMS messages sent in December 2001 was 30billion worldwide and it was expected to grow to 100 billion by the end of 2002. In Europe, Norway leads the region with an average of 47 messages sent per month per user in 2001 while Philippines lead the Asia-Pacific region with 336SMS messages.
The worldwide increasing growth of SMS messaging services has spurred the developments of SMS commerce applications, which mainly cover consumer-orientated business such as alerting, ticket booking and retailing. Given that the huge SMS messaging customer base could potentially serve as major component of the SMS-commerce customer base, many commerce providers are becoming more interested in SMS commerce applications. The university as an educational organization has a lot of valuable information which can be provided to the students, the students can get the information easier and faster. They can request the information from the service provider at their own convenient time through their cell phones
2.4 Local Studies
Online inquiry System is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of the teachers It involves the collection and evaluation of evidence on students. payments and balance of specified period of time. Through this process various types of descriptive information and measures of students.
Online inquiry System
Is a web based application that can be used to view the payments and balance of the students. It posts the balance of the students online. The student has an account to access the viewing of the balance
Parents can view and be updated on the payments of their children. While teachers work load can be lessen through computing the grades automatically.
SMS Based 0nline Inquiry
The world has changed largely because of science and technology. It brought us modern and high-tech devices that in the past seemed to be impossible to attain. Undeniably, through man’s intelligence we have reach a modern world where technology reigns and everything seems to be possible. It proves that mans‟ aptitude is vast and powerful, that even the most mind blogging problem could be solved and even the minutes of details could be discovered. It provided man much convenience and luxury in life. In our modern world, gone are the days where we have to commute and do the exhausting routines. With the CHAPTER III
This chapter presents the methods used, the source of data, the research instruments used, the procedures in gathering data as well as the statistical tools used and the gathered data.
Research Methodology
In this study, the researcher used different methods in gathering information and data related to the manual library system of Noah’s Academy Inc. the researcher conducted the study.
Method of Research Use
Use is diligent inquiry or examination seeking facts or principles and laborious or continued search after truth. The proponents used the following to implement the proposed order process
Library Research
If refers to essential observation and accurate reading to gather information on a research subject. This research method helped the proponents facts, information, articles to the related subject matter. It was primary source of important materials that enabled the researchers to collect information regarding the topic.
Descriptive-job/activity analysis
The researcher uses this method to gather data and use them in major planning activities include understanding the users problem. Accurate information and assessment from the data that uncertain the nature of incidents of prevailing condition. The proponents of researcher practices, description of objects and process about their topic.
Creative method of researchers. It is defined as the reflective thinking in situation of visual values. It may have its origin in a feeling of need for life experience above and beyond those ordinary personal or group satisfaction and aims towards the creation of something that will fulfill or satisfy each need.
Prognostic Research
It refers to any specific investigation in which domain and stated purpose is predict the future operations of factors investigation, so that inevitable thins that must be done maybe controlled more intelligently.
Data Gathering Instruments Used
The proponents used different methods in order to come-up with a fine and excellent output. They made used of the following instruments to improve the process of software developments.