Networking Models Review

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Order Now1. Which of the following is true about a TCP/IP network?
Answer: B. the network uses standards defined in TCP/IP RFCs, plus other standards
2. Which of the following terms is not a common synonym for TCP/IP model? (Choose two answers.) Answer: C. Ethernet D.TCP/IP
3. Think generically about the idea of a networking standard, ignoring any particular standard or standards group. Which of the following is typically true of a standard? (Choose two answers.) Answer: A. It exists as a written document C. It has been passed through some form of review and approval or certification process.
4. Contrast an international standard as compared to a de facto standard. (Choose two answers.) Answer: B. International standard documents have been reviewed more thoroughly. D. International standards typically mean that the standards group has been authorized by many countries to create standards that apply to multiple countries.
5. Which of the following are true about the commonly used version of the TCP/IP model as shown in this chapter? (Choose two answers.) Answer: C. The physical layer sits just below the data link layer. D. The physical layer sits just below the data link layer.
6. The TCP/IP model refers to standards other than those the IETF defines in RFCs. Which of these standards groups is typically the source of external LAN standards? (Choose two answers.) Answer: B. IEEE C. Vendor groups
7. Which of the following is not a typical reason for a group of ten companies to start a vendor group, for the purpose of pushing a new networking technology? Answer: D. To keep intellectual property rights to the technology inside the company
8. The TCP/IP and OSI models have some obvious differences, like the number of layers. Think about the more commonly used version of the TCP/IP model discussed in this chapter, and then think about how to talk about TCP/IP using OSI terms. Which of the following is a correctly phrased statement for how to use OSI terminology? Answer: B. IP is a network layer protocol.
9. Historically, which of the following models were the earliest models used in corporate networks? Answer: A. Vendors models
10. Which of the following statements is true when comparing the OSI and the TCP/IP model as defined in RFC 1122? Answer: B. the lower four layers of TCP/IP define the same kinds of functions as the matching layer numbers from OSI.
11. A network engineer connects two PCs (PC1 and PC2) using Ethernet NICs and an Ethernet cable that has copper wires inside. The two PCs communicate successfully. Which of the following happens when PC1 sends bits to PC2? Answer: C. The PCs use two wires to create a circuit to send data from PC1 to PC2.
12. A TCP/IP network includes an Ethernet LAN with 10 PCs uses a LAN switch. PC1 sends data intended for an app running on PC2. Which of the following mechanisms does Ethernet define so that PC2 receives and processes the data? Answer: A. The Ethernet header lists PC2’s MAC address so that PC2 will realize that the data is meant for PC2.
13. Two network pros are having a conversation about some issues in a network. They discuss some issues related to how PPP forwards data, so they happen to be discussing the data structure that includes the PPP header and trailer. Which of the following terms do they use? Answer: C. Frame
14. Which of the following are true facts about IP addresses? (Choose two answers.) Answer: B. Can be written in DDN format D. Used by routers to make a forwarding decision
15. Which of the following answers is true about Ethernet MAC addresses? Answer: A. 48 bits in length
16. Which of the following statements is true comparing LANs and WANs? (Choose two answers.) Answer: A. LANs generally connect devices that are nearer to each other, compared to WANs .D. LANs are purchased, and WANs are leased.
17. Which of the following answers list true facts about the data link layer of TCP/IP? (Choose two answers.) Answer: B. Two TCP/IP data-link protocols are Ethernet and PPP.C. Data-link protocols define addresses that identify devices connected to the underlying physical link.
18. Which of the following answers list true facts about the network layer of TCP/IP? (Choose two answers.) Answer: A. It focuses mostly on the network between endpoints, rather than the endpoints. C. IP provides logical addressing and routing services. 19. Which of the following answers lists true facts about the transport layer of TCP/IP? Answer: C. TCP provides error recovery services to application layer protocols that use TCP.
20. A PC user opens a web browser and sends a request to a web server to load a new web page. Three routers forward the data as it passes from client to server. Consider the data plus all headers and trailers that go from the web client to the web server. Which of the following headers go all the way from the web client to the web server? (Choose three answers.) Answer: B. Network layer header C. Transport layer header D. Application layer header KEY TERMS
TCP/IP Network-A computer network that uses the standards defined and referenced by the TCP/IP model Network Standard-A document that details information about some technology or protocol related to networking and that document has been passed through a review and approval process that certified the document as a standard. TCP/IP model-it an open collection of standard related to all part of networking. Encoding-The process of converting information into a coded format and then converting it back again from a coded format to the original information. Open system- A system in which the components and protocols conform to standards independent of a particular supplier. Interconnection (OSI) – is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes the internal functions of a communication system by partitioning it into abstraction layers.
Header-refers to supplemental data placed at the beginning of a block of data being stored or transmitted. Trailer-it indicates where a frame ends. It, along with the header, encapsulates a packet, making it a frame. Leased line-is a service contract between a provider and a customer, whereby the provider agrees to deliver a symmetric telecommunications line connecting two or more locations. Internet Protocol (IP)-the primary network later protocol in the TCP/IP manages routings and delivery for traffic on the TCP/IP based network. IP address-A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. IP routing-is an umbrella term for the set of protocols that determine the path that data follows in order to travel across multiple networks from its source to its destination. Frame-the basic data link layer PDU for the ISO/OSI model.
Packet-is the unit of data is routed between an origin and a destination on the internet. Research paper
TCP/IP provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be packet, address, transmitted, routed and received at the destination. This functionality is organized into four abstraction layers, which are used to sort all related protocols according to the scope of networking involve. From the lowest to the highest, the layers are link layer, containing communication technologies for a single network segment (link), the internet layer, connecting host across independent networks, thus establishing internetworking, the transport layer handling host-to-host communication and the application layer which provides process-to-process application data exchange.
A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as home, schools, computer laboratory or office building, using network media. A wide area network (WAN) is a network that covers a broad area.