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Msu-Iit Students in Their Boarding Houses

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 385
  • Category: Student

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I.Background of the Study

A boarding house is a house in which lodgers rent one or more rooms for one or more nights, and sometimes for extended periods of weeks, months, and years. They have the same purpose as modern “bed and breakfast” establishments.

Nowadays, boarding houses are one of the important sources of affordable accommodations. They are one of the least costly forms of transitional accommodation and has a growing demand due to the growing housing needs, especially for students. In Tibanga, Iligan City, most of the boarding houses are occupied by students enrolled in MSU- IIT. However, there are certain factors that lodgers must consider in choosing one. These factors may be in need to be explored that may/may not influence the students stay in their boarding houses.

In this study, the researchers aim to measure the students satisfaction on their boarding houses according to the categories given. Also, the relationship between the students satisfaction and number of months stayed by the students and identify other problems encountered by the students during their stay. By doing this, it can help the landlord/landlady to know their strengths and identify the areas for improvement and for the student to have a more convenient place for him/her to stay.


1. To identify the demographic profiles of the students.
2. To measure the satisfaction rates of the students in their Lodging houses according to the following categories:
a. Security
b. Facilities
c. Sanitation
d. Rental Rates
e. Management
3. To determine other problems encountered during their stay in the lodging houses.
4. To determine the relationship between the student’s satisfaction rates and the number of months stayed in their boarding houses.

III.Scope and Limitation

This study is limited only to students who are living in a boarding house and studying in MSU-IIT. IV.Significance of the Study

To students. This study can help them to choose a good boarding house to live in.

To Boarding House Owners. This study can help them to identify their strengths and identify their areas of improvement. By this study, they will have a better management and have a better boarding house.

To future researcher. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study.

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