Introduction to Communication Worksheet

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1584
- Category: Cognitive Development Communication
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Order Nowach response must be written as an academic paragraph of at least 150 words. Be clear and concise, and provide explanations for your answers. Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines. According to Introducing Communication Theory (2010), what is the definition of communication What does communication mean to you personally Provide an example. Turner and West (2010) define communication as a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment, (p. 5). Communication is much more than just talking to one another it is an ongoing social process that uses symbols to represent phenomena, and provides individuals with meanings, all of which occurs in an environment. Personally, communication is extremely important because it allows me to keep in contact with loved ones. When my husband is in Afghanistan, technology provides us with mediated environments that allow him to stay involved and informed with our family. Communication occurs both verbally and nonverbally, both of which have equal importance in any type of relationship. Our son is severely handicapped and verbal communication is not something that he is capable of yet.
Nonverbal forms of communication like facial expressions and gestures allow me to understand his wants and needs. I have learned how to identify the meanings for each grunt, yell, and facial expression so I know whether he is hungry, tired, bored, or he just wants to play. These meanings have taken time to learn and while others may think that he is just babbling or yelling, I know exactly what each symbol represents. Describe the differences between linear, interactional, and transactional communication. Linear, interactional, and transactional models are all relatively similar in the aspect that they are forms of communication. The linear model of communication involves sending a meaning from one person to another. It consists of source that sends a message to a recipient, who must then decipher the message in order to make sense of it. Types of linear communications may include watching television, listening to the radio, or receiving a lecture.
The interactional model of communication consists of a sender and a receiver. In this model, communication is ongoing and meaning is achieved through the feedback of a sender and a receiver. Within this model, an individual can be either a sender or a receiver, but they cannot perform both roles at any given point during that interaction. Examples of interactional communication involve the sender speaking to the receiver, and the receiver speaking to the sender. Finally, the transactional model of communication is a cooperative process in which the sender and the receiver are equally responsible for the effectiveness of the communication. The transactional model occurs when two parties are communicating verbally or nonverbally. Examples include having a dual sided verbal conversation or a conversation in which one party is talking and the other is responding with gestures. Why is communication critical to developing self-concept Provide an example of how communication has helped you develop your self-concept. Self-concept is defined as the relatively stable set of perceptions that people hold of themselves, (Turner West, 2010, p. 82).
Communication is critical to the development of self-concept because people are not born with self-concepts they are learned through interactions that begin during the first year of life. The first year of life is very important because that is when an individual is learning to differentiate themselves from their surroundings. Some of the many things that contribute to the formation of an individuals self-concept include comments, compliments, criticisms, and put-downs. These are all very important because even something that you may see as a harmless joke may not be interpreted in that way and it can cause detrimental effects to the receivers self-concept making them question themselves and bring feelings of disapproval. Personally, I can think of many ways in which my self-concept was impacted by communication or lack there of. When I was two years old, my father abandoned us and as a young child I truly believed that it was my fault that he left. I felt like I was worthless and I felt that it had to have been something that I did.
These feelings burdened me until I was fifteen and my mom felt that I needed to talk to him so I could finally move on with my life. She hired a private investigator and got me his address so I was able to write letters to him. I hoped that I might finally get some answers as to why he left and never returned. He asked me to live with him and I was utterly thrilled because maybe he really did love me. Well, much to my dismay, the nine months that I lived with him began awkward and uncomfortable because I did not know this stranger and his wife. Then once he became more comfortable with the arrangement, his true personality began to show when he and his wife became physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive toward me. Finally, I had to make the choice to leave knowing that may be the last relationship I would ever have with that man. Seven years have now passed since he even had a word of communication with me. The first few years were hard as I battled depression and heartbreak. To this day, I still feel self-conscious and I occasionally beat myself up about what I could have done, what I should have done, what I ever did to begin with. Myth or Reality Identify whether each of the following sentences is a myth or a reality.
Explain your answers. You communicate only when you consciously and deliberately choose to communicate. Myth or Reality Often times, we communicate without even being aware that we are doing so. Whether it be your facial expressions or body language, there are times in which these occur without us even knowing. Words do not mean the same things to the listener as they do to the speaker. Myth or Reality Words can be interpreted in a multitude of ways because their meanings vary upon listeners. You communicate primarily with words. Myth or Reality We do not communicate primarily with words, we communicate with symbols that can include body language, expressions, gestures, etc. Nonverbal communication is not perceived solely through sight. Myth or Reality Nonverbal communication is perceived through all five of the senses. Communication is not a one-way activity. Myth or Reality Communication requires two active parties and it is a two-way activity. The message you send is identical to the message received by the listener.
Myth or Reality The way the listener interprets a message may be completely different that the message that the sender intended. Interpretation is crucial to remember when you are communicating with others because they may take offense to something that you meant to be harmless. You can never give someone too much information. Myth or RealityIt is possible to give someone too much information because it can lead them to an information overload. When you are trying to communicate a message, too much information may impair the listeners ability to retain and process that message if they are overwhelmed with a multitude of irrelevant information.
The closer individuals become to one another, the more conflict arises to pull them apart. Explains why certain groups in society are muted, which means they are either silent or not heard Explains why, as relationships develop, communication moves from less intimate levels to more intimate, more personal levels Explains why people tend to remain silent when they think their views are in the minority Explains how organizations make sense of the information that is essential for their existence Explains some of the reasons for changes to speech as individuals attempt to emphasize or minimize the social differences between themselves and their interlocutors Explains that people are essentially storytellers who make decisions on the basis of good reasons. History, biography, culture, and character determine what people consider good reasons. Explains the process that people use to manage the relationship between concealing and revealing private information Explains meanings for routine organizational events, thereby reducing the amount of cognitive processing and energy members need to expend throughout the day Explains that mass media has a major influence on audiences by choosing what stories are newsworthy and how much prominence and space to give them Explains how different cultures manage conflict and communication. The theory explains that the root of conflict is based on identity management on individual and cultural levels.
Explains how individuals act toward things on the basis of the meanings they assign to them. The meaning comes from the social interaction individuals have with others and with society. Explains the tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions, such as beliefs and opinions. When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior. Explains how people have expectations about the nonverbal behaviors of others. Violations of these expectations may trigger a change in the perception of exchangeeither positively or negatively, depending on the relationship. Explains how individuals may withhold their opposing opinions to promote cohesiveness. Individuals may also withhold their opposing opinions because they fear rejection by the group. Communication Theories and Contexts Match the communication theories to their contexts by placing the letter of the context in the blank.