Initial Assessment of Learning

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Order NowThe functions of assessing is to start with the initial assessment, this is where we identify if they have any previous experience or knowledge that is relevant to the qualification that they will be assessed on and find out their individual learning style and what support is needed in there learning because everyone absorbs information differently. You can also find this information out from application forms or interviews. The next stage is assessment planning, this will include meeting with your learner about the outcome of the qualification and what work they need to do to achieve this qualification, as an assessor you would plan target dates for their work assigned to be done, The next stage is a continuous monitoring (formative assessment). The methods that can be used, could be assessor led by observations or learner led like writing statements this would allow the leaner and the assessor to plan further learning, this method could also be used at the end of the qualification (summative) where the assessor and learner would have evidence that the leaning has taken place for that particulate unit. As an assessor you will have reviewed the learner’s work that was given previously and you will give constructive assessment feedback on what they have achieved this time and what they need to do for next time to progress to the next level.
Reviewing the overall progress of your learner can be done at anytime with your learner until they leave the company, this will give you the opportunity to discuss with your learner any issues they have and do they need more support in completing the qualification. The stages are then repeated after every unit until the learner has successfully completed the qualification; this also ensures the learner has a structured learning schedule throughout the qualification. Assessment Criteria 1.2 A principle of assessment comes under one overall principle known as VACSR this means: Valid- The work that is being assessed meets the assessment criteria for example defines person centred values is the assessment criteria and the leaner this and give a definition. Authentic- the work is done solely by the learner and isn’t copying from someone else or websites word for word. Current- The work that was agreed by the learner and the assessor to be done in the time frame allocated. It is also what updated legislation is current at this point in time. Sufficient- The work covers all assessment criteria. Reliable- The work done by the learner is consistent and at a required level to pass the qualification.
In between all the above we need to make sure that everyone from learner/ assessor/ employer and IQA involved in the assessment process and clearly understands what is expected of them. The assessor has to be honest about time scales and not overload the capability of learner. Establish what communication is needed so that activities that fit the learner’s current role, this would make planning/ decisions and feedback justifiable. Keeping records must be maintained throughout the assessment process.
Following the key principles of assessment we can:
Maintain my CPD with knowledge and skills.
Ensure that I am performing my role as an assessor according to relevant regulation. Improve motivation and self-esteem Enable the learner to have something to show for there achievements. Diagnose any learner needs for learning requirements. Follow the requirements of the company and awarding organisations To empower learners to take control of there own learning. Ensure that all assessments activities are specific, measureable, achievable and realistic.
Assessment Criteria 1.3
The responsibilities of an assessor are to inspire and motivate the learners and for the assessor to be passionate about the course they are delivering, this would encourage and challenge the learners to learn the subject more effectively. The assessor’s responsibilities are not just to the learners but also to the assessment centre. Please see below for a run thought the responsibilities of the learner and the centre.
We assess the learners work against the standards and requirement that are meeting when we do the assessment cycle. To question the learner on there knowledge and observing there practical work so that the assessor has a good understanding that they are learning at their individual level. To carry out an effective planning this called the assessment cycle which gets split down in to 5 groups called initial assessment/ assessment planning/assessment activity/ assessment decision and feedback and Review of progress. These groups encourage structured planning is done and meets the individual needs and learning capability. Make regular communication/ meetings with the learner at least once a month to go through what work has been done from the last meeting. To give constructive feed back on assessment carried out with the learner to ensure that the learner understands how well they are doing and do they need to improve on some areas. Up hold the learners rights with city and guilds for example the appeals procedure and make sure the learner is aware of this.
Referring the learner to the appropriate experts in the business for additional support for example Functional skills. Responsible for maintaining accurate records for example meeting times and dates, progress reviews. Build and maintain effective working relationships with the Learning Quality Assurance team. Carry out 8 weekly reviews to comply with funding SSA and audit purpose Maintain continuing professional development (CPD) by increasing my knowledge and skills to ensure assessment practices and subject knowledge is up to date. Making sure that we are always taking part in standardisation so we can ensure consistency and fairness of all assessments decision. Following company polices and procedures for example data protection, keeping learner information confidential and in a lockable draw or cabinat.
Assessment Criteria 1.4
The regulations and requirements relevant to assessment are as followed:
Equality act (2010) which provides rights for people not to be discriminated against or harassed. It’s important never to let your own attitudes, values beliefs interfere with the assessment process such as age/ disability/ gender / race and religion. It’s also relevant that the learner is capable of achieving the qualification and not pressured to sign up due to the assessor wanting to hit targets or achieving funding requirements. If you do have a learner that is struggling you will need to adapt activates so they understand, you can always refer to an assessment planning to identify these needs of the learner. Always stay on the positive side to keep you learner motivated, don’t ask the learner what they can’t do ask them what they can do.
Safeguarding vulnerable group’s act 2006 this act protects individuals and vulnerable people from harm. A Vulnerable adult is defined as any person aged 18 years or over who is or may be, in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disabilities, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or himself against significant harm or exploitation. We have a duty of care and a personal responsibility towards all of my learners and they come under 6 key elements which are Respect- Due regard for the feelings and wishes or rights of others. Dignity-The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect Independence- not subject to another’s authority Individuality-A character of a particular person that distinguishes them from others of the same kind. Choice- To give people the right to choose what they want in life. Confidentiality- A set of rules to limit access of people information to the public.
There are 4 key processes that should be followed to ensure my learners are which are: Assessment of there needs- what knowledge they hold. Planning services to meet there needs- Working around the assessment to see what learning style they have and what pace they work at. Intervention if necessary when I may have a concern- If the learner is getting bullied by another learner regarding the learning process. For example calling him or her thick. Reviewing the service offered- Does this meet with there needs not make them vulnerable. If I do have any concerns regarding a learner’s safety, I would report it to my Manager and I shouldn’t get involved with the learner situation.
Health and Safety work act 1974 is a piece of legislation that gives general responsibilities to me as an assessor the company and the learner. Please see responsibilities below: Provide a safe place of work. Ensure the health/safety and welfare of the people at work or those who may be affected by there actions or lack of actions of those at work. Provide sufficient information/ instruction/ training and supervision to support the health and safety of all who may be affected by work activities. Taking Care of there own safety at work. Taking care of the safety of others Reporting identified hazards to the employer.
Co-operating with employer.
This is relevant to when doing a assessment in different areas we need to carry out a risk assessment and also carry a formal record must be kept just in case of any incidents.
The assessment policy on recognition of prior learning (RPL) helps learners demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess and so not need to develop through a course of learning. RPL is one of many assessment methods appropriate to assessing work based learning and remains the role of assessors and quality assurance staff to ensure that evidence is Valid/ authentic/ sufficient and reliable this evidence can come from different aspects of the learners experience such as community and voluntary activities and helps learners to gather evidence that they have previously learnt but has never got formal a qualification. The RPL process should be carried out as an entire process of the learners program and as an assessor I must ensure that all learning outcomes and assessment criteria being claimed are covered and that records of assessment are maintained in the usual way.
Quality Assurance Requirements document includes the relevant requirements that apply to all centres working with the City & Guilds, these are
General Conditions of Recognition (September 2013)
Regulatory Arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework (2008) SQA Accreditation Regulatory Principles (2011) NVQ Code of Practice (2006)
This document promotes quality, consistency, accuracy and fairness in the awarding of all our qualifications. To achieve this we must adopt and implement the principles in the document across all of your qualification. Such as;
Code of conduct – City & Guilds is committed to a set of values, Adhere to the values in all of there dealings with centres, and work hard to achieve a great service. They expect that we be professional in all our communications and follow the code of conduct to enable them to carry out their activities openly and honestly also to provide timely evidence that will enable them to report honestly, fairly and accurately on your centre’s assessment.
Data Requirements- we have to collect and retain a range of accurate, up to date and relevant information, and provide it when the Quality assurance asks for it. We must set up and maintain reliable, auditable quality assurance systems for documenting and recording assessment decisions. We must keep adequate records to track learner progress and allow for the independent authentication of certification claims.
Monitoring and evaluation – the quality assurance has a range of monitoring and evaluation activities to evaluate and monitor the quality, consistency and integrity of our centres and check that each centre continues to meet our requirements. We must monitor and maintain the quality, consistency and integrity of assessment practice and decisions within your centre and between satellite sites We must ensure a standardised approach to quality assurance practice, under a single quality assurance system that is documented. Review regularly, and act on the findings of those reviews. We must take all reasonable steps to protect the interest of the learner or learners, in case of withdrawal of qualification. We must provide any relevant regulator with access to premises, people and records relating to learner assessment, achievement and internal quality assurance.
Supporting Customer Excellence is a support package that can be tailored to fit any specific situation and needs. As well as enabling us to meet regulatory requirements, it is designed to help us achieve business objectives and ensure consistent quality.
The assessor’s role is to assess learner performance and related knowledge in a range of tasks to ensure that the practical knowledge and demonstrations meets the requirements of the standards of the program. As assessors we must therefore have experience and a qualification in the health and social care field to deliver the qualification to the learner.
Assessors will be required to maintain their expertise by undertaking continuous professional development. Assurance, Assessors must hold appropriate Assessor qualifications as approved and specified by the regulatory authorities within the required timescale of commencing their role. Assessors not holding the appropriate qualifications must always have their assessment decisions checked and countersigned by a qualified Assessor. Assessors are responsible for making themselves regularly available to learners. Ensure that each learner is aware of his/her responsibility in the collection and presentation of evidence. Agreeing and recording assessment plans with each learner. Fully briefing learners on the assessment process. Following assessment guidance provided by City & Guilds and the centre.