HMV Assignment Brief

- Pages: 13
- Word count: 3136
- Category: Grades
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Order NowYour task is to analyse the current external environment facing HMV. Your analysis should include the following elements: * A thorough analysis of the external environment presently facing HMV. You should use an appropriate model to structure this analysis e.g. a SLEPT analysis. You should use multiple sources of data in order to complete the analysis. You should engage in critical evaluation of the information that you present. All sources must be referenced in-text. * Suggestions regarding how HMV could respond to current external environment. You should support the suggestions that you make with evidence that these solutions will be successful and will meet current market demands. In addition to the above main body of the assignment, you should also include the following:
* A project plan detailing how you will complete the assignment. The project plan should include time for research, drafting the report, redrafting, referencing etc. It should be presented in the form of a Gantt chart created using Microsoft Project and be accompanied by a commentary on the resources that will be needed to achieve each action (e.g. if you have “research current economic policy” as an action in your Gantt chart the commentary will detail what sources of information you will use for this research). This is likely to include the sources of information that you were introduced to in the module e.g. journal articles, books, database searches, Mintel reports, ONS data etc. * A full Harvard style reference list giving all your sources of information.
The assignment should be presented in the form of a report. This should include a title page, contents page, executive summary, introduction, project plan, external environment analysis, suggestions for HMV’s responses, conclusions and references.
Assessment criteria
In addition to the general points that apply to all assessed work as outlined in the Course Handbook, the following specific criteria will be used for this work: * Correct use of report format.
* Realistic project plan showing each stage of the assignment and a commentary detailing precisely what resources will be used.
* Thorough analysis of the current external environment.
* Integration of a variety of sources of information.
* Critical evaluation of information.
* Production of justified suggestions for how HMV could respond to current external demands.
* Correct use of Harvard style referencing.
Handing in
Work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your student number. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in. You should submit your work electronically via SOLE by the 3pm deadline on 7th January 2013.
For this assignment, you will need to use Turnitin to generate an originality report, and submit it with your work. If you don’t do this, your work will be graded H. Students should include the front page summary of the Turnitin Report as a print screen to the front of your assignment file.
The url for TurnitinUK is You will need to register yourself as a student (if you haven’t already done so). It’s free, and your username is your e-mail address. You will have to think of a password for yourself.
The Turnitin class ID is 425423. The class password is professional. This assignment is set up so that you can resubmit to it, and it won’t check against your previous submission(s) to this assignment. This is so that you can make modifications in the light of a report on your first draft. However, be aware that the second and subsequent reports are delayed by 24 hours to avoid students overloading the server with numerous revisions. This means that you will need to allow sufficient time in advance of hand-in date to complete Turnitin submissions.”
Late submission of work
It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module. Work which is submitted late will be subject to grade penalties as below. * Students who submit course work late but within 5 days of the due date will have work marked, but the grade will be capped at the minimum pass grade unless an application for mitigating circumstances is accepted. * Students who submit work later than 5 days but within 14 days of the due date will not have work marked unless they have submitted a valid claim of mitigating circumstances. * Students who fail to submit an item of assessment lose their right to reassessment in that module, and will be required to retake the module. * For full details of submission regulations see Undergraduate Regulatory Framework at
Academic Dishonesty Warning
Please note the regulations on academic dishonesty, in particular the inclusion in your assignments of un-attributed material taken from other sources. Be assured that every effort will be taken to deal with you fairly, but remember that there are strict rules concerning cheating. You will find further details in your Course Handbook accessible via SOLE and at .
Word Limits: The word limit does not include the reference list, computer programme code listings, tables, diagrams or reasonably short appendices, but will include quotations, citations and the captions to tables and diagrams. The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit: * Up to 10% over: no penalty
* 10% to 20% over: one grade point penalty (e.g. B+ to B) * 20% to 30% over: two grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to B-) * More than 30% over: three grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to C+)
In the event you are required to take reassessment you will receive formal notification of this via a letter from Registry Services posted on the SOLE page after the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The letter will normally include a copy of the reassessment task(s). Deadlines for re-assessment can be found in the University Calendar at
The Business ProfessionalAssignment 2Semester 1 2012/13| Words: | 15 minute group presentation|
Weighting:| 10%|
Learning Outcomes Assessed:| 3, 8|
Submission date:| 3pm on 1st March 2013|
Module Leader:| Holly Andrews|
Verified by:| Helen Shaw|
Electronic copy available:| Blackboard Learning System|
Assignment task(s)
This assignment consists of a group presentation. In groups of approximately 5, select an organisation that you think is inspirational. Produce a 15 minute presentation that outlines the background of the organisation, the type of business they are involved in, what makes the company inspirational and what future directions they may take.
Assessment criteria
In addition to the general points that apply to all assessed work as outlined in the Course Handbook, the following specific criteria will be used for this work: * Knowledge of the company supported by relevant facts, figures and quotations. * Professional non-verbal behaviour including good use of eye-contact, professional dress and a natural stance. * Clear verbal delivery of the presentation.
* Good time management so the total time of the presentation is 15 minutes and within the presentation time is divided evenly between topics and speakers. * Materials used (e.g. slides) are clear, attractive and engaging. * The presentation is structured with a clear beginning, middle and end. * Credible sources are used to support points made throughout the presentation. * The group members work together and support one another in the creation and delivery of the presentation.
Students will then use these criteria to evaluate their peers’ presentations and award a grade. Grade bands only will be given (i.e. A, B, C, etc) by peers.
Once a team grade is awarded by the rest of the group and the tutor, the group will decide on individual grades with tutor support. Individuals can be given any grade point within the grade band awarded by their peers (e.g. if the group receives an A grade, individuals may be given an A+, A, or A-). The individual grades should be decided by the group based on individual contributions to planning, producing and performing the presentation.
Handing in
You should have completed your presentation by the 3pm deadline on 1st March 2013. All presentations will be completed in-class time during the week commencing 25th February 2013.
You are not required to submit this assignment to turnitin.
Late submission of work
It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module. Work which is submitted late will be subject to grade penalties as below. * Students who submit course work late but within 5 days of the due date will have work marked, but the grade will be capped at the minimum pass grade unless an application for mitigating circumstances is accepted. * Students who submit work later than 5 days but within 14 days of the due date will not have work marked unless they have submitted a valid claim of mitigating circumstances. * Students who fail to submit an item of assessment lose their right to reassessment in that module, and will be required to retake the module. * For full details of submission regulations see Undergraduate Regulatory Framework at
Academic Dishonesty Warning
Please note the regulations on academic dishonesty, in particular the inclusion in your assignments of un-attributed material taken from other sources. Be assured that every effort will be taken to deal with you fairly, but remember that there are strict rules concerning cheating. You will find further details in your Course Handbook accessible via SOLE and at .
Word Limits: The word limit does not include the reference list, computer programme code listings, tables, diagrams or reasonably short appendices, but will include quotations, citations and the captions to tables and diagrams. The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit: * Up to 10% over: no penalty
* 10% to 20% over: one grade point penalty (e.g. B+ to B) * 20% to 30% over: two grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to B-) * More than 30% over: three grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to C+)
In the event you are required to take reassessment you will receive formal notification of this via a letter from Registry Services posted on the SOLE page after the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The letter will normally include a copy of the reassessment task(s). Deadlines for re-assessment can be found in the University Calendar at
Assignment task(s)
This assignment consists of a 90 minute computer based test (25%) and the creation and use of computer spreadsheet files submitted during three seminars (5%)
Computer Test:
During the test you are required to:
1. Use the supplied spreadsheet to create a spreadsheet model that will enable you to: * solve the initial problem using a linear model for the demand * perform a post-optimal analysis
* suggest and analyse a computer model which uses a more realistic model for the demand
2. Use the supplied skeleton document to write a management report that includes * an Introduction which outlines briefly the purpose and audience of the report * a Problem Definition which describes the facts of the problem and example calculations. * a Solution to the Original Problem which states, with supporting figures and graphs as necessary, an appropriate solution. * a Post-optimal report which discusses the issues raised if any of the original data is incorrect or is changed. * an Alternative Model proposal with the outline of the new solution that it creates. * a Conclusion which briefly summarises the overall conclusions of the report
Assessment criteria
In addition to the general points that apply to all assessed work as outlined in the Course Handbook, the following specific criteria will be used for this work:
Seminar work:
* Apply and compare forecasting techniques used in a business environment * Apply linear correlation to predict a business outcome
* Create a suitable spreadsheet to enable accurate financial planning
Computer Test:
* Create and interpret a suitable spreadsheet that will enable a recommendation to be made on a given case study. * Apply post-optimal analysis to consider possible changes to the original problem * Develop an alternative model that is likely to improve the accuracy of the recommendation * Create a suitable management report that describes and explains the recommendations for the case study * Use appropriate language and diagrams that will enable a reader of the report to interpret results correctly
Handing in
Work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your student number. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in. You should submit your work by the 3pm deadline on 3rd May 2013). The test will take place in normal class time in the week commencing 29th April 2013.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Late submission of work
It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module. Work which is submitted late will be subject to grade penalties as below. * Students who submit course work late but within 5 days of the due date will have work marked, but the grade will be capped at the minimum pass grade unless an application for mitigating circumstances is accepted. * Students who submit work later than 5 days but within 14 days of the due date will not have work marked unless they have submitted a valid claim of mitigating circumstances. * Students who fail to submit an item of assessment lose their right to reassessment in that module, and will be required to retake the module. * For full details of submission regulations see Undergraduate Regulatory Framework at
Word Limits: The word limit does not include the reference list, computer programme code listings, tables, diagrams or reasonably short appendices, but will include quotations, citations and the captions to tables and diagrams. The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit: * Up to 10% over: no penalty
* 10% to 20% over: one grade point penalty (e.g. B+ to B) * 20% to 30% over: two grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to B-) * More than 30% over: three grade points penalty (e.g. B+ to C+)
In the event you are required to take reassessment you will receive formal notification of this via a letter from Registry Services posted on the SOLE page after the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The letter will normally include a copy of the reassessment task(s). Deadlines for re-assessment can be found in the University Calendar at
Assignment task(s)
This assignment requires you to complete an online webfolio, the template of which is provided to you via Pebblepad. The webfolio includes the following elements;
* Basic information
* Education history
* Work history
* Self-assessment
* Action plan
* Reflective log
* Personal Statement
The webfolio template contains instructions to completing each section. Instructions are written in blue. When you have finished your webfolio, you should delete all the instructions. Text that is written in green you should replace with what is appropriate for you.
You are required to begin the webfolio at the start of your first semester and complete a draft of all sections (excluding the reflective log and personal statement) by 30th November 2012. This draft will be checked by the module team to ensure that it has been completed and discussed at your individual tutorial in week 12.
When deciding what steps you need to include in your action plan, at least one step must be attendance at a University organised event. This could be an event at Worcester Business School’s Employability and Achievement week, a Study Skills workshop, a guest speaker talk (that occurs outside of modules) etc. If you are unsure whether an event is appropriate please check with the module leader.
After the Christmas vacation you should complete the reflective log for semester 1, reviewing how your personal development has progressed over the course of the semester and how you have progressed with your action plan. You should also update your work history and competency evidence if appropriate. This should be completed by 1st February 2013. Your updates will be checked by the module team to ensure they have been completed.
Prior to submission on 10th May 2013 you should complete another update to reflect the experiences you have had over semester 2.
Assessment criteria
In addition to the general points that apply to all assessed work as outlined in the Course Handbook, the following specific criteria will be used for this work: * Fully completed webfolio with evidence of updates completed at the end of semester 1 and the end of semester 2. * Justified rating of competence on the self-assessment tool. * Use of specific and relevant examples from past experience to support level of competence. * Identification of a weakness for improvement.
* Production of an action plan with a specific, measureable and achievable target for improvement, clear identification of specific activities to be undertaken, resources needed and timeline identified. * Evidence of reflective learning.
Handing in Work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your student number. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in. You should submit your work by the 3pm deadline on 10th May 2013. Submission is softcopy only via pebblepad. You should publish your completed webfolio to the WBS Personal Development Gateway. Please allow sufficient time to publish your work to the gateway. Feedback will be provided via Pebblepad.
You are not required to submit this particular assessment to Turnitin.
Late submission of work
It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module. Work which is submitted late will be subject to grade penalties as below. * Students who submit course work late but within 5 days of the due date will have work marked, but the grade will be capped at the minimum pass grade unless an application for mitigating circumstances is accepted. * Students who submit work later than 5 days but within 14 days of the due date will not have work marked unless they have submitted a valid claim of mitigating circumstances. * Students who fail to submit an item of assessment lose their right to reassessment in that module, and will be required to retake the module.
Academic Dishonesty Warning
Please note the regulations on academic dishonesty, in particular the inclusion in your assignments of un-attributed material taken from other sources. Be assured that every effort will be taken to deal with you fairly, but remember that there are strict rules concerning cheating.
Word Limits: The word limit does not include the reference list, computer programme code listings, tables, diagrams or reasonably short appendices, but will include quotations, citations and the captions to tables and diagrams. The following penalties can be applied to work which exceeds the stated word limit: * Up to 10% over: no penalty