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Functional areas of Greggs

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At Greggs Head office they have eight main functional areas which are; Marketing- Infilling a market lead ethos thought out, researching on external opportunities to understand current and potential customers, developing the marketing plan and strategy. Managing budgets and market success. Job roles within marketing: researcher, questionnaire designer, online survey producer. Production- only found in in manufacturing businesses such as; Heinz. Receives deliveries, though previously going by Just IN Time knowing when to order based on the amount of stock in store and by their loses in stocks. These are usually for making and selling the product. Many automated systems including robotics and other machines these would be used for the production of other products to speed up productivity.

These machines would have been programmed on what is needed to have a balanced amount of stock and not be under or over the required amount necessary. Greggs use this as they produce their products within the bakery. Job roles within Production: job, Bach and flow, production manager. Finance- Preparing/sending invoices. Receiving, recording any bank payments and balances. Chasing up creditors, checking that pay invoices are being received and preparing payrolls for employees. For a Greggs finance officer to prepare all Gregg’s employees within the store their wages for the month. Job roles within finance: Chief finance officer, chief operating officer, chief executive officer. ICT-Maintains system and software throughout the mainframe of the servers and all computers within the workplace. Produces advice on matters of installing new software and equipment.

Training other users to understand and work with the software present. In which the users will comply with system rules. For Greggs ICT technicians to help allow employees assistance when using the servers or even the till. Job roles within ICT: analyst, system developer, support technician, network manager, telecom guy. Admin-Broad job category, many jobs descriptions within this role, requires high standard PA roles and good skills with knowledge. Organises stores and retrieves papers/records and electronic records to distributes and dispatch mail. Admin job roles: manager, project assistant/manager, secretary Purchasing-obtaining raw materials from suppliers. Checking and storing hose purchased. Resolving problems and delays.

Checking and storing the end product. Purchase job roles: purchase manager, purchase admin, purchase officer. Sales- carrying out and addressing market research. Obtaining customer profiles. Promoting the business. Responding to sales enquires and keeping customer records. Sales job roles: sales executive, sales admin, sale support, sale director, and senior sales, assistant. Human resources- advertising jobs, dealing with job applications and interviews. Contract of employment. Contract of employment, Promotion and training heal and safety. Work environment keeping staff records disciplinary. Human resource job roles: generalist, recruiter, benefits manager, compensation analyst, training and development specialist

Greggs Additional Functional areas

Shops- The shops are the main priority and the key to everything that Greggs will do and have done. People- identical to human resources/ personal department this consists of the involvement with recruiting, training and support. Security- As well as security shops, also involved in anti-virus, password privacy and confidentiality. Shop Development- separate to look after the new shop developments/refurbishments and also looks at new locations for future stores. Retail Support: are there to support the shops and their staff. Any customer complaints that cannot be resolved in store.

Any issues or problems the shop/staff experience they can call retail support at head office and 3someone can help them. Food tech: keep up to date with health and safety regulations, every three years all staff need up to date training on food hygiene and H&S. this area will organise this specific/specialist training. Occupational Health: look after and support employees with any health issues .Supply Chain: Area responsible for sourcing GOOD FOOD at a LOW COST. Working with suppliers. Training department: All training needs of employees- constant and continuous. Tracey King Area Training Manager for the EAST. All new staff complete ‘basic ingredient’ training course at star of employment. Senior staff and managers have other training programmes to attend.

Greggs communication internally and externally

All businesses understand that they must use effective communication in order to do well as a business, without communication the business will be a mess and would not run successfully. Using communication allows the employees and offices to stay up to date with the businesses progress and what is currently happening. To use effective means of communication all employees would be in a way trained in order to understand communication and use the most effective means for it. This is done in advance to checking that communication is understood by the recipient.

There are many different forms of communication for Greggs when referring to their methods of communication internally Greggs use forms of communication such as having a business server up (intranet) this allows the company as a whole to have their own server to allow to safely transfer data from one user to the next without the potential of theft. This allows for quick and reliable communication and data transfer though out the company however if the server were to crash or sustain some difficulty then there would be the possibility that all data would be lost for the user.

Email another form of communication a very quick and effective way to communicate with a lot of people or example a user was intending to form a meeting on a specific date for 6 members this user would be able to send an email to all members by using only one message be registered to all members making email a reliable source of communication and Greggs top method for communication internally as it is simple to use and its fast however a disadvantage would be that some user may misinterpreted some text as they won’t be hearing the user say it an may not understand, also Email requires every user to have an internet connection on their laptop/desktop this being a large disadvantage in itself, however to this day most businesses have internet within their stores and building overcoming their disadvantage. Greggs also send out a weekly newsletter to all employees in which they are given a choice whether to read this or not but this allows the employee to stay to date with the businesses changes and other news Greggs may have this not being as important as email but could still be considered reliable and useful.

Conference calls this is an excellent form of communication between the functional areas for example, Greggs head office wishes to form a meeting from his building being in say London he would be able to call all region managers at their buildings at once for a large group call (conference call) this allows for all high up employees to convey on their progress and efforts within their region and report back to head office. A more physical form of communication would have to be notice boards these would be very unreliable take at a larger distance of communication however within the smaller section say a store or a singular building to have a notice board set up within the office and to put a message about a meeting next week all employees within the building will have passed this notice board and taken notice to the message and then report to the meeting. Making this effective within a smaller area.

The Telephone is another form of communication and a much more useful form of it this allows two individuals to have a voice to voice conversation allowing for a fully understanding conversation 4however as the other user is not physically there this can lead for interruptions and you can’t see if the other is about to talk. However this allows Greggs Head office to communicate with its functional areas being very reliable however not the most important in their eyes.

As Greggs communicate externally to their suppliers some methods will be used again for this. Greggs’ suppliers could be based as a long distance away too far to travel to Greggs would see this as the opportunity to communicate via telephone as this allows them to communicate as soon as possible in order to possibly change an order or to base a contract for the supplier. Contracts this is where Greggs would send certain businesses/People contracts, a job in which is assigned a purpose and a specific duration allowing for this business or person to be paid by Greggs salary or however they wish to pay this. A contract would allow for the supplier to understand that they work for Greggs for a Year for example and they understand what they need to supply them when and where for that year. Email this allows for Greggs to message their suppliers of any changes on an order however this message may take a while to be sent making this an unreliable form of communication. Visits (face to face) this is a very reliable and useful form of communication allowing for Greggs to have a meeting with a Member of the business who supply Greggs.

This allows for each member to understand one another fully as that face to face effect allows for each person to interoperate each other. This is also being quite similar to a meeting allowing for that same effect and also making it very effective as well. Another form of communication between Greggs and their suppliers could also be their websites allowing for each other to research the other on how they work and if they would be reliable to work with. Financial documents being any form of payment or anything with the involvement of money between the business and its supplier this allows the supplier to understand what Greggs wants specifically for example A4 Lever arch files (boxed x10) quantity 5 Unit cost ÂŁ5.00 total ÂŁ25.00. This allows for a simple and fast form of commutation on getting an order.

Being external again Greggs will use different methods to the other means of communication. The stock market this is a form of communication to the customer as this allows them to understand if Greggs are doing well by the rates of their stocks if they are going up or going down. The media this being a large form of commination for Greggs this consists of magazine ads/articles newspaper ads/articles, TV advertising and TV programs. This allows for the customer to see from their home or where ever they may be any information about Greggs they could be interested in. With social media being a large part of the internet now Greggs no having a Twitter and Facebook page this allows for news to be broadcast of their page for all followers to see of an upcoming news for the customer which in the social medias case this would consist of around teenagers and above as social media now becoming a large part of their lives, making social media a huge form of communication for them.

Risk Identification Paper
Point of sale being Greggs’ most important for communication with the customer as this is the first real bit of first contact between Greggs and the customer with the Greggs showing the customer the price of the product, promoting any additional thing they would like with their purchase. Or if the customer had a complaint they would most likely go to the employee at the till also this is a chance for Greggs to advertise themselves as people to show how they work in store and towards the people. Within each Greggs store there would be a Notice board this would be relevant to the customers alone showing them any events for Greggs that the customers are welcome to come to or even any deals the store may have released within the seasons or of any changes within the store. Face to face with the customers would consist of a lot of the factors the Point of sale would have but this would allow for a longer more detailed talk with the customer allowing for an understanding for the customer.

Most important forms of communication:

Functional areas:
The most important forms of communication between Greggs and its functional areas are Email, Intranet and 5Conference calls. Email is the most important as it allows for fast and simple means of contact with a functional area for Greggs, and mostly being very reliable and being sent and received within minutes. Intranet allowing for data to be transferred easily as it is all stored on one server allowing for smart and fast means of transferring data to its functional areas. Conference calls being the voice to voice means of communication this is allowing the two or more individuals using the call to understand each other. This allows for effective means of a fast distant meeting without the need to physically meet one another in person.

The most important forms of Communication between Greggs and its Suppliers are financial documents, Telephone and Contracts. Financial documents being an accurate way of showing an order/payment for certain from Greggs the supplier to show specifically what they need with a quantity etc. Telephone being voice to voice allows for an understanding conversation to be done from a large distance over the whole nation and being very effective. Contracts to allow the supplier to understand their employment that for a certain duration they are hired to supply with a certain quantity of products.

The most important forms of Communication between Greggs and their customers are Points of sale, Social media and Media. The point of sale being that first bit of contact between the customer and Greggs it allows for a brief understanding of the products and what Greggs is promoting. Social media being a large form of commutation it allows them to post a live newsfeed on the web for all followers to see making for an interest on the user’s behalf. Media being mostly advertising on magazines and TV etc. allowing for most who watch/read to have an idea on what Greggs those and may give those a Interest increasing the amount of potential customers.

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