Ethics Awareness Inventory

- Pages: 3
- Word count: 693
- Category: Ethics Philosophy
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Order NowEthics Awareness InventoryIntroductionEthics can be defined as a philosophical study of moral values based on the concept of right and wrong. An ethical perspective could be considered as a person’s individual perception of moral values, beliefs, and rules based on his or her personal view of right and wrong. The Ethics Awareness Inventory is a test devised to help individuals learn or analyze personal characteristics that reflect individual perspectives on ethics-one’s ethical perspective.
Through the Ethics Awareness Inventory ethical profiles can be gauged under four separate categories: 1) character, 2) obligation, 3) results, and 4) equity-also known as (CORE) to determine an individual’s personal ethical perspective. The CORE categories are based on a broad characterization of one’s individual ethical beliefs. The Ethics Awareness Inventory test is not an exact science but rather a general description of an individual’s ethical perspective which is intended to provide insight into the individual’s personal views toward ethical issues. According to the Ethics Awareness Inventory obligation is the ethical profile I am most closely aligned with, and equity was the ethical profile I was least closely aligned with. The purpose of this paper is to relay the findings of my Ethics Awareness Inventory test and convey the results.
ObligationObligation can be considered as an individual’s responsibility, duty, and commitment, a sort of contract either verbal or written that binds that individual to a specific course of action i.e. social obligation, political obligation, work ethic obligation and so forth. Obligation is based on an individual’s perception of ethical behavior. Therefore, each person chooses, either consciously or unconsciously, which rules he or she believes are ethical and which are not. Under obligation, my ethical perspective is of a person whom places emphasis on duty or obligation to do what is morally right. I believe that ethical conduct appeals to conscience. Basically, all human beings have a natural sense of right and wrong.
When put in a position to judge an individual’s performance or conduct over a particular issue as ethical or unethical, I prefer to look at his or her intentions rather than the particular outcome of his or her action before passing judgment-either positive or negative. I believe that people are people and to error is simply human. Everyone deserves a chance on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration underlying circumstances in order to preserve human dignity. My ultimate goal is promoting individual freedom and independence for all human beings.
EquityEquity can be defined as being in balance or mutually fair. Moral authority that decides what is right and wrong concerns the fair distribution of opportunities to all. In this particular category I appear to be quite judgmental as my ethical perspective is that of uncertainty toward trusting human judgment. I believe that human knowledge is unstable and I judge the validity of presumed expert’s decisions toward what is right and wrong. I believe that education does not provide all the answers. I think that common sense and hands on knowledge provide people with a greater understanding and hold more validity toward having a firmer grasp on ethical perspective than education itself. I have a deep distrust for any individual who attempt to define universal principles because I believe that principals change with circumstances.
ConclusionBefore beginning classes with University of Phoenix, ethics was not something that I gave much consideration to even though it was already a part of my daily life. After several years of classes and countless readings to understand the principles of ethics, I have learned there is an importance in managing ethics on a personal level as well as in the workplace as a professional. Ethics hold tremendous benefits for organizations and its employees, both moral and practical. The Ethics Awareness Inventory has aided in my understanding of how I base my belief system and make decisions. Lastly, this analysis has given me new insight on how I can still hold onto my own values while remaining respectful to those who value different ethical perspectives.
The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management. (2006). Ethics Awareness Inventory.
Retrieved January 26, 2009, from University of Phoenix website: