Thought Essays

The story at hand is about much more than the ethics of hunting, and despite its ambiguous, if not non-existent plot, I thought it was rich with meaning. Packaged as a glimpse of life into a small group of people, set in a beautifully rustic and occasionally harsh environment, the …
I am Suraj Thomas and I am running for school vice-captain. I have spent all my primary years attending Gomathy and have enjoyed every moment of it. I would like to become the new school vice-captain of Gomathy to ensure that this school stays as great as it is for …
The narrator in Carver’s “Cathedral” changes his point of viewat the end of the story. In the story, the man is seen with his wife, but has some arguments between each other. The following paragraphs will include the original thinking of the narrator, what is the key point for him …
Dagoberto Gilb’s short story, deceiving titled “Love in L.A.”, paints a portrait of a hilarious event involving a minor car accident on the jam-packed Los Angeles freeway. When first reading the title, you automatically start making assumptions that this story has something to do with how a couple finds “Love …
Response Paper of A Woman’s Beauty: Put-Down or Power Source? 1. “It was principally the influence of Christianity……By limiting excellence (virtus in Latin) to moral virtue only; Christianity set beauty adrift–as an alienated, arbitrary, superficial enchantment. And beauty has continued to lose prestige.” I think this passage is very significant, …
When you think back to childhood, your best memories often revolve around winter holidays. Sometimes they recall a very special Christmas gift, such as that much wished for electronic device or video game. More often, they remember good company and good times, family laughter over a game, hot chocolate and …
“Nearing Forty”, by Derek Walcott, is in my opinion, a poem inspired by a sleepless night of worrying and fear. A fear facilitated by a mid-life crisis that causes the narrator to start thinking about how much time he has left and how mediocre life has been. Wolcott uses a …
On May 21, 2005, the author of “This is Water”, David Foster Wallace gave his commencement speech to the graduating class of Kenyon College. Foster Wallace starts his speech with a story of “two young fish swimming along” and neither of them know what water is (Wallace 1). Wallace goes …
Coe’s is a big lease-to-own chain in U.S., which has been established by Terry Windham from 1950’s from investing $600 in 32 chairs to rent out to auction. Starting from this the business expanded to party equipment and sickroom gear and later on in 1970’s it is oriented on furniture …
An image that was prevalent in this story was the hot air balloon. The hot air balloon represented freedom for Guy, who was trying to escape the unfair poverty that his family was experiencing. This symbol of freedom is first introduced to the reader when Guy, his wife Lili, and …
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