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Social Issues Essays

Gender Equality Will Remain Lofty Dream in Pakistan

Now we would talk about the gender equlity will remain lofty dream in pakistan .Present condation of our country proves this statement .Gender inequality is exist everywhere.U can see it in ur daily life .Ur day start from travelling and if u travel from bus ,u wil face inequality overthere …

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Age discrimination occurs when a decision is made on the basis of a person’s age. In the workplace, these are most often than not decisions made about recruitment, promotion and termination. In other words, discrimination can be defined as the actions arising from institutions and individuals that disproportionally and systematically …

Corporate Social Responsibility Within Phillip Morris

I will in this essay assess the efforts of the two chosen companies, Altria’s Phillip Morris USA and Phillip Morris International, in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Before tackling this, a brief explanation of CSR and its introduction in the companies will be provided. Thereafter, I will deal with domestic issues …

Family Responsibility Discrimination

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 originally protecting against discrimination in employment based upon race, color, national origin, religion and gender. Such discriminations, or disparate treatments, are often easy to identify. Most companies today have established concrete policies and rules to avoid discrimination in workplace and in …

The Death Penalty Argumentative

History The history of death penalty is just as morbidly vibrant as the current debates about it.  According to the Death Penalty Information Center, a leading and often quoted non-profit organization that compiles and presents data on capital punishment, the “first established death penalty laws date as far back as …

Military Action Is The Only Effective International Respose To Genocide

Genocide is one of the oldest crimes in the society.  The crime even transcends the issue on being controversial because it of the serious issues on morality that the genocide intersects.  It can be considered as a problem that needs the concerted efforts of the leaders and people of different …

The Antisocial Behavior Leading to Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction             In the course of the discussion, the emphasis of the discussion approves to the issue concerning the step-by-step evolution of juvenile deviancy. As according to the study of Miller, Wasserman and Neugebauer, juvenile delinquency develops from school violence, which originates from antisocial behavior. Considering the plan of the …

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are two of the most important figures in American history, they are responsible for the start of the end of racial discrimination in the United States, at least on paper.  Their actions spurred on legislation after legislation focusing on equality between races.             Despite …

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in Oil Business: Lukoil CSR Overview

Introduction “… to quote the famous economist, Maynard Keynes, who on being accused of inconsistency replied: ‘When I have new information, I change my conclusions. What do you do? Sir’” (Campbell, 1997). This Paper will examine the possible relationships, if any, that exists between the media or the Press and …

A Raisin In The Sun: Reflections On Segregation And Poverty

            A Raisin in the Sun was writing by Lorraine Hansberry.  It was the first play that appeared on Broadway that was written by a black woman.  Hansberry explains “this is a play that tells the truth about people, Negroes and life and I think it will help a lot …

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