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President Essays

1974 Us History DBQ

The Crittenden proposal, introduced by Senator John J. Crittenden, intended to end the United States succession process. The proposal failed because while the senator who represented the south supported it, the Republicans did not accept it. Since President-elect Abraham Lincoln was the leader of the Republicans, his strong opposition of …

Thomas Jefferson and the Missouri Compromise

            The Missouri Compromise is a declaration of agreement between the pro-slavery and the anti-slavery in 1820. It concerns the state of the western territories whether they will be a free state or a slave state. To balance the people both in the senate and the congress, Missouri was admitted …

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and Thomas Pains Common Sense

Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States and the author of the Declaration of independence an article that has been read by many. He was one of the United States most articulate champions of representative democracy and human rights. Through speech and writing, Jefferson did communicate his …

Lincoln Reaction Paper

The award winning movie Lincoln is one of the most acclaimed films of the year. It depicts the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, focusing on his efforts in getting the 13th amendment passed. While it shows some of the personal aspects of the president’s life, such as his relationships with his …

The Great Presidents of the United States and their Achievements

The president of the United States is by far the best known politician both within the United States and around the world.  Presidents enjoy one important advantage because of a constitutional practice rather than the Constitution as such. The president is uniquely positioned to claim to be the person who …

Thomas Jefferson

“The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to their (peace and liberty) attainment. They should be the creed of our politician faith, the text of civic instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from …

The Modern Presidency

In his article “The Presidency and Political parties,” Sidney M. Milkis works toward a definition and understanding of the Presidency based on strictly Constitutional grounds, and contrasts that model with the manifest reality of the modern Presidency.  In Milkis’ appraisal, a great de-evolution from the original conception of the Presidency …

Carlos Garcia Administration

Garcia was the 4th president of the Republic of the Philippines. * García was born in Talibon, Bohol, to Policronio García and Ambrosia Polistico.’ * He was known as the “Prince of Visayan Poets” and the “Bard from Bohol”. * He was appointed Secretary of Foreign Affairs by President Ramón …

The Presidential Election of 1940: War, controversy and the “new deal”

In modern-day America elections have become routine and, to a certain degree, taken for granted. All elections are important to the future of our country. Every once in a while an election comes along that promises to reshape the very nature of America. Some would argue that the election of …

The Change in Robert F. Kennedy from 1963 to 1968: How and Why it Occurred

Robert F. Kennedy was already a man of significant political power in 1963.  In 1961, Kennedy had been elected Attorney General of the United States, serving during the presidency of his brother, John F. Kennedy.  As a powerful man in his own right, Robert Kennedy asserted his political influence in …

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