Bush Essays

On a warmer-than-average day in early 2005, President George W. Bush gave his second inaugural address in front of the US Capitol and witnessed by thousands in person and perhaps millions around the world. During this speech, President Bush discussed both his ideals as Chief Executive as well as his …
The speech that George W. Bush gave after the attacks on September 11th, 2001 was not only comforting, like the speech given by Ronald Reagan after the Challenger Tragedy, or the impromptu speech given by Robert Kennedy after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., but also blazing with the …
In contrast to the many powers it gives Congress, the Constitution grants few specific powers to the president. Indeed, most of Article II, which deals with the executive branch, relates to the method of election, term and qualifications for office, and procedures for succession and impeachment rather than what the …
First off before you can understand the ideal of conservatism in the 1980’s you need to know what exactly conservatism is. Conservatism is a political philosophy that promotes conserving the government to keeping things as they were in the past. Various presidents in this era have used philosophy as a …
As one of the most destructive natural disasters in United States’ history, Hurricane Katrina took hundreds of lives and amounted to billions of dollars in damage. As victims see their fallen homes and shattered lives, they wonder how this catastrophe could have happened. Some argue that hurricanes are unpredictable phenomena …
My reaction to 9/11 was that it was a very horrific event. To borrow President Roosevelt’s words I believe that it is a day that will live in infamy. I do not know how someone could murder all those people. In my opinion Osama bin Laden and President George W. …
Since the Barry Goldwater conservative invasion of the 1960’s, and the Reagan Revolution of the 1980’s, the Republican Party espouses a basically conservative philosophy. Concentrations of liberalism and sometimes outright socialism can be found amongst Republicans in the northeast, led by the likes of Governor Christine Todd Whitman of New …
The war on terror presents an unpredictable challenge for the United States. Throughout history, the motivation of man’s self-interest has concluded in the domination of those with little or no power. Habeas Corpus is written in the constitution as a right of the people and should be a safeguard to …
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