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President Essays

Why my Vote is for Barrack Obama as the Next US President

  The 2008 US presidential elections is without any doubt the most fascinating and captivating of all elections in recent times.  The election campaigns have generated massive interest not only in the United States but around the world as well.  The televised presidential debates have been watched by millions all …

President Franklin D. Delano's Address To the Americans On Pearl Harbor Attack

The Pearl Harbor address made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered as one of the most famous speeches of all time.  Superbly written matched by effective delivery, the speech achieved its numerous purposes—to inform the nation of the predicament of the country and at the same time, to rouse …

President Bush' Second Inaugural Address

On a warmer-than-average day in early 2005, President George W. Bush gave his second inaugural address in front of the US Capitol and witnessed by thousands in person and perhaps millions around the world.  During this speech, President Bush discussed both his ideals as Chief Executive as well as his …

Amerindian Warfare

Interpret the phrase “De Soto is the personification of evil.” The de Soto expedition, the first major European overland expedition into what is now the eastern United States, is certainly important. It was a part of Spain’s effort to explore and colonize the eastern United States, and the expedition’s firsthand …

JFK Assassination

Introduction John F. Kennedy was sworn as 35th President of United States of America in January 1961, less than 3 years later he was assassinated in November, 1963. Kennedy was the second US president to be assassinated while in office after Abraham Lincoln. However, unlike in the case of Lincoln, …

James Madison

            James Madison was born on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia. His parents were both wealthy, his father, James Sr., having been an heir to substantial wealth while his mother, Nelly Conway, belonged to a rich tobacco merchant family. He spent most of his young life in a …

Characteristics of A Leader: President Bill Clinton

            Introduction             William Jefferson Clinton despite a few shortcomings possessed the real qualities of a leader championing the country to great achievements while displaying a strong ability to deal with criticism. He significantly contributed to American development when he became the 42nd president of the United States between 1993 …

Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was born October 11, 1884 from a family of lineage, wealth, and uncommon sadness. The first child of Anna Hall Roosevelt and Elliott Roosevelt, young Eleanor encountered dissatisfaction early in life. Her father, grief the death of his mother and fighting continuous ill health, turned to alcohol for …

Abraham Licoln Outline

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865 II. State: Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky, and ran for president in Illinois. III. Educational and Occupational background: Abrahams step mother, Sarah, encouraged Abraham to read. It was while growing into manhood that …

The “Dynamic Conservativism” of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Abstract The election of General Dwight David Eisenhower to the Presidency in 1952 as well as his reelection in 1956 was instrumental in augmenting governmental and societal changes still evident today.  His particular conservatism—“dynamic conservativism” or “new republicanism” was a unique philosophy that served the country in its transition from …

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