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Military Essays

The Lesser-Known Heroes of World War II

When we think of the Second World War, we often picture a slight variation of roughly the same concept: muscular, American soldiers storming the beaches of France to push the Nazi tyrants back and win the War. This depiction, however, tragically omits the many soldiers who did not march on …

World War Two Analysis

The economies of countries like German and Japan were struggling following world war one and the great depression. World war two is ushered in by Germany’s refusal to honor the Treaty of Versailles and attacking Poland, and as a result, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Japan, Germany, and …

Why Did Germany Start World War II

World War II officially started with the swift invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, and from then on would rage through Europe showing no mercy. With Hitler introduced a new strategy of warfare, blitzkrieg (‘Lightning war’), It expressed two main features, surprise and speed, that would leave their opponents …

About Cold War

War. A thing that can occur between pretty much anyone or anything down to the smallest of animals and insects. It can be erupted by possibly the simplest of actions put in to the world. War is a conflict between two sides and it is very common that violence is …

From the War Room to Parris Island

Introduction “Only the dead have seen the end of war,” once remarked Plato. What the famed philosopher means in this statement is that while specific wars may come and go, the concept of war will forever persist. War has existed since mankind was first able to feel contempt, that is …

Cold War Policy

Shortly after Stalin’s death in March 1953, Eisenhower gave a speech notably titled “The Chance for Peace,” in which he made clear that the United States and its friends had chosen one road while Soviet leaders had chosen another path in the postwar world. But he always looked for ways …

The Threat of Nuclear Warfare During Cold War

During the post World War II time, fears and tensions were generally high as the Soviet Union attempted to expand their power through the post war crippled Europe. The stronger alliance between Britain and America, and the creation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) all formed to limit the spread …

Cold War And Military Technologies

The battle of the Cold War was the first time in U.S. history in which military technology had developed to a point that mutual annihilation was ensured. The presence of two global superpowers, each diametrically opposed to the other on the basis of political belief meant that there had to …

7 Powerful Values that Make a Soldier

Introduction Value is a belief one thinks to be true which forms a priority of life. Each of the Army Values direct toward the purpose of the Army. Hence, The Army Values reflect the essence of the Army as an organization. As a Solider of the Army, it is important …

Cultural safety and nursing

CULTURAL SAFETYINTRODUCTIONCultural safety is model care which was first originated by the Nursing Council of New Zealand in the 1980s. Maori midwifery students first introduced it as a way to redress Maori health inequities. Cultural safety was an inadequate response to the health status of the indigenous people. The ‘term’ …

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