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Identity Essays

Minority stress and health

Historically, the pathologization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) orientations shaped research and professional practice, while the impact of stigma was not considered. Within a minority stress conceptualization however, stigma-related prejudice and discrimination experienced by LGBTQ people constitute chronically stressful events that can lead to negative health outcomes. …

Critically Evaluate Feminist Explanations of Female Criminal Behaviour

The involvement of females in crime and as the committers of crime was once a rare phenomenon but in recent years a dramatic increase has been seen all over the world. In England and Wales statistics have shown between 1994 and 2006 female crimes have steadily increased and have since …

Green Conception vs. Action

In order to practice our survey skills, we created a questionnaire consisting of 10 Questions relevant to our field of inquiry Green Conception vs. Action. We printed this questionnaire 50 times and handed them to students of Berlin International School ranging from Grade 9 to IB1. Our aim was to …

Music Can Be Seen as Related to Gender

For many years discussions of sexuality were informed by a distinction between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’. The sex of a person was judged to be ‘biologically determined’ and their gender to be ‘culturally and socially constructed’ (Abercrombie, Hill and Turner, 1988: 103). Gender roles are frequently based around the ideas that …

Penny Gay Defines Comedy as a Genre

The comedy of the Importance of Being Earnest uses spoken language to convey comical actions rather than physical actions. The Importance of Being Ernest is a drama because of its origins as a play, but also a contextual comedy as the characters follow the general format of falling in love …

Successful Filipino Gays

Today’s generation in terms of sexuality is very different. Individuals belong to the third sex, especially the gays, are now starting to fight for their rights as a human being and make names in the industry that could be proud of. Unlike before, they are being discriminated and ashamed by …

Summer Solstice

1. Doña Lupeng Moreta- initially rejects ancient beliefs, but under the spell of the moon, she gets possessed by the spirit of the Tadtarin cult. 2. Don Paeng Moreta- the highly moral husband of Donya Lupeng 3. Guido- young cousin to the Moretas who studied in Spain 4. Amada- the …

The Bloody Chamber Tales - Competiton Between Women

A main theme through a lot of the stories in The Bloody Chamber Collection by Angela Carter is competition between the sexes and how women were treated by men in her society; a theme which is still relevant today. However, a few of the stories in the collection explore how …

Whirligig Case

“An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces and uses his experience.” This quote, by James Baldwin, reveals that a person can discover who they really are by what actions they do. For example, helping people and assisting their needs, will result …

Discuss Hysteria in the Context of Class and Gender Constructions of the Period

Hysteria is a pathological condition that reached the apex of its ‘popularity’ in the late 19th century (Maines, 1998). The history of the notion of hysteria can be traced right back to ancient times. Elaine Showalter, who was famous for her study of women and madness, describes the period between …

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