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German Essays

WWII - Allies, Axis Powers

In World War II, the Axis countries wanted to expand their territories, which brought them into conflict with the Allies. The Axis countries were Germany, Italy and Japan, and the Allies were the United States, Great Britain, China, and the Soviet Union. All of the Axis powers followed a policy …

The Holocaust

The Holocaust was the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany, and its collaborates during WWII. The leadership of Germany’s Nazi party ordered the extermination of million of Jews. The Holocaust also lead to the establishment of international laws against human rights violations. During Nazi rule, Jewish …

Adolf Hitlers Abuse Of Power

The next few paragraphs explain and prove how Hitler abused his power because of his ego, greed, and self centeredness. Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Austria. He lived in Viennia from 1907 to 1913. the young Hitler was a poverty stricken solitary art student dropout. During World War …

''To Vanquish the Dragon'' by Pearl Benisch

In To Vanquish the Dragon, Pearl Benisch vanquishes her dragon through her resourcefulness. There are 3 different times Pearl was resourceful in To Vanquish the Dragon. One is where she helped save her best friend from the cruel and appalling prisons of the Nazis. They held her friend hostage and …

Prime Minister David Lloyd George speech about Treaty of Versailles

I stand here today as proud leader of this country to tell you of a great victory, we have at last come to an agreement on the set out in the treaty of Versailles. Our men and women have fought hard to defend this country against the likes of Germany …

Brandt's Ostpolitik

After the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, tensions worldwide, including within Europe, eased significantly, all sides agreeing to work towards a policy of détente. The leader of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), or West Germany as it was named at that time, Willy Brandt, decided to review the …

Did the German people benefit from Nazi rule in the 1930's?

The Nazi’s came into power in Germany in March 1933 when they pushed the elections their way by arresting Communist party members and their supporters. Also they had a massive amount of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels was the head of Hitler’s propaganda movement. Also the Nazi’s were aggressive towards their opponents, …

Could WWII have been Prevented?

During the early 1940’s many European, countries and the United States, were recovering from World War I and the depression. Due to the fact that no one initially could or wanted to control Hitler’s dictatorial power his extreme racism got out of control and he was able to slaughter millions …

''How to Build a Slaughterhouse'' by Richard Selzer

The short story “How to Build a Slaughterhouse” by Richard Selzer, can be looked at as a metaphor for the Nazi interment camps. The author portrays the slaughterhouse as a very uniform killing factory, much like the interment camps in Nazi Germany. The workers are so numb to the killing …

Was the policy of appeasement justified?

There are two opinions that histories have, when dealing with this question. Some historians say that the appeasement wasn’t justified and that Chamberlain was a weak person while of the other hand some say that Chamberlain didn’t have any other chose. There are a number of reasons that support both …

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