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German Essays

German Nationalism and Unification

It is traditionally seen that Otto Von Bismarck was largely responsible for the unification of Germany and that he used a plan of war & diplomacy to fool the other European powers. But this achievement is too quickly attributed too the success of Bismarck. While Bismarck’s superb diplomatic skills were …

Explain why 1923 was a difficult year for the Weimar Republic

1923 was one of the worst years for the Weimar Republic. During the first few years the Republic faced many crises. It was working in very difficult situations: trying to stabilize Germany; trying to rebuild the countrys infrastructure after the World War; and having to cope with the problems caused …

World War 1

“You will be home before the leaves have fallen from their trees.” As in most war, the first casualty was the truth. When Europe slid from a nervous peace into raging war, almost everyone anticipated a brisk, spectacular and triumphant campaign. In the summer of July 1914, war was a great …

Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century

Nationalism spread throughout Europe like fire in the Yellow Stone Park. And like fire, the effects that Nationalism had caused were both eminent yet horrendous. Nationalism united people into nation-states, toppled empires composed of many ethnic minorities, and contributed to the outbreak of wars in the nineteenth century. For example, …

Hitler's policies were a success for German people during the 1930s

I agree to a large extent that Hitler’s policies were a success for German people during the 1930s. Hitler’s economic and education policies were a success but his anti-Jewish policy/policy of using violence and intimidation was a failure. Hitler’s economic four-year plan in 1936 emphasized rearmament and the production of …

German song ''Du bist wie eine Blume''

Before you can ever jump on stage and sing any new song there is a process of seven steps to help you perform it correctly and well. You need to study the piece and prepare it properly. This component study involves seven detailed parts, text, rhythm, meter, and tempo, melody, …

Adolf Hitler to Machiavelli's "The Prince"

When Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” in the 1500’s, his intentions did not apply to the twentieth century. Some very important figures of the twentieth century used basic ideals from “The Prince” to obtain and maintain their position in power. One of these individuals was Adolf Hitler. Hitler used numerous Machiavellian …

In Literature, Evil Often Triumphs But Never Conquers

“Evil is the quality of being morally bad or causing harm, misfortune, suffering, or destruction” (Encarta). “In literature, evil often triumphs but never conquers.” The particular perspective of this statement can be applied to two works of literature that I have read. In the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, evil …

''The Great Escape'' by Paul Brickhill

1.This story is about a prison camp in Sagan, Germany. In this prison camp, there are over 700 prisoners from World War 2. These prisoners are all anxious to get free from the devastating camp, so they try to create 3 tunnels to get out of the camp. Tom, Harry, …

A Comparative Study of Nelson Mandela and Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler and Nelson Mandela are vastly different men, however in many ways through out their lives they both held a huge influence over their countrymen, the politics of their country and inevitably they both shaped the course of history for better or worse. Their fight, was not won without …

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