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Arab Essays

Morocco is an Incredibly Diverse Country, Both Historically and Geographically

Morocco is an incredibly diverse country, both historically and geographically. While it is without a doubt part of Africa, its location at the very northwestern tip has to some extent seperated it from the rest of continent. The climate of the north is very different from the south. Here the …

Rababah Ethnomusicology

Abstract  The Rebab is a stringed instrument with one or two strings and played by using a bow. And it is considered part of the lute family (oud in Arabic). A lot of plucked versions like the kabuli rebab (sometimes referred to as the robab or rubab) are plucked like …

Economies of the Arab Countries

The economy of the Arab countries consist of Southwest Asia and Egypt, which includes Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.   According to the Central Intelligence Date (CIA) of 2008, United Arab Emirates, …

Cultural Beliefs

Contained herein is an analysis of cultural beliefs that Saudi Arabians hold on Americans. The analysis shall further elaborate on whether the said believes could be classified as stereotype or just generalizations. Before listing the beliefs, it needs to understand that other cultures of the world are more likely to …

The Continuing Struggle: Arabs Perception of Americans After the September 11 Attacks

Introduction The September 11 bombings of the United States became a turning point in American politics and society as well as the Arab nation: on one hand, Americans’ disbelief and shock on the degree of hatred of Arabs to commit such act and on the other, it is an exclamation …

Arabizi Case Study

On a Friday night, while the family was gathering at my grandfathers’ house, we were watching television. My grandpa suddenly shouts out “where is the Hakoom?”, no one understood what he meant by “hakoom” but when he corrected the word and said “remote control” the remote was handed in to …

The Difficult Decision In My Life

The Difficult Decision is when you were Confused between two things that will change your life. And you can’t decide you Decision in one day, you most take a lot of time to Decision what it is good to you. Some times the Person Keep thinking for months to decide …

Describe the religious beliefs and practices in pre-Islamic Arabia

In Arabia, the period before the emergence of Muhammad was a time of many different and varying religious practices. To understand the religious beliefs and practices of the time, it is necessary first to have some basic appreciation of Arabia as a whole. The Arabian Peninsula can be divided into …

Saudi Aramco-Saudi Arabian American Oil Co

May, 2013 This dramatic shift had historical and political circumstances with changed economic conditions. The paper shows the company: history, strategy and projects internally and internationally. It also shows us the innovation key role played in the global organizations growth and Leadership role. Introduction “Saudi Aramco-Saudi Arabian American Oil Co” …

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