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German Essays

Evaluation of Culture Background of Germany, Japan, and Ireland

Evaluation of culture background of Germany, Japan, and Ireland through Hofstede Cultural Dimension As professor Geert Hofstede put, “Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster.” Therefore, understanding different cultures in different countries is a significant …

The Second Reich Was Governed by the Personal Rule of the Kaiser

During the period of the second Reich, the Kaiser managed to keep a huge amount of power within it. With the ability to dismiss the chancellor and the Reichstag, it can be seen that the Kaiser could manipulate the governing powers until they became a united power which had the …

Poem Analysis

Pre-writing exercise 1 •Man: This primarily mean adult male but can designate any human being regardless of sex or age. Wikipedia (2011) •Wall: This is an upright structure of wood, plaster or any building material serving to enclose, divide or protect an area. Wikipedia (2011) •Berlin Wall: This is the …

The Peasant’s Revolt in the German States of 1524-1526

The peasant’s revolt in the German states of 1524-1526 was mainly caused by the peasants’ confusion of Lutheran teachings and also the economic depression that was oppressed by the lords. The response to the peasant revolts in German states varied from violent outcries to semi peaceful actions such as marches …

What Was the Involvement of Ordianry Germans in the Holocaust

With specific references to at least three testimonies, assess the role of ordinary Germans in the Holocaust. The ordinary Germans had an ambiguous and heavily debated role in the Holocaust during WW2. Much research has been undertaken by historians such as Daniel Goldhagen and Robert Galletely into the role the …

Dehumanization of Jews in Night

Mike Huckabee once said, “The churches have filled in the gaps, especially when you consider that these folks have been dehumanized by this experience…It’s not just a cot, food and a shower they need, it’s a human touch, a hug and some level of respect.” Upon reading Elie Wiesel’s Night, …

Why Great Britain Followed a Policy of Appeasement Toward Germany in the 1930s?

The appeasement policy, which can be defined as a diplomatic policy that hopes of preventing war by making concessions to an aggressor, was displayed by Great Britain towards Germany in the preface to World War II. However, it proved to be a spectacular failure, because leaders of the countries that …

The Peace Treaties Between 1919 and 1923

In order to restore peace after World War I, peace negotiations were held and a number of treaties were signed between 1919 -1923. To what extent were the peace treaties fair/unfair? After the World War I most countries were destroyed and were left broke, so In order to restore peace …

Impact of Nazi Rule on German Citizens

“Totalitarianism has had a significant impact on the lives of ordinary people.” With reference to one right-wing regime, evaluate the validity of this statement. The totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany did have a major impact on the everyday lives of many Germans because the state controlled so many aspects of …

Refugee Blues

W. H. Auden’s poem of despair, misery, and isolation, “Refugee Blues”, describes the hardships faced by two German Jewish refugees attempting to escape Hitler’s Germany. Published in autumn, 1939, Auden is surrounded by the anti-Sematic hatred that is growing in Germany six months prior to the outbreak of World War …

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