German Essays

In his novel 1984 (1949), English writer George Orwell (1903-1950) warned readers about the dangers of totalitarianism. The novel focused on the fictional country of Oceania, which, ironically, bore striking similarities to Nazi Germany. Both Oceania and Nazi Germany were totalitarian societies, where the power of the state replaced the …
Introduction Anti-Semitism in Germany was widespread during the Nineteenth century. However, this contempt and hatred against the Jewish people was prevalent in most of Europe even before the last century as it was characterized by the notorious Dreyfus affair. In Germany, anti-Semitism was so intolerant and brutal during the reign …
The Holocaust: The development of Nazi German Holocaust policy 1939-1945 Nazi is a term used to refer to the Nazi Party of Germany- the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, whose members referred themselves National Socialists and rarely as Nazis. Nazism has generally been considered a type of fascism, with …
Abstract Germany came under the influence of the Nazis for a short period of twenty years, from the mid twenties until the end of the Second World War. This period was the most traumatic the world has witnessed in recent times and was marked by global warfare, racial atrocities and …
Anthony Wood , Europe 1815-1960 (1986) The fundamental significance of Versailles was emotional rather than rational. Allied statesmen, urged on by the pressure of public opinion, have made peace in spirit of revenge and not to guarantee national security. Lentin, Guilt At Versailles (1984) The Treaty of Versailles should have …
In narrating how the community of Konitz, Germany found an upper torso of eighteen-year-old Ernst Winter inside a package floating in the lake of Monchsee, it was suspected that the event was a ritual murder of Jewish butcher Gustav Huffman, in acquiring Christian blood for the unleavened bread for …
The headline on CNN online news dated November 23, 2005 was striking: “Germany gets first woman leader.” The news was held so important for the German people and the world that it had, for the first time in its long political history, was able to recognize the political will of …
Introduction In trying to find the similarities and differences between Fascism as practiced by Nazi Germany and the Communist system of Russia under Joseph Stalin, it is important to first understand the term ‘fascism’; what does it mean? Fascism has been described variably and has sometimes generated very interesting …
Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler as Chancellor in 1933? (No. 3, Pg 146) The reasons for Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in 1933 have been debated heavily by a number of Historians. Causes, ranging from Germany’s authoritarian historical background and the effects of World War One on German Society to Hitler’s …
The German V-2 missiles developed at the end of World War II began a new era in warfare that would eventually enable accurate delivery of weapons of mass destruction to targets thousands of miles from their point of origin.[1] The ballistic missile age began in earnest at 6.43 p.m. on …
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