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Feminism Essays

The Blossoming of Feelings

Midsummer was a short story written by Manuel E. Arguilla. The story only revolved around two characters, Ading and Manong. Ading was a small but beautiful and slender woman while Manong was equally gifted, he was tall and has ripped muscles. These physical attributes started their attraction toward each other. …

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

The Power of Female Nurturing to Challenge and Change the abuse patriarchy make a person reshape through the Silent of their Voice The Color Purple by Alice Walker portrays a black woman who starts off in the narrative as a powerless object and who later on becomes a woman with …

Women's Suffrage: Creation of the 19th Amendment

My topic of choice is the background behind the 19TH Amendment of the United States. Voting is important in the United States because its shows that we’re a part of a movement that allows us to vote for whose best for running our country. Well what if you were denied …

''Canterbury Tales'' by Geoffrey Chaucer

In The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, each character, such as the Pardoner, Wife of Bath, and the Franklin, epitomizes their spirit and reputation through the tales they tell. The Pardoner uses his tale as a gimmick to make money, because he is a greedy man. The way his tale …

Freedom in the French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowles

“Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room Of One’s Own (p.96) Defining freedom as a concept that exists on the restricted field of the novel is …

Gendered Experiences in Ifugao

Gender is a historically and culturally constructed concept by a community. Specific meanings that people attribute to gender reflect their own historical, cultural, political and economic processes in daily life. Social roles are viewed by Ifugao people as always in relation with their family. They work cooperatively to provide for …

A Tale through the Eyes of the Wife of Bath

The Wife of Bath uses reasoning and logic to justify that it should not be looked down upon for a woman to have multiple marriages throughout her lifetime. Allison, the Wife of Bath, argues that God “bade us all to wax and multiply” (277). Essentially, Allison is claiming that God …

Advertising and the Feminisation of Men in Korea

The traditional criteria for male attractiveness seemed to be the inverse-triangle shaped body, muscles, broad shoulders and a sculpted face. These are all indicators of high levels of testosterone, and would be desirable according to evolutionary psychology. Then the advent of the metrosexual man broke a new frontier, making it …

Cultural Artifact

I.Intro A.Hello everyone my name is . And today I am going to talk about a cultural artifact but before that by a show of hands how many of you consider yourselves young adults? Ok now does your family recognize you as a young adult? There is a point in …

Feminism in Medea

The play Medea by Euripides challenges the dominant views of femininity in the patriarchal society of the Greeks. While pursuing her ambition Medea disregards many of the feminine stereotypes/ characteristics of the patriarchal Greek society. She questions the inequality of women in a patriarchal society, contradicts Jason’s chauvinist beliefs, challenges …

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