Feminism Essays

“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing,” said Swami Vivekananda. Through the past centuries, societies in the world have been trying to fly on only one wing, …
Changing Nature of Gender Relations in India – A Journey from Intra- Household Gender Dynamics to Social Participation through Government Interventions : An Introspective Approach Towards Women Empowerment By Introduction: Household – The root source for gender relations One of the most important institutions in the lives of people is …
‘Gender and Identity as theoretical concepts’ “The term gender is part of the attempt by contemporary feminists to stake claim to certain definitional ground, to insist on the inadequacy of existing bodies of theory for explaining persistent inequalities between women and men”. (Joan W. Scott, Gender: A useful category of …
The celebrity culture in the modern society has taken a very central position in the lives of people. Celebrities’ lives have become the talk of the day amongst Entertainment magazines, TV shows and internet blogs. They are loaded with information about celebrities. Celebs have been held with esteem in the …
Fay Weldon is an English author, essayist and playwright, who has been one of Britain’s most famous novelists. In her stories, Weldon typically portrays women who find themselves trapped in difficult situations. It can be illustrated by the example of her short story “The Bottom Line and the Sharp End”. …
Gender roles have always been a sensitive subject. Women came a long way since the days Suffrage and the Women’s Liberation Movement. Society is now seeing women as strong, independent, and fierce individuals who can do all that men do. Sometimes they do it even better. Now that roles have …
Until the 1960s, feminism was widely regarded as a sub-set of liberalism and socialism, rather than as an ideology in its own right. Today, however, feminism can be considered a single doctrine in that all feminists subscribe to a range of ‘common ground’ beliefs, such as the existence of a …
“A Simple Heart” is a book composed and written by the renowned writer called Gustave Flaubert. The book is based on the life of a kindergarten servant by the name of Félicité. The author dwells on the life, fantasies, affection, and the working life of this diligent woman called Félicité. …
Introduction Prior to the outbreak of the First World War, people regarded war as a male affair. In fact, right up to the occurrence of the war, women on either side of antagonism vowed themselves to peace, in global harmony. However, within several months into the …
Although gender is not as simple as may seem, Gender comes into play along with a number of different aspects such as sex, gender and gender roles. But what is social inequality? Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses …
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