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European Union Essays

The Costs and benefits of British Imperialism 1846-1914

The authors Patrick O’Brian and Paul Kennedy have both composed a debate within three articles examining whether O’Brian’s theories of British imperialism being negative and that “Britain required an empire which neither benefited trade nor defence”1, contrary to Kennedy’s belief that imperialism had many benefits such as trade and access …

Northern Ireland in 1970Argumentative

Problems began in Ireland long before 1969’s troubles and continue today. The dilemmas are a consequence of an ongoing reason, which is the opinion of some people in Northern Ireland that those of the opposite religion are attempting to overpower and enforce a certain way of life upon the rest …

Partition of Ireland

In 1916, a group of nationalists sized and took over a number of buildings in Dublin, mainly the Post Office. This was called the Easter Rising. They then declared a republic. This led to extremely violent behaviour from both sides, but with a minimum of support in Dublin, the nationalists …

1970's forced migration of Ugandan Asians to the United Kingdom

Idi Amin, the head of Uganda armed forces, came to power in February 1971 in a relatively bloodless coup d’etat while the President of Uganda, President Milton, was attending a Commonwealth Leaders Conference in Singapore. Amin initially was a General in the British army. The initial feeling of great happiness …

British economy in the late Victorian period

Although there is yet no agreement on the nature and extent of Britain’s economic decline before World War 1, British entrepreneurs are often accused of failing to meet the challenges of the time. Especially in comparison with their competitors, who were catching up and in some areas even overtaking between …

The Representation Of Britishness In Two Or Three Media Texts

The three British Media text that were analysed were, first of all, pages 1-3 of ‘The Sun’ newspaper dated January 30th 2007, secondly the BBC news web page created January 5th 2007 and last of all the first episode of the British television sketch show, ‘Little Britain. ‘The Sun’ is …

Compare and Contrast American and British Sitcom

Why are sitcoms so popular? Why do so many people find them so amusing? Maybe it’s the fact that they’re based on day to day events or because they are so humorous. Whatever the reason, it seems we all love them, but the big debate is, which are better, the …

Compare and Contrast the different styles of recent British Prime Ministers

The Prime Ministers are influence the decision-making processes through their leadership styles. Leadership style includes how the leaders relate to those around them, how they like to receive information, and how they make up their minds such as Vision and ideology are important here. In this essay, I will discuss …

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