College Example Essays

For this essay intend to discuss the stylistic and thematic strategies that were used in early expressionist cinema. To demonstrate this I will be looking at the following three German expressionist films. ‘Das cabinet Des Dr. Caligari’, more popularly known as ‘The cabinet of Dr Caligari’ (Robert Wiene 1920) and …
Mulholland Drive (2001) was written and directed by David Lynch. Throughout his film, Lynch uses a variety of surreal techniques through the mise en scene, use of the camera, editing and sound which all combine to create the film’s stylistic system and contribute to the mysterious, ambiguous narrative. As author …
In the opening sequence of ‘Saving Private Ryan’, the director, Steven Spielberg, does clearly establish the characters, the setting or the storyline, very obvious to the audience. However, in the first few shots, he does give a few hints towards these points. As the credits role, they are in white, …
I have been asked to analyze a trailer for the film “mission impossible 2” which is the second film in the series and is directed by John Woo . This film was released in cinemas worldwide in November 7th, 2000. The two most important leading roles are “Ethan Hunt” who …
(i)Elements needed by the camera to create meaning, e. g. costume, lighting, acting etc. (ii)the above elements and also the mise-en-shot, i. e. the type of shot used, camera techniques, and camera movements. The purpose of Mise-en-scene is to add to the narrative in creating meaning, it allows artist expression …
The Moulin Rouge the most outlandishness nightclub, bordello and cabaret Paris has ever seen; where the inspired intersects with the impossible. Starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor, a summer movie made with conventional wisdom and stands out as a vibrant, imaginative gem suffused with the very staples of humanity (freedom, …
This is the final sequence of the film and its ultimate purpose is to show Quinlan’s downfall. Welles cleverly uses sound, lighting and camera work to chart the enormous man’s gradual deterioration and last ditch attempts to save his career. The first short unit as Quinlan leaves the bordello contains …
Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino is a story about four different stories. Tarantino intertextually refers to other movies and aspects of historical society, so much so that Pulp Fiction has been referred to as not a movie but movies. 1 He employs many generic narrative structures and proceeds to …
Clue (1985) is a colourful cinematic remake of the murder mystery game Cludo. It inhabits some of the games charms, but because of this it rather sets itself up to be an almighty cliche, which I might add, it is. Clue attempts to weave together both slap stick comedy (without …
Directed by Dominic Sena and starring lead actors such as John Travolta and Halle Berry along with a cameo role from Vinnie Jones ever the hard man Swordfish is a concoction. It blends a number of features such as BIG visual effects, BIG bangs and an even bigger plot, unfortunately …
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