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College Example Essays

Writing to review a film: The 51st state

Playing for the away team is American pharmacologist Elmo McElroy (Samuel L Jackson) who has fled to Britain (Liverpool to be exact) in order to sell his genius invention however on the mighty home team who are shooting towards the Kop have Felix Desousa (Robert Carlyle) on side, he is …

Three reviews of Boyz N the Hood

The writer firstly compares “Boyz N the Hood” to an article in a “major metropolitan newspaper” this comparison immediately discredits the film’s claim to historical importance that the writer must no doubt be aware of. To complement the film’s poignancy Desson Howe describes the film as “often” tearing “at the …

The cinema trailer for Mission Impossible 2

The soundtrack to M:I-2 is extremely important in the advertising the film to the target audience. As the main theme tune is a revamped version of the old soundtrack, preformed by Limp Bizkit. Limp Bizkit being a popular nu-metal band whose music is also aimed at and currently listened to …

Comparing the endings of Jaws and Psycho

Jaws and Psycho Suspense is a state of anxiety or uncerternity. Directors put this in films to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat and they are trying to get the viewer guessing whats going to happen next. This is important in the horror genre because if you …

A Cultural Analysis of the Film Enemy of the State

The highest executive leaders in today’s world posses information we as citizens do not know. Although this may be information we do not wish to know, much of it could easily change the way we view the world around us. The film Enemy of the State (1998) brings to life …

'Film Noir'

That explains how the genre of ‘Film Noir’ which is used to establish pleasure for the audience. The historical back ground of Film Noir is a 1946 French film Critic to describe certain types of films based on darkness and about the strength of people. It has the historical origin …

Viewing Report: Scrubs, Episode 1 "My First Day"

Scrubs is a relatively new television series based in a hospital which is nothing new but the new spin on hospital drama is that it adds comedy to the formula, focusing more on peoples lives who work in the hospital and less on the medical side of the drama. Although …

`Blade Runner` and `Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome '

`Blade runner’ is a film directed by Ridley Scott who has subsequently directed such films as `Gladiator’ and all the `Alien’ films. He has won many awards in his work as a director. `Blade runner’ is an adaptation of a book called ‘Do androids dream of electric sheep? ‘ written …

Queen of the Damned

The film that I chose to write about in this report was ‘Queen of the Damned’, which is the sequel to ‘Interview with a Vampire’. The open scene in the film has three main narrative hooks, the first of which is in the credits before the film starts. There is …

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