College Example Essays

They say curiosity killed the cat, expressing that it’s dangerous and extremely risky being curious because it can get you put in difficult situations. But for me, curiosity has gotten me to places in my life that I never thought imaginable. Curiosity gives me the courage to take a risk …
Summary: In “Duh Bor-ing” Joseph Epstein explicitly defines boredom throughout this article. Episten discusses the various psychological tolls that boredom takes on a person. He discusses how boredom affects different aspects of everyday life. Epstein goes into detail in explaining how other authors and philosophers perceive boredom too. He also …
AUTEUR THEORY “The auteur theory is a way of reading and appraising films through the imprint of an auteur (author), usually meant to be the director.” Andre Bazin was the founder, in 1951, of Cahiers du cinema and is often seen as the father of auteurism because of his appreciation …
HOW DOES OUR READING OF ‘RETURN TO CARDIFF’ ADD TO OUR UNDERSTANDING OF ABSE’S VIEW OF WALES IN ‘DOWN THE M4’? In ‘Down the M4’, Abse doesn’t portray a particular fondness of Wales or the time he spends there in the present day. And yet it is clear that this …
“The Chase” Annie Dillard wrote a short story called, “The Chase”. The story is about a little girl who plays like the boys. This young girl can easily hold her own against her young neighbor boy friends, and does. On a cold winter day as the children are throwing snowballs …
The conspirators depended on Marcus Brutus for one reason: to justify the murder of Julius Caesar. However after allowing Mark Antony to not only bring in the corpse of their beloved Caesar yet also speak after Brutus during the funeral, it would seem that Brutus’ role in the murder was …
Abstract This experiment of the friction loss along a smooth pipe shows that there are existence of laminar and transitional flows as stated in Graph 2.0 and Graph 2.1. It is proven that the higher velocity along the smooth bore pipe, the higher is the head loss of water. As …
The Lumber Room THE children were to be driven, as a special treat, to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was not to be of the party; he was in disgrace. Only that morning he had refused to eat his wholesome bread-and-milk on the seemingly frivolous ground that there was a …
Muscle System Human Biology The human body is covered by muscles, made up of more than 650 of them. The purpose of the muscular system is for the body to move, maintain posture, and produce heat. There are three different types of muscles tissues; cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. There are …
When a film is described as poetic, it is often taken as a compliment. However, when a film is described as theatrical, it is seen as a critique, scathing at that. What makes poetry the better spouse to cinema? Isn’t cinema but a visual and aural interplay of poetry and …
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