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College Example Essays

How are women represented in Thelma and Louise and Fatal attraction

Feminism was the movement that came to the fore in the 1970s and 80s where women in western society campaigned for equal rights (and media representations) to men by, among other things burning their bras and dressing in male clothing (power-dressing), claiming, if they wanted to be treated the same …

Boyz N The Hood

Boyz N The Hood was released in 1991 and was one of the first contemporary films to deal realistically with the lives of Black Americans. It follows the life of Tre Styles (Cuba Gooding Junior) and shows him growing up in The Hood (South Central L.A.). During the course of …

How does the contemporary femme fatale differ from the femme fatal of the 1940's

Of all the icons of the genre/movement/style that we have come to classify as film noir, perhaps the most memorable is the femme fatale. Her significance is all the more surprising given that this is a predominantly male world – women consistently remained subordinate to the male in film noir, …

The Butterfly Effect

The film seized me from the start with its dark atmosphere and intelligent plot. The first thing that grabbed me and hooked my interest was the unorthodox title. The title at the head of this dark and dramatic film is also a well know theory of cause and effect. Basing …

The Filmmaking of Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino is perhaps the most distinctive and volatile talent to emerge in American film in the last 15years. Unlike the previous generation of American filmmakers, Tarantino learned his craft from his days as a video clerk, rather than as a film school student. Consequently, he developed an audacious fusion …

"The Devils Castle"

Horror films dates back to the 19 century. The first horror movie was released in 1896 called “The Devils Castle”. Since way back before cinemas were invented, humans have always enjoyed the thrill that goes with sudden shock and the twist of supernatural at the end. For centuries horror had …

The techniques used to persuade audiences to watch the films

The purpose of a film trailer is to convince an audience to pay to watch your film, yet often we don’t realise the importance of the trailer. Film trailers give a particular target audience a taster of the film, convincing them that it is worth seeing, but if the trailer …

Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was an English film director and an American citizen from 1955. Alfred Hitchcock was the acknowledged master of the thriller, which he virtually invented. He was a technician who deftly blended sex and suspense. He began his filmmaking career in 1919. Alfred Hitchcock is a master of the …

How is the genre established in the film The Others

In different films, there are different types of genre. This appeals to all audiences. The viewer’s can also chose what type of film they want to watch. Examples of different types of genre are sci-fi, gangster, western, horror, romance and comedy. Films with sci-fi genre are films like Alien (1979). …

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