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College Example Essays

History of Postage Stamps

Great Britain was the first country to introduce postage stamps in 1840. Other countries soon followed with their own stamp issues. When you look at all the world stamps circulating today you can hardly imagine a time when there were no postage stamps. Mail delivery was a hectic affair during …

Importance of a College Education for a Future Career

“I don’t think I’ll give access to college.” How many times have we heard that activity in TV shows and movies? Countless. But if parents can afford to send their students to colleges or universities, they do. Statistics be visible that those who go in search of foster studies after …

Brochures as a Tool of Business Promotion

Brochures are used by companies and businesses to promote their products, services. An attractive brochure design can be very useful and versatile tool of marketing because it allows enough space where you can convey your message. Large companies and businesses use services of professional graphic designers to design their brochures …

Massacre of the Innocents by Sir Peter Paul Rubens

Quietly hanging in the Art Gallery of Ontario is Sir Peter Paul Rubens’ masterpiece. Painted several centuries ago, the theme of the painting is as relevant today as it was during the biblical times. It is a protest against wars and the heinous crimes associated with them. Its name, Massacre …

Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest

Nicely printed on the poster of this movie are the words: THE MASTER OF SUSPENSE WEAVES HIS GREATEST TALE. And true to these words, Alfred Hitchcock does not disappoint. North by Northwest (1959) is full of suspense and is one of the most entertaining flicks ever made. Although it is …

1=2 essay

Air guitars are similar in shape to normal guitars, with the notable difference that they are made entirely out of air. Air guitars typically have 6 strings and 24 frets. Although acoustic air guitars are available, electric air guitars are by far the most popular. Occasionally though, I enjoy strumming …

How To Become a Laser Technician

Laser technicians need to perform an extensive training before performing laser services on the customers. Hence, there is a need to join some reputed laser technician school. This school provides an insight about the laser services that typically ranges from the aesthetic or cosmetic, permanent hair removal, tattoo removal, skin …

"Jerry, Molly and Sam" Theme Esasy

Writer, Raymond Carver, in his short essay, “Jerry and Molly and Sam,” introduces us to Al. Al, is a thirty-one year old man who exhibits a demeanor of finding everyone around him at fault for his dissatisfaction in life. Writer uses first and third person narrative in a chronological plot …

Dominant Themes in Apocalypse Now by Francis Ford Coppola

Apocalypse Now by Francis Coppola is a loose adaptation of the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Colonel Kurtz, played by Marlon Brando, is a rogue soldier that has soon defected from the American army, after he murders two soldiers that he terms as double agents. Captain Willard (Martin …

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