College Example Essays

I chose to research Attila the Hun because of his extraordinary achievements. He was able to hold the Eastern and Western Roman Empires at his mercy, conquer most of central Europe, and unite the Huns. So for my assignment I decided to research the focus question, ‘What made Attila the …
I have chosen to base my macro analysis on the classic action/adventure movie the Raiders of the Lost Ark. The film directed by Steven Spielberg an up and coming director with hits such as Jaws and Close encounters of the third kind under his belt. He made a trilogy of …
Before we deal with the question of Macbeth we must first ask, what is drama? The dictionary states that it is, “Serious plays for theatre, television or radio; writing, producing or acting in plays. ” Drama originated in Rome during Caesar’s rule. It has now since evolved dramatically from the …
Lyrical Ballads has been called a poetic revolution, the true beginning, (In British poetry) of the literary, philosophical and artistic movement known as “Romanticism”. The Romantics were concerned with feeling. In his preface of the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth wrote that “all good poetry is a spontaneous overflow of feelings” The …
This review is about Mean Girls Film. In High School, more than any other time in your life, you are judged by your friends. There’s a group for almost every type of student – even the loners have their exclusive group! The high school pecking order, which favors good looks …
The company I have chosen to write about marketing problems for this course Is the McDonald’s Restaurant Corporation. I have chosen this company because I currently work as the Production Manager, or Kitchen Manager, for the McDonald’s I work at here in Maine.The Production Manager is the person at each …
Gangster and cop movies have seen a good amount of releases since The Godfather first hit the theatres in 1972 and the topic has therefore been rendered a cliché in cinema. This is however not the case with The Departed, although it takes the same approach. It is true that …
1. PRODUCT Carmen’s Best is one of the creamiest artisanal ice cream in the market. It is also rich, smooth and dense that almost a pint of it weighs as heavy as a half gallon-sized ice cream. It means that its ice cream is not pumped with air, a practice …
The pre Twentieth century poem I have chosen is, “The man he killed” by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), and the poem I have chosen that was written after the Twentieth century is, “Dulce et Decorum est. “, by Wilfred Owen. Both these poems are about war, life during and after these …
Malcolm-X was a great leader and many of his leadership qualities were shown in his autobiography. One of these unique qualities was shown when Malcolm was in prison his innovative style of doing things. Another one of his qualities was his determination to accomplish something he wanted to do. His …
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