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College Example Essays

Principles of Management Persuasive

How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objectives in your organization (target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communication process toward attaining your specialized goals? Organization development is a situational or contingency approach to improving enterprise effectiveness. Although various techniques are utilized, the process often involves …

Production of Biodegradable Plastics from Squash Starch

Due to the overwhelming demand of plastic bag production and its effects on our environment, our landfills are crammed with these non-biodegradable materials. Substances used in the manufacturing brought forth various harmful chemicals which worsen over time. As the destructive compounds such as Chlorofluorocarbons were introduced, the complete deprivation of …

Erin Brockovich

The Erin Brockovich movie was an astounding film exhibiting the complexity of research. It also showed the process involved in social research. Erin and her boss, Mr. Masry, were facing a perplexing case against a billion dollar company, PG&E. Erin came across a file regarding one of Mr. Masry’s clients …

Reasons Why Computer Skills Are a Necessity

As the business world grows and evolves with each new wave of technology, basic computer skills are becoming more and more important for individual success. We have all heard that computer skills are necessary, but often this begs the simple question-why? Following are four unique answers to that question. They …

Rockin' 3 Billy Goats

Are you ready?! One of my favourite stories and it actually comes from the country called Norway which is way way up North from Scandinavia and its very cooooolllddd….. Can you imagine how it feels to be cold coz’ i know it’s not very cold right now. So can you …

Rosemary Radford Reuther - "Christology and Patriarchy"

Rosemary Radford Ruether (R.R.) takes a position in her work “Christology and Patriarchy”, which calls for a modernization of the Church’s leadership structure. R.R. explains that the Vatican refuses female ordination because it does not adhere to Christology, the belief that Church leaders should maintain the “image” of Christ. The …

Roxanne Quimby Case

Who can be an entrepreneur? Anyone can be an entrepreneur as long as they have an opportunity and the drive to see it to fruition. To accomplish this they need to be creative and intelligent to build fervor around their idea and assemble a competent team to help make the …

Sally Satel's Organ for Sale

An Analysis of passion: Sally Satel’s “Organs for Sale” Sally Satel is an American psychiatrist based in Washington DC. She is a lecturer at the Yale University School of Medicine, the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author. Books written by Satel include P.C. M.D.: How Political …

Shahnaz Husain

Shahnaz Husain`s journey as an entrepreneur is a great inspiration for all the young entrepreneurs and startup ventures. Shahnaz Husain is one of the rare and few first generation women entrepreneur, pioneer, visionary and an innovator, who introduced a totally new concept of Ayurvedic Care and Cure worldwide. She created …

Sir Walter Raleigh

Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous British Explorer and poet that rapidly gained power by courting Queen Elizabeth I with sweet words, earning the spot of becoming one of the Queen’s favorites. Sir Walter Raleigh was born sometime between 1552 and 1554 in Devonshire, a country that specialized in sheepherding …

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