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Cognitive Development Essays

Speluncean Explorers Case

1. What is the context/background in which this incident occurred? How does it affect the decision-making? This case is a hypothetical legal case, which revolves around the four surviving Speluncean explorers who were charged with the murder of their fifth team member, Roger Whetmore. These explorers set themselves for the …

Moments of Being Ap Prompt

In the excerpt of Moments of Being, Virginia Woolf reflects upon her childhood summers spent with her dad and father. As Woolf relives that one joyful day, she intrigues the reader with her rich writing style. While telling her story, Virginia Woolf uses language techniques such sentence structure, punctuation, and …

Cog Dissonance

Festinger’s (1957) cognitive dissonance theory suggests that we have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and avoid disharmony (or dissonance). Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one …

All Quiet on the Western Front, on the Rainy River, and Lord of the Flies

It is common knowledge that life is filled with difficult decisions; decisions that will be tough to get through. Even characters of books have hard decisions they must make, and even though they may not be real, the characters in the novels and stories have to make choices for what …

Theories of the Communication Cycle and Group Formation

Michael Argyle (1972) – The communication Cycle Argyle believed that interpersonal communication was like learning to drive, a skill that could be developed. It involves building an understanding of listening, observing and reflecting on what another person may try to communicate. The communication cycle could be: Ideas occur – You …

Psychology and Encouragement

When you hear the word encouragement, what do you think? Do you think of motivation, pep talk, or role models? Have you’ve ever asked yourself what yourself what this word even means? To me I’ve thought of it many, multiple times. When I hear this word I think of taking …

The Changes of My Childhood and Adulthood

A few days ago, I had reorganized my cupboard and I found a big mysterious box hidden among old broken stuff. The box was full of photo albums and my old diaries. I very enjoyed watching these photos seeing how I have changed. But when I started reading the diaries, …

Self-Assessment of Leadership Practices

Seven Habits Profile & Findings After completing the seven habits profile, my lowest categories were emotional bank account, life balance, be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, seek first to understand, and sharpen the saw. Life balance was really no surprise to me. I often …

Structuralism and Functionalism Worksheet

Complete the following table: Structuralism Functionalism Main Components -Structuralism is the school of thought that identifies the components of the mind. -The main focus of structuralism is breaking down the mental processes into components and see how they interact with each other. -Determine laws that the elements of consciousness were …

Observation Project

Part 1: Observing infants and toddlers, 3 to 36 months old Observing this toddler has taught me many things. I was able to learn about the different forms of child development and what it looks like. One of the major forms of child development is physical. The child experiences major …

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