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Cell Essays

The Importance Of Genetics

The Importance of Genetics People fear what they do not understand. If only society would take time to understand the facts of genetics, they would grasp the concept of the important role it plays in our everyday life. With our coming into the 21st century we must take advantage of …

Finding the concentration of a Potato cell

Aim The aim is to find the concentration (mole/dm3 (M)) of solute in a potato cell by using the process of osmosis and different concentrations of sucrose solution. Background information Osmosis is diffusion of water across a partially permeable membrane. It moves from a solution with less solute concentration (high …

What is the effect of temperature on the permeability of beetroot cell membranes?

Plan:- Independent Variable- Temperature is what I will be changing in the experiment. I want to find out what effect temperature has on the permeability of a cell membrane. Controlling other Variables- I will use measures to ensure that everything stays the same in my test to gain the best …

The effect of temperature on the cell membrane of a beetroot

Aim In this experiment I will be testing the effect of temperature on the plasma membrane of a beetroot. I will do this by measuring the percentage light transmission using a spectrophotometer. Once I have obtained my results, I will justify them using scientific knowledge explaining what I have observed …

Investigate the effects of osmosis on potato cell sap

I have been asked to investigate the effects of osmosis on potato cell sap. I will test potato cylinders in different strengths of sucrose solution and record any results in a table. I will then analyse my findings and work out the isotonic point of the potato cell sap. Prediction …

A persuasive essay for the use of stem cells for research

Many people have not been fully informed on the topic of human pluripotent stem cell research. Most American have heard a lot on one side, and very little on the other. Hence, they have not and can not fully evaluate the facts and can only give snap decisions, according to …

Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate of Diffusion

Aim and Background This is an experiment to examine how the Surface Area / Volume Ratio affects the rate of diffusion and how this relates to the size and shape of living organisms. The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients and oxygen need to …

Relationships between certain Organelles

The nucleus is the most obvious organelle in a eukaryotic cell. Virtually all eukaryote cells have a nucleus (red blood cells lose theirs and so are enucleate for most of their life-span of 180 days). It is surrounded by the nuclear envelope, a double membrane with contains a large number …

The Function of the Human Eye

Inarguably, the human eye is one of the most complex human organs in the body. The eye aids in almost every activity that people participate in (excluding pin the tail on the donkey). Scientists can only guess at the probability in evolution of the eye being formed; there are so …

The Cell Phone Revolution

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the world has become a smaller place. The time used to travel to far distances has diminished; with the growth of new technologies, traveling and communicating have become simple daily tasks for many people. Through the growth of global communication, people have become …

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