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Audience Essays

An Inspector Calls Critical

OpeningThe style of Prestlies play seems at a first glance to be that of a straightforward, detective thriller, but as the inspector arrives with announcement of Eva smiths death, and the involvement of each members of the family is progressively established. The structure becomes that of a wodnut, with the …

Using Storytelling in the Classroom as a Form of Teaching

Storytelling and narrative have both been used as a teaching device for hundreds of years. Their roots have surrounded religion, generally as an easier way of understanding the beliefs better. From the early views of Animism and Taoism, later to the views of Judaism and Christianity, and throughout time to …

A Brief History of the Audience: Shakespeare Theatre

In Elizabethan times, the theater was a popular source of entertainment. People from all social and economic backgrounds would come to London to enjoy the plays. Inside the theater, conditions were crowded and, by today’s standards, very uncomfortable. Still, people would come from all over to be entertained and celebrate. …

The hypodermic syringe model

The hypodermic syringe model is a theory of media effect on audience. The term is used to describe interaction between the media and public belief, offering the concept of people becoming affected by the information ‘injected’ into them through their information medium. (For example, television viewers would have their minds …

Letter From Birmingham Jail SOAPS

• Subject: Answering several criticisms from the clergymen, Dr. King himself addressed why he was in Birmingham and why racial segregation needed to be changed now. He explicitly pointed out that civil disobedience was necessary and timely. He implicitly blamed the Christian church members for not standing up for their …

Audience Focused Communication Matrix

Use the matrix to complete the information. Write 3-4 sentences for each item. • What are some audience characteristics you need to consider? • What communication channels would be appropriate and why? • What would you do to ensure your message is effective? • What are some considerations you must …

How Does Macbeth Engage Modern Audiences?

Macbeth, an exciting and suspenseful drama written in the seventeenth century by William Shakespeare, still engage modern audiences. The three universal themes of Macbeth are the supernatural, the conflicts of order and ambition, which are still relevant today. This is demonstrated through the original play and Roman Polanski’s film of …

Macbeth Building Suspense in Act 2

Shakespeare uses many images and situations in order to build suspense. Act II is the act that the murder of the king takes place because of this the suspense that is built in this act is particularly important. In scene one,(lines 33-61) the dagger soliloquy builds suspense while Macbeth is …

Florence Kelley Rhetorical Analysis

“Tonight while we sleep, several thousand little girls will be working in textile mills, all night through, in the deafening noise of spindles and the looms spinning and weaving cotton and wool, silks and ribbons for us to buy”. These words, spoken by Florence Kelley, were used to describe how …

VIisual Aids In Presentations

You should only use visual aids if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist comprehension in your presentation. Do not use visual aids just to demonstrate your technological competence – doing so may compromise the main point of your presentation – getting your messages across clearly and concisely. If …

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