Astronomy Essays

My purpose in undertaking graduate study is to equip myself with the skills and in-depth understanding necessary to pursue a productive career in astronomy as an independent researcher. My long-held interest in astronomy began in middle school when I made a telescope using magnifying lenses and a cardboard tube. Mesmerized …
Is said to be the “most eminent woman astrophysicist of all time”. She was one of the only women in a field greatly dominated by men. However, she did not let this stop her from pursuing her dreams in becoming an astrophysicist. She faced a few challenges because she was …
The Marriage of Faith and Science ‘God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.’ — Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer whose discoveries remain the sine qua non of modern astronomy and physics today, was a man who did not believe in the divorce …
Despite the he contributed to the modern world as an advanced mathematician, eminent astronomer, and an excellent map creator which people recognized as an exceptional skill in his time due to his level of thinking. Ptolemy, was also known as Claudius Ptolemaeus in Latin, was born in Egyptian genius in …
Since time immemorial man has been amused by the possibility of there being life beyond earth. This has inspired spirited debates on varied platforms. Scientists have also taken upon themselves to establish various truths regarding the possible existence of extra-terrestrial life. Governments have also weighed on the matter with the …
The aqueous history of Mars has become contradictory subject matter, with geological and climate modelling at odds with each other. Current climate models show that the atmosphere contains only minute amounts of water, liquid water is unstable everywhere, and ice has been detected only at the North Pole (Carr, 1996). …
Why is this dimension of health and wellness important? Emotional health is important because it means you can identify and manage your emotions in a healthy way. Good emotional health helps you become more resilient, self-aware, and content. Why would this dimension of health and wellness be important on mars? …
The idea of the unknown takes one out of reality and into a state of terror! This novel Out of The Silent Planet by C.S Lewis was a novel not just about going to mars and out in space but C.S Lewis brings the readers in by his amazing known …
Rui Wu, the creator of the prototype, and a few professors from the University of Manchester, published this article in the Acta Astronautica to inform the public about the development of new heat shield prototype for future spaceships. Wu is in Manchester’s School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering. Rui …
Retropropulsion is basically using the thrust provided by the rocket engines against the velocity vector so as to decelerate the object or specifically the space craft. Consequently, supersonic Retropropulsion is deceleration of objects having supersonic speeds using Retropropulsion methods. This is a method lately being considered by many space organisations …
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