Life on Mars. Is that true?

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- Word count: 660
- Category: Mars
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Order NowSince time immemorial man has been amused by the possibility of there being life beyond earth. This has inspired spirited debates on varied platforms. Scientists have also taken upon themselves to establish various truths regarding the possible existence of extra-terrestrial life. Governments have also weighed on the matter with the United States being at the forefront in investigating these claims through National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA has been keen on acquiring information through sophisticated technology to monitor outer space. Winston Churchill is also said to have penned an essay on the same issue opening the high probability of life beyond earth as many know it. However, clouded with conspiracy theories and enthusiastic uptake of extraterrestrial related stories or narratives, there has been much information both false and true which has blurred this issue. Nevertheless, science is pointing man in the right direction with notable strides being made to pinpoint signatures that could prove the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
Many scientists believe that extraterrestrial life exists as well as other scientists who doesn’t. They believe that its evolution would have taken place independently in different places in the universe. Through the variously deployed space rovers in planets such as Mars, information has been gathered which points to the possibility that Mars could have hosted life at some point in time. According to one of the lead scientists, NASA found a habitable environment that is benign yet supportive of life (Jakosky 890). Collected and analyzed rock samples have shown that Mars was once awash with water. Elements such as sulfur, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and phosphorous are some of the ingredients of life. Other minerals such as sulfides and sulfates could have been consumed by primitive microbes (Jakosky 890). All these discoveries with time are putting in perspective the possibility of life beyond earth.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) movement has been core in seeking answers in regard to life beyond earth. For instance, in 1995, two Swiss astronomers announced that they had detected about 50 light-years from Earth, a planet orbiting a sun-like star (Ksanfomality and Tavrov 427). These exoplanets have been a source of excitement for many people as they may bring science closer to establishing the possible existence of other civilizations in outer space. The production of Methane in Mars suggested that metabolization of nutrients by the soil was taking place hence the production of the gas. The Ohio State University in August 1977 detected a major pulse of radiation near the Sagittarius constellation. Another evidence of extraterrestrial life is associated with the 2001 discovery that the red color of Europa, Jupiter’s moon contained frozen bits of bacteria (Rees 24). Scientists observed that despite being all icy, gathered data indicates that the surface reflects infrared radiation in a rather strange manner.
They acknowledge that this may point to the existence of bacteria. On the contrary, a section of scientists believes that the suppositions adopted about life beyond earth are ancient just like humanity. Rees cites that the quest for SETI is a valuable venture given that there would be a great philosophical importation in case of any detection. He echoes that SETI would be relevant in portraying that intelligence is not only unique in earth alone, and the concepts of physics and logic are not unique to human beings only (Rees 24). Additionally, much of the extraterrestrial life debate has been fueled by the media and science-fiction literature that is tinged with conspiracy theories. In conclusion, the possibility of life and existence of new civilizations beyond humankind definitely cannot be wished away. All the little evidence and signatures being collected as the years go by signal that man may eventually have tangible proof that there is life beyond earth in the expansive universe after all. However, with the popularity of the subject, false claims and sensational arguments may be put forward which may debride this issue the much-needed objectivity.