Art Essays

At a glance, if someone knows nothing about the painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso, it might look insane, unintelligible, and meaningless. However, the picture hides a broad meaning and history behind itself. Therefore, whether someone is interested in art or not, the analysis of the painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso …
Pieces of art always shock us by their unusualness, fancifulness, and loveliness. Each of us has own ideas of beauty, but everyone will admit with unique beauty and richness of Andy Warhol’s works. Are there people in the world who didn’t recognize the Andy Warhol’s name? Maybe a little quantity …
Grotowski’s work on a ‘Holy theatre’ with his Theatre Laboratory took place from 1959-70 after which he stopped producing theatrical work to carry out paratheatrical work. The term ‘Holy Theatre’ is focussed on making theatre more like ritual. Actors had to be trained thoroughly, not just rely on inspiration for …
The editorial is an enthusiastically, conservative times editorial, written to commemorate the centenary of Faraday’s death. This takes the form of two enthusiastic lectures by the Lords Rayleigh and Sir James Dewar, and was typically directed at an elite male, professional audience. Lord Rayleigh enthusiastically, demonstrated some of Faraday’s best …
Six are the features all of the arts have in common and six is the number of different types of arts I’m going to use in order to prove these characteristics are shared. A certain level of skill, conveying an emotion, being human made, intention, being original and interplaying between …
Walter Benjamin published his interpretation of Marxism in relation to aesthetics in his essay ‘The work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’. Although it was first available in 1936, in the Frankfurt Institution Journal, it was not until 1973 that the influential essay was translated in Illuminations, edited …
Symbolism is an important aspect in this novel. Harper Lee was writing in the 1950s, a time when racial tension in America was an important social issue. She said that Maycomb is a ‘microcosm of America’ at that time. She grew up in a town called Monroeville in the 1930s. …
Robert Browning was one of the great poets of the Victorian age in two of his poems, ‘My Last Duchess’ and ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ he gives us an insight into the minds of two abnormally possessive lovers. In these dramatic monologues, both personas seek control over the women they love and …
In the 21century, the products developments are changed a lot. But there are many products still designed by two evolutions – Modernism and Postmodernism. They are very important ideology for the design. And also The Postmodernism is evolved from Modernism. However, Modernist and Postmodernist are still using for many products …
Numerous other authors use the concept of people being stuck on an empty island. It symbolizes that the characters on the island have no way of leaving, do not have extra supplies, and have no outside influence and are completely free from law and order. Golding takes advantage of this …
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