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Each One Teach One

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A group of benevolent students have come together to educate the children of the construction workers residing near the, under construction, Zakir Hussain lecture hall in the north campus. Nidheesh Kumar PR, MA Mass Communication student initiated the daily non-formal education programme, “Each One Teach One” (EOTO) to help educate the children five years and above in Mathematics, English, Hindi, Telugu and drawing. Started on January 25th, 45 volunteers from different departments of the university gather at 5 in the evening, near old SN School and each volunteer teaches two-three children, on shift basis. The class started with a total strength of 20 students out of which 12 students have learned how to read and write while the others are catching up.

Manjula the eldest among the students said she liked attending EOTO more than her school in Mehboob Nagar where they lived and had to come here because of her father’s work. “We provide the children with pencils, books and slates and organize picnic with the donations we receive from our well-wishers,” said Nidheesh Kumar. He also added that the parents are showing their gratitude and are being supportive with the programme. The organizers have also supplied the children with dress and school bags from the fund they collected from the hostels. “It gives me an inner satisfaction and makes me happy when I see their urge to learn how to read and write,” said Garima, one of the volunteer. The group expects to take the program to the south campus, in the near future, from where five children have registered already and for this, the group wishes to have more volunteers to support and to be a part of this noble cause.

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