Define and contrast the three ethical perspectives

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1292
- Category: Communication Contrast Ethics Perspective Psychology
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Order Now1. The negative emotions from previous experiences, if not released, continue to hunt us and get expressed when we expect less. They are triggered by similar situations that show up in our life, without consciously recognizing them. Did it occur to you to get upset or raise the tone of your voice for something that… was not really a big deal? It could be one of those situations, that triggered past emotions not released. As long as you don’t identify and release them, they could affect your interpersonal communication since others won’t really know from where your overreaction is coming from.
2. Low self-esteem takes a huge toll on interpersonal communication. Not having the courage to express your ideas (because you believe they’re not worthy), could send a different message than the one you want to project. It might mislead other people, leaving them to believe whatever they want (which might be different from what you want). Low self-esteem could also show up as lack of confidence, or by not taking responsibility for your own actions. Do I have to mention the impact on the interpersonal communication?! Who would like to spend more time or collaborate with someone who doesn’t take responsibility for his actions? Or who does not trust himself, and is waiting for help all the time?
3. Lack of commitment comes usually from not knowing what you want, or from not having the courage to take the right actions. Lack of commitment plays a huge role in interpersonal communication, since its so easy to spot it… and no one likes it. How to communicate effectively with someone who is not committed, who doesn’t pay attention or simply ignores you?!
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence: Explain the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications. Supporting Evidence:
1. Interpersonal communication is inescapable
We can’t not communicate. The very attempt not to communicate communicates something. Through not only words, but through tone of voice and through gesture, posture, facial expression, etc., we constantly communicate to those around us. Through these channels, we constantly receive communication from others. Even when you sleep, you communicate. Remember a basic principle of communication in general: people are not mind readers. Another way to put this is: people judge you by your behavior, not your intent.
2. Interpersonal communication is irreversible
You can’t really take back something once it has been said. The effect must inevitably remain. Despite the instructions from a judge to a jury to “disregard that last statement the witness made,” the lawyer knows that it can’t help but make an impression on the jury. A Russian proverb says, “Once a word goes out of your mouth, you can never swallow it again.”
3. Interpersonal communication is complicated
No form of communication is simple. Because of the number of variables involved, even simple requests are extremely complex. Theorists note that whenever we communicate there are really at least six “people” involved: 1) who you think you are; 2) who you think the other person is; 30 who you think the other person thinks you are; 4) who the other person thinks /she is; 5) who the other person thinks you are; and 6) who the other person thinks you think s/he is. We don’t actually swap ideas, we swap symbols that stand for ideas. This also complicates communication. Words (symbols) do not have inherent meaning; we simply use them in certain ways, and no two people use the same word exactly alike. Body Paragraph #3
Topic Sentence: Evaluate appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships. Supporting Evidence:
As with all communication, it must also be appropriate to the context in which the communication occurs. For example, sharing intimate details about your relationships or discussing personal issues in professional situations such as the classroom or the workplace is inappropriate in most circumstances. Disclosure that is inappropriate to the context is referred to as over-disclosure. To determine what is appropriate, you must consider the context in which the communication occurs, the amount (how much information you disclose), the depth (to what level of detail), duration (how long you talk), the target (the nature of your relationship with the other person), and the situation (the time and place of the disclosure) Body Paragraph #4
Topic Sentence: Recognize how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception. Supporting Evidence:
Words have catalyzed and stirred nations into revolution and triumph, and with a single word, the nations have succumbed to nothing. Words have lifted me up, words have brought me down. Words have excited me, congratulated me, thanked me and filled my heart with glee. On the other hand, words have broken me, hurt me, and killed me. Words have inspired ambition while increasing rationality. Words have comforted many for the hope of a better tomorrow. Words do not stand on street corners and beg for pity, words do not fish for compliments or gratitude. They are content in doing their job without recognition from others. Body Paragraph #5
Topic Sentence: Understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships.
Supporting Evidence:
A wealth of emotions can be conveyed with a look, a sigh, a smile or a tilt of the head. Nonverbal communication is not just something we do to show how we are feeling, but we also depend on our interpretations of it when we interact with each other. Nonverbal communication includes body language, tone of voice and facial expressions, all of which can be misinterpreted. When nonverbal cues are misinterpreted, it can create conflict in a relationship. For example, if you share a deep secret with your best friend, and she frowns at you, you might interpret that as disapproval — even though she may have been frowning in concentration. If you cross your arms while talking to your boss, you might just be cold — but your boss might see that as a sign that you disagree with him.
If you speak to your lover in a sarcastic tone, he might become defensive — even if the actual words spoken were not accusatory. Conclusion- Thesis statement: I want to provide strategies for resolving or managing interpersonal conflict within a relationship. I had to identify the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions, explaining the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications, evaluating appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships, recognize how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception and understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships. Participants also learned about the causes and effects of conflict by evaluating the appropriate use of different conflict management styles, and focused on the application of collaborative, win-win techniques.
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