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Complementary Therapy

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Complementary therapies add an extra dimension of care to Hospice’s commitment to nurturing the body, mind, and spirit. These non-invasive, holistic practices do not replace the medical, social, or spiritual care of the hospice team. Rather, they work with the total care of the interdisciplinary team to promote comfort and wholeness for both patients and their families. Complementary Therapy services are provided by : 1.Staf 2.Volunteers 3. Interns. They are available, by referral, to homecare and facility patients throughout the Hospice & Palliative Care Center service area, Massage Massage is the oldest form of medical treatment known to man. Massage is used to relieve muscle tension, help the body relax and promote a feeling of well being. We also have aromatherapists who are able to ofer massage with essential oils.


This is a therapy which works by the application of gentle pressure to various points on the feet. It is suggested that the application of this pressure in a certain way can enhance general well being and give a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. Shiatsu The literal meaning of shiatsu is fingerpressure and its practice dates back several thousand years. Shiatsu is given with the receiver remaining fully clothed and either lying on a futon on the floor, on a couch or sitting in a chair. Like all the therapies we ofer at the hospice, its principal aim is to achieve wellbeing and relaxation. Reiki Reiki is a Japanese healing art that was developed by Dr Usui in Japan in the early 20th century. Reiki means “universal life energy” in Japanese. Reiki isn’t part of any type of religion or belief system.

During the session, you remain fully clothed and it can be given in any comfortable position. Reiki is a good choice if you are looking for deep relaxation. Music Therapy In hospice care, music therapy is a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and spiritual care. Music therapists mold live music to decrease anxiety and pain, to promote relaxation, to facilitate communication, and to provide support in life review and legacy work. Yoga It is a whole body philosophy, involving working with breathing (pranayama), stretching exercises, postures (asanas) and meditation. These create harmony between your mind, body and spirit and help clear and calm your mind. Visualization ď‚ž ď‚ž ď‚ž The idea behind visualisation is that you use the power of your imagination to help relieve symptoms or manage problems. Learning to direct and control images in your mind can help you to relax.

This may help to Relieve stress Boost your immune system to help your body fight of infections and promote healing Aromatherapy Boosts wellbeing, relieve stress, and help to refresh your body. So it may improve your physical and emotional health. The theory behind aromatherapy is that each essential oil has its own specific health benefits. For example, it is suggested that lavender can help with sleeping problems, and it may relieve muscle tension and anxiety. Acupuncture Medical research has shown that acupuncture works by stimulating nerves to release the body’s own natural chemicals. The chemicals help to relieve symptoms. For example, a number of our own natural morphine like substances (endorphins) are released in the spinal cord and brain to relieve pain. Serotonin can be released by acupuncture to help make you feel more relaxed and give a feeling of well being. PHILOSOPHIES OF COMPLIENTARY THERAPY  Illness occurs if the body is out of balance. The body can heal itself and maintain a healthy state if given the right conditions. The whole person should be treated, not just the disease or the symptoms. The gentlest therapies must be tried first before harsher ones. There is no quick fix, since healing and balance take time. Natural products are preferable to synthetic ones.

Examples of Complementary Therapy  Acupuncture Alexander technique Aromatherapy Herbal medicine Homeopathy Naturopathy Reiki Yoga. Why People Use Complementary Therapy? Achieving and maintaining good health As an aid to the performance of everyday tasks Dissatisfaction with conventional medical practices Unsatisfactory doctor-patient relationships The desire to take charge of your own health and medical problems The increase in easy-to-access consumer health information, including health information on the internet Evidence of the benefits and safety of some complementary medicines and therapies

 Dissatisfaction with limited success rates or adverse side efects of prescription medicines

 The desire to receive healthcare that treats the whole person and not just their symptoms (it’s worth noting that both complementary healthcare practitioners and some conventional health professionals actively endorse holistic care).


http://hospicecarecenter.org/services/complementary-therapies http://www.sthelenahospice.org.uk/how-we-can-help/patients/compleme ntary-therapies.aspx http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancers-ingeneral/treatment/complementary-alternative/therapies/yoga http:// www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancers-in-general/treatment/c omplementary-alternative/therapies/visualisation http:// www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancers-in-general/treatment/ complementary-alternative/therapies/aromatherapy http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancers-in- COMPLEENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY

A complementary therapy means you can use it alongside your conventional medical treatment. It may help you to feel better and cope better with your cancer and treatment. It is important to discuss with your doctor any complementary therapy that you are thinking of using. ď‚ž An alternative therapy is generally used instead of conventional medical treatment. All conventional cancer treatments have to go through rigorous testing by law in order to prove that they work. Most alternative therapies have not been through such testing and there is no scientific evidence that they work. Some types of alternative therapy may not be completely safe and could cause harmful side efects.

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