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Comparison Paragraph Good and Bad Examples

A essay
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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 335
  • Category: College

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A contrast paragraph discusses the differences between (at least) two things. You can organize contrast paragraphs in much the same way that you can organize comparison paragraphs. In making contrast paragraph, they must be parallel in each other. In order to write a parallel construction, you must write about each character using the same categories of comparison.

Here are some contrast conjunctions that you can use in making a contrast paragraph:

Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.

High School and College are both institution of learning, they differ in many ways. One of the difference between high school and college is their attendance policies. High School students are less responsible and college students are really hardworking. Another difference between high school and college is their policies about homework. In high school, homework is required to help motivate students to study while in college, they may skip classes if they choose to do so. Furthermore, they both serve the same purpose, to prepare as an individual for the real world.

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