Baby dumping is a serious problem among teenagers in Malaysia

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This is the real case of baby dumping that stated in Bernama news, 23 January 2014. The reporter said that the body of a newly-born baby girl was found in the menās toilet of the Alwi Mosque. Speaking to reporters at the scene, Kangar Police Chief Supt Abdul Rahman Mohd Noordin said a member of the congregation made the discovery at 7am. He said when it was found the body was clean and without a trace blood, pointing to the possibility that it had been born elsewhere and later placed there. Abdul Rahman added that when it was discovered, the body was not covered in any kind of cloth. Here, the baby dumping cases is the most serious problem in Malaysia. According to (2012, Julai 06) Baby-dumping cases in Malaysia escalate. The Star/Asia News Network said that there has been spike in the number of baby-dumping incidences since 2010. After dropping from cases in 2008 to 79 in 2009, the figure increased to 91 and 98 in 2010 and 2010 respectively.
This situation will give the individual high risk of death caused by bleeding and infection on motherāswombs. Women who are involved in abortion without proper medical procedures take high risks of death. It is because the infection and bleeding in the uterus can cause the woman to be unconscious or worse, death. Basically this problem is initiated by the young people who are stalwartly influenced by many modern cultures. Particularly high school and universities students are involved more in baby dumping. The immature students cannot figure out the consequences of free sex could have on their lives.
The effect of baby is make the mortality higher due to medical care is not perfect. According to statistics infant mortality by irresponsible person 2 years ago, the problem had increased to 135 case from 2008 to 2009.
Traditionally Malaysia possesses a strong culture with values and peace. In Malaysia free sex and baby dumping is unacceptable and taboo in this society. However, there is no doubt to say that baby dumping destroys values of a society, social cohesions, stability, laws and order which are the roots of a social structure. Apart from that baby dumping creates many problems that government needs to address which is pretty expensive like violence between family members, killing, legal action against each other, country image. Therefore the objective of this paper is to analysis the in-depth reasons of baby dumping as well as its impact on Malaysian society and economy.
Baby is defined as a very young child, especially one that has not yet begun to walk or talk (Cambridge Advanced Learner Online Dictionary). Dumping is defined as to get rid of something unwanted, especially by living it in a place where it is not allowed to be. However early 1990s was the first time when already was dump and dispatcher was arrested by police and charge with abandoning her new born baby in a litter scattered lots. On that onward the baby dumping cases have never to be sin the declining not diminishes. Till today the number of baby dumping is increase all over the world. In Malaysia, baby dumping issues has already been distressed as a serious problem for the society and academic progress. Recently they have been report of baby dumping in a number of place in Malaysia such as Kelantan, Melaka, and Kuala Lumpur. According to Kitty Lim (2010) the performer of baby dumping where to be more among unmarried partner. The number of babies of wedlock a recorded increasingly to 301 cases with 34 of them will delivery by under 18. Mother (Hospital Kuala Lumpur). According to Doctor Muhammad Ali Hassan (2010) the responsible for baby dumping are also done by young women who are primary afraid of facing their family judgement.
In this modern era, baby dumping is one of the main social issues that is happening rapidly day by day. This case appears every day in newspapers, magazine and on social network as well. We should appreciate and respect theĀ value of a soul before involve in this kind of embarrassing behaviour. There are so many causes and effects for the baby dumping issue arise in our society.
There are 5 causes of baby dumping. These include family break up, lack of knowledge, poverty and rape.
First of all, family break up lead the teenagers to involve in this irresponsible case. A healthy family plays an important role in a teenager’s life. The abruptly change in the families environment is not something easy to adapt in their mind. So,they will find for a new relationship that can occupy their loneliness and feelings without thinking about the consequences as well. Furthermore,this even can become worst if their parents decided for a divorce where their kids haven’t yet ready to face any of the situations in terms of love and protection. From this point, they may tend to find the alternative way to get all what they have lost. Forexample, newrelationship, happiness and freedom. This is what makes them to have a sexual relationship with an opposite gender at any random hotel rooms and even at lonely places.
Another factor contributing to the increasing of baby dumping cases is lack of knowledge either in moral side or religious side. Religious teaches people the correct path way of life. Religion assures a greater reward in the afterlife to worldly failures than to successful life. This kind of assurance encourages members to continue their life in the correct way. So, religious is one of the best medicines to overcome all this kind of social issues because it help the people to keep their heart and mind strong. On the other hand, moral values are the guiding principles which held in high esteem by a particular society. Moral values are important in teenagers life because it consume a lot of standard of behaviour where going to lead the new generation into high level. They should have proper knowledge in moral side to make their self-confident and continue their lifeĀ in correct way and also to avoid them influence by the society.
Nevertheless, poverty also another factor that causes baby dumping scenario in this society. Poor society welfare system on who are not capable in financial of taking care of child is more favour to dump the baby. This frequently occurred on adolescence in initial period to start the relationship or intend to have marriage. Political condition such as difficulty in adoption proceedings, may also contribute to baby dumping. Furthermore, the responsible society has failed to convince the people and make them realize the important to save the precious life of babies before it become plague in our community. Societies with strong social structures and liberal adoption laws tend to have lower rates of baby dumping.
3.1.3 RAPE
Furthermore, rape also another factor that causes baby dumping. Moreover, rape case can be classified more baffling in this society because it still happening in this millennium century. In some cases it happen among the family descent or it may happen molestation force by others as nowadays we read in the front of news. The person who we trust more will betray us in disgraceful manner. The victim are not willing to do that so, consequently causing them not to welcome the baby in their pregnancy. After become pregnancy they will be conducive to diminish the baby and claim it as blessedness child. So, the hatred to the culprit interprets to risk the baby life by tendency to abandon it somewhere out of their sign.
Psychologists believe the force by closest members or family can cause the drastic change of action and disturbing the human morality thinking. The initial instinct are totally object to their compel action. As a mother it is hard to accept and if they are genuinely intend to act such that cruel activity to dump baby after bring it in their pregnancy. The small agitation and compulsion from the people around them distract or convince them to finish the life of innocent baby in such irritationĀ mannerism.For example, a parent force their kid to abortion the baby, afraid of the slander by the villager and their community surround.
In a nutshell, we should overcome this social issue before it become worst in our society. Every individual play an important role to avoid these causes in order to live happily in future and the government as well.
Baby dumping in Malaysia today have been affected and the greatest impact on society. The effects of baby dumping can be classified into several parts such as the impact of the baby, the mother who gave birth, the family is involved in baby dumping, the impact on society and the state.
3.2.1 BABY
Loss of consequence of human nature in itself, babies were being victimized and their impacts is not all babies can identify their biological parents. These babies are also bearing the title of an illegitimate child throughout their life even they are become victims the situation in this matter. Furthermore, these babies are still young and did not understand what was happening to them. What’s worse are they dumped in remote areas and away from public view, that cause babies who have died innocent.
The second effect is the impact on mothers. This is because, when mothers give birth, they are not in a comfortable in the situation. Without preparation, the mother will have an infection, injury during childbirth, and also lost a lot of blood. The majority of them have children without the help of the hospital and the other because of shame. In addition, the baby’s mother wills also having a problem in themselves, such as depression, loss of self-confidence, and emotional problems. This is a consequence of their own actions, which is absolutely wrong in law, religion, and country.
3.2.3 FAMILY
The consequences of baby dumping also affect the baby’s mother’s family. ThisĀ is because parents would be ashamed of having children outside of marriage childbirth. What are worrying is the neighbours around them, certainly hold a negative perspective to their family. This problem also will make the problem of divorce. Parents who is involved with making unconscionable will blame themselves for not good at educate and giving birth to age children who had to deal with this matter.
The fourth effect is the effect on society. Baby dumping cases occurred has been affect the image of the surrounding communities. They certainly be embarrassed and disappointed with what happened. Definitely teenagers blamed in this case because usually, the largest group of teenagers involved in these activities. Society has to accept the consequences resulting from this immoral activities and indirectly gave rise to the perception of outsiders about the credibility of the local community in preventing cases like this continues.
3.2.5 STATE
Cannot be denied this baby dumping a huge impact on the country. Among the impression that the economy is definitely happening is difficult to develop due to the existence of social problems. Furthermore, government spending has increased to accommodate the baby is placed in social welfare homes. This is because babies have been found are usually placed in welfare homes as temporary housing community. At the same time, the baby’s parents will be searched and if not found, the house is certainly a permanent to them. These kinds of things is definitely a burden to the government and related parties in financial terms.
An average of 100 babies are abandoned a year, based on reports filed with the police. Babies dumped in churches, mosques, temples, toilet bowls, rubbish dumps and abandoned. Mostly, babies are dumped by unwed mothers and under-aged girls who are young, naive, immature and frightened. The pregnant girls find themselves in a difficult situation. Most dump the babies forĀ fear of being disowned by their families. Steps have to be taken to remedy this situation. So in this blog we will discuss about this issue, including research objective and research question. What the solution of the problem? Many ways we can try to solve the problem.
The first solution is more attention from their parents. This is because the parents must give more attention with their children. The knowledge about the social must be explain to their children so that the children can know the overview of the social life. The parents must have responsibilities on the children. They must check in on them at events, lessons, and sport activities and so on. The parents must tell them if they make mistakes and say to them that however something bad happens to them. The parents must give some explanations about the sex. That means parents must inform the negative impact doing extra marital sex. Furthermore, for Islamic religion, parents must inform extra-marital and this way can help this problem reduced.
The second solution trough via school and teacher. Sex education must have at school. This is because sex education is the key to solve this problem. Sex education is not only about the mechanics of sex but also learning how to respect our bodies and another part is needed to encourage responsibilities sexual behaviour and avoid unwanted pregnancies that causes baby dumping. Parents cannot give only the responsible to the teacher and school cause parents also the important way to solve the problem.
The third solution is precautions by government. We all know, we all know, dumping are crimes, but didā not all of us know that these acts are also cries for help. Sometimes they dump their baby because they may feel that there is no one they can turn to for help. But we must show that communities can take steps to prevent baby dumping by giving mothers support and reassurance. And let they know place such as childrenās care centres is the better place to turn for their problem, without take unmoral way like dumping their baby. The government has to exterminate the pornographicĀ material from internet and electronic multimedia. This is because the teenagers are now free to access any websites without limits., government have established āsafe houseā in public areas such as church, police station, fire station and other public areas where women can bring their unwanted children and put in the basket provided. This is a better precautionary step rather than throwing the babies in the receptacles. The community have to execute their responsibility especially friends and neighbourhood. They have to support them and gave them strength and confidence to continue their life
To conclude the cases about baby dumping is many way to solve the problem , but sometimes we must know why the problem come trough to cases , many causes like such as family break up , lack of knowledge either in moral side or religions side , poverty and raped. We have some solution to solve the problem such as trough via parents, school, teachers and government. So, the problem can solve with the ways. The baby needs protection in their growth up. Baby dumping is sensational news that can spoil our countries image