An Online Grade Encoding and Inquiry System via SMS Technology

- Pages: 4
- Word count: 854
- Category: Grades Message Technology
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Order NowInnovation have made possible for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing record systems such as, creation of data records, storing, filing and retrieval of data. Short Message service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to allow fixed line or mobile phone services to exchange short text messages. The Mindanao State University – Maguindanao uses a system to keep all the records of the employees of the said university. It keeps the records of the seven (7) colleges namely: CAS, CED, CPAG, CFES, COFESCO, AGGIES, and the High School Department for a total of 155 faculty and 156 staffs. The MSU- Maguindanao are manually distributed their grades to the students, they are using database system in encoding grades. The registrar office encoded the grades of the students once the instructors submitted their report card.
The registrar office will release the grades of the students after they encode and the students can get their grades from the registrar office. Inquiry system via SMS of MSU- Maguindanao through Short Messaging Service provides efficient and accurate grade reports. On the other hand, it intends to perform the following operations; study and develop the manual operation by the office of the registrar; find out what are the circumstances causes the delay of releasing of grades; minimize the time consumed in searching for the grades of the students in the filling and retrieval of data. To ease these difficulties in knowing the grades, a system using SMS or Short Messaging Service will be used.
Since mobile phone seems to be a positive feature which most individual’s posses, and take almost in all places with them, it is therefore an extremely effective means of transporting information to them quicker and easier. This study aimed to develop an entry way of accessing or inquiring of smaller that would minimize and lessen the efforts and tasks of the students than creating the normal inquiring of grades. Therefore it allows students of different colleges an ease in keeping track of their grades and decrease waiting time. Statement of the Problem
This aims to answer the problem the manual encoding submission and distribution of student’s grades of MSU- Maguindanao. The long process of inquiry of grades are inconvenient, tiresome and at some instances are time consuming and costly. The students need to go directly to their respective registrar in order to inquire their grade. The instructors are encountering errors during encoding the grades. The instructors need to go the register just to encode the grades. Specifically, the study will also address the following:
1. How would a system develop or lessen the registrar task in encoding of grades? 2. How would a system develop or enable the grades to be sent? 3. How would a system develop or shorten the process of inquiry of grade? 4. How would a system develop or enable the teacher to encode grades? 5. How can a system develop or enquire grade via SMS?
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to develop an inquiry system via SMS for MSU- Maguindanao. Specifically, the proposed system aimed to:
1. To develop a system that will lessen the register task in encoding of grades;
2. To develop a system that enables grades;
3. To develop a system that will shorten the process of enquiry of grades;
4. To develop a system that enables the teacher to encode grade;
5. To develop a system that can inquire grades via SMS;
Significance of the Study
This study was made to find out that the use of online-based system will lessen the time for the transaction of encoding and releasing the grade of the Students. Also in using this system it can recognize the person involved in this study This study will benefit the following persons:
Professors of MSU- Maguindanao
It can help them to encode the grade through system
Students of MSU- Maguindanao
It can help them to inquire their grades in a more efficient way. They can
get their summary of grades through SMS. Registrar of MSU- Maguindanao
It can help them to lessen their tasks in preparing of summary of grades of the students. Parents/Guardians
It can help them monitor the grades of their children
Future Researchers
It can help them as a grade to enhance more from their future thesis
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The request of the grade can be done through any network of cellular phones. The administrator has an authority to edit the grades with the permission of the instructors. The instructors can encode grades of the students through online. The students can inquire grades via SMS by entering a verification code from mobile phone. The administrator can add, view and delete subjects, students and instructors. The administrator can print the summary of the students.
It cannot be use for handling delayed messages. If the instructor submitted wrong grades of student, the system is not reliable in human error. The grade encoding process relies on system. The system cannot accept landline number in registration for the students as their contact number.